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VOL. X1V......NO, 4242. 


Gen, Grant Puts an Und to the 
1 Sherman Truce, 

The Rebels Give Up the Cause 
of Jeff, Davis, 

Thiy Surrender on the Same Terms 
Granted to Lee. 

“AU the Rebel Troops Enst of Al- 
abama Disbanded. 

Substantial Close of the War East of 
the Mississippi, 

Was Dariscveny, 
Wassincren, Dey AS ee, Mf 

Maj. Gen Dix: 

A dispatch from Gen, Grant, dated at Ra- 
lelgh, JOP. Af, April 26, just recelvod by this 
epartinent, vtates that “Jomyeron eurrendered 
the forces in hia command, embracing all from 
here to the Chattahoochee, to Gen. SHERMAN, on 
the baeie agreed upon between Ler ond myself 
for the Atmy of Northern Virginia.” 

Eowix M, Stastox, 
Secretary of War. 

Fonrney Nosaot, Toutteay, dpa! 7, | 
Ma Datrinons, Friday, Apri 2s 

A rleamer arrived here this moming, from 
Morehesa City, bringing aayices from Nexdern, 
that Geo. Gaunt nas eifectualiy put ao ena to the 
armlaiice agreed upon between Gen, Surnuan and 
Gev. Jcnstr0%, 

Gen, Geant bad given Gen, Jousst0s op to. o'clock 
Yesterday (Wednesday) moroing to surrender ble 
army, The conditions are unkvown, 

Gen. Onasr anooanced that after that hovr boetill 
er would at orce be rervaed, 

To thie Gen. Seuncroy 1s eald to bave repited {nat 
MJerreus0x Davis ona whe leading general officers 
ef the Confederacy were pardoned, and permission 
slven them to leave the country, be woold be aus 
Motard to aceept ihe terma preposed. 

The Tersie of Jahaston’s Surrender. 

As tho terms of surrender accorded to the 
retel Ger, Jeun'rox arc the same ax thoce dtclated 
to Gen, Lue, we retreeh tho reader's recollection by 

Qin.Gasnn'e ade 

Oo. RE Le ~ = 

In accordance mith the entetance of my letter to 

700, of the bi Iowt., I propese ta recelve ine turton. 

er of the Army of Nor\bern Virginia on the follow: 
4 Ing tern, to wit: Rolle of alt the officers acd men 

to ve matn In duplicate; one copy to be elven 
to any officer designate by me, tne olher 
to bo retained by -much officers ax you may 
€etlgon'e, The officers 10 glve thelr undisided 
paroles not {0 ake op arron agalust the Gorescment 
of the United States unill properly exchanged, and 
each company or regtmool commander slgo a ike 
parole for the men of fuelr commande; the arms, a¥- 

Lllery ond pubit> proverty fo bo peeked, stacked and 

roraed over to the officers appotbted by me to receive 

(wee, ‘Thie will not embrace the sido arme of the 

oicere, nor thelr private horees or baggage, Tals 

oor, cara cficor and man will be allowed lo return 
fo thelr bomen uot to be dlaturoed by Ihe Untied 

States authorities eo long as they obsorve thelr parole 

and tho iame ta force wheto thoy may reside. Yours, 

reapeetfuily, U.S, GRANT, 



Accoust of bla Lnvt Momeots—Ils Sutterina 
ead His Last Words, 
al Dispatch to the New-York Times, 
Wasuinorey, Friday, April 28, 
An unatusl foterost ta maniferted 1a earlog the 
Getulle of the zeenes and Incidents tn the copiure and 
doath of Boots, atd expecially Inthe clreomatances 
from the tlio Col. Marge’s astlstanta approached tho 
hones of Gansitt, uotll the elosiog scene which 
coded with the death of tbe asenssin, AB yet thes 
4o‘alls unva not been published tn connected order, 
but after cocsldérable trouble and 1abor, I bave cb. 
folned (rom Lieul. L, B. Baxen a minute and exact 
etstement of all {ho clrcamstauces, from the tlme hie 
end-Col, Conore, with a detachment ofearalry under 
commsed of Lieut, Donrarr, approached the awell- 
fer of Gannerz uolll tuey left the same with Ibe 
end body of Boor 1a charge, Tho otber pastics 
syieo sell Lieut. Baran {a the facts here atntod, but 
Anaewuch aetho latter was present and wlin Doovu 
contlaucarly fcora the time be was sbot unlll he died, 
nnd enw and hered everyting that was done or sald 
Gurlog thet pertod, bls statement 1 deenied the vest 
euthorits, Betlses thie, It should be known {bet 
Lieut, Baraa Ia a gentleman of-tatelllgence and a 
very close observers 
The darty huving arrived In the vlcinliy of Gane 
rar¥'ahowre, moved cautlously up end eurrounded 
M. ‘Tho od nas, Gasnare came out of the kitchen 
oor and asked,“ Whai’s bla! He was dlcected to 
Mehta eanote, exd ho would be told; he went fn to 
sey the order, ond, 10 the meauilme, Col. Coxoen 
{siloned a amall guord near the barn. acer weot 
the houte, ard the ofd man you Jolned hlarvlth 
® caudle. Daees caught him by tho shoulder, 
holley a pistol nese hls head, saytog, *T want to 
Koow where theso two men are thal were here thls 
Tho olf man rehl he didn ¥nom, 
Basis, “They ara hero, and {f you don't brig 
hem, JM blow your bralos out” ‘The old man sald 
they bad Koos to the wacds In the aflernooa when 
Wecnvatry posted (meenicg Baaze’s party.) Daxes 
Koln theeetened to toke Qanncry’a Ife. AL (ble 
ccmenl Gorsee returredy At the same Inetaat 
Ga nr's ton. who appeared {0 have bean Ili 
feolrg oultlde, colored ine soom, dretied In 
Costederate unttoim. ‘Tho eon eald, * Father, wo 
hat beter tell them all." Goxtoee presented 
“iso! to yourn Ganwers’s head and threatened (0 
Hhcot bin he did not speak the (ruin, Young Gai 
ftrr then ofered to conduct thy parties (o the barn 
Where he satd they were concealed. As they ap- 
Frosched the bara they met anther gon of GazezrT, 
sho Wrersed In Confederate uniform, The whols 
€aralry fo/eo tied now surrounded tho barn. BAKER 
{old youra Gasasrs be must go fa and bring out the 
#1071 of hen moa, and deliver them aver, Me Mi 


teled, but nally sald ho would do tt. 
{ook the keys mod uplocked the door. The 
barn way on old-fasbloned bolidtog, thiery by 
forty foot, nearly ematy had in tt eome atrasy, bi 
and farming utenails, Gassxrr wont In and goon re- 
turned, eaying they refuted to give up thelr arms, 
nnd had threatened (0 aboot blm, and he had there 
fore come ont, Melockad the door and gave iho 
hose to Daxcr, Cosorn, Baran and Douestr held 
conference, and concluded to msko Ldorn and 
Manuoto do one of two things, ellber put thelr armoa 
In the hangs of Garnert (In wtote custody they wero 
found) ond eurrender, or they would fire the barn 
nd tho thiog woulf end tn bonfire and hooting 

Daren war to make there propositions, Baxen 
went up and addressed tho varites tn tho barn, 
alating what he bad concluded to do, lelllng them we 
bad como to take them prironcrs, and would (ext 
thom as prlronere, and would giro thom fia minutes 
to conelder. A voice from tho Inaice, whiehatters 
ward was found to be Boor, Who aro you, and 
wnat co you want of mo)? 

Baxra—We want you, and Intend fo take you. 

Booru—Thte le a bard caso, it may be that Lam 
fo bo taken by roy frleade, 

Alter some furiner conversation, he seomed to be 
conrloced thal bo was aurrouaded, and enld : 

“Gire mea chonce for my iife, Lam neripple, 
mith but one leg. Withdraw sour men one hundred 
yords, and 'il come out and ght you. 

Gaxcs—We did not come to Ngdt you, but lo take 
You prisoner. You must give up your arms and sure 

cord asked tlme to consider, which was granted. 
A low conversation wax board golng on between 
Doorn ana his companion. We could clstingulen 
Beoru's volce easlox, "Go away from me, yoo 
d—4 coward; leave me now, will you, you 
‘dd coward,” 

Woile this waa golog on, the cavalry were dit- 
mounted and ihe horses taxen ont of reach of the 
contemplated firing. 

Boorn then ealted oul, " Captain, who are you? I 
could bavo picked off half a doxon of your men whilo 
wo were tniking, aod could have had a half dozon 
food abotx at you.’ 

Barea—Then lve up your arms and surrender. 
We bare come here to fake you, not to fight you, 

Booru—I will mover eurrender. Tahall never bo 
taken alte 

Bacre—If you doo't Immostately surrender we wilt 
Immediately eet fre to (be barn. — 

Boora—Well, my brave boss, prepa 
for me. = 

A short pause crsued ond further Jow-toned con- 
Tersatlon warbad Inside of tho barn. Bora dlrect- 
ty sald: "There ism man here that watts to eur- 

Another conversation look place Inside, in which 
Alankot seemed to be Irytog to get bls are {rom 
Boora, who was heard to eay: “Go away from mo; 
1 don't want anythlng (0 do with you.” 

Mangoto then came to (he door and esked to be tel 


Then let him bend out ble ermsand comme 

Daxen went to the door ad told hima “No; havd 
out your arma.” 

Maxkoup teplted, "I dave no arms.” 

Baxeo eats, You brooght a carbine, 

mr. They are alti mine, Uson 
satlembn Ue batuo acs. Thay ait 

beloag to me. 
Daxee oscned the door a sbort dletance, and Max: 
Bown pul out both bande. Mixea tok bold af thom) 
brought Mangourout, and handed lm overto Doucn: 
TF, and Immedlately shot the door and locked I 

Col. Cosoen went to the xlde of the barn, aed 
drawiog a ecall wisp of bay {rom tho ersck, eet It 
on Gre and thrust It back, and immediately tho hay 
aod alcaw los}do caught and Ilgoted up the barn as 
light as day. 

Tho Ost ceen of Beorn he was lauding near tho 
middle of the barn, teaning an his crutch, with cate 
bine tn hand. On cocing the fre hn Immediately 
made toward It, dropping bts crutch, with the appar- 
ent fateotion of extiogulaniug the Ore or shoottog tue 
perton wro Mebted tt, When he camo near the Ave, 
he besttated, turned partly around, end bla (ace 
waa reen distinctly by Col, Concex,wbo exye Bocra's 
face was then the piclore of despair. He then mate 
foward tho main door of the batn with ble carbloe In 
fone hand and bts pistol fn the cther, and when about 
the centre of tte barn.a pistol shot was heard trom 
near the corner of the butldtog. 

Daring thia time Baxen wns hololng the door pat- 
Wally open, IMeartog the shot,hs opened the door 
‘ond went la jurfin time to e8 Doorn fall, Coxora, 
who Immediately entorcd the var, eald, Ho hes 
Ebot hlgell.” Daces reached the boay and elarped 
Doorn by} too aims, toloking he was probably only 
wounded; but fadiog him powerless, with the ald of 
Coxoxe, Hourstr, and two-soldters, ha waa esrrled 
out of the barn and laid npon the grass a short dis: 
tance from the door. No-appeared to be Intaoelble, 
but by applications of water, and bathing hls face 
nd head, bo ravlved, opened his eyes, and made an 
elfort to speak. Col. Cosoze placed hla ear to 
Boorn's mouth, and heard him say," Tell mother 1 
dle for my counliy.? 

‘Tho heat became ag Intense thet Boorn was taken 
tothe poren of Gauntmi'a house. Col, Coxoen}m- 
mediately epat {o Port Royal for @ surgeon. An 
hour elapsed boforo the eurgeon arrived, during 
which time Llevt. Barker constantly bathed Boorn's 
head In tec-water, and placed fo hfe mouthe net 
clotti, Booru bélng unable to get bls Ips to 8 tumbler, 
owieg to the fact that he could not be raleed up, 

In the meuntime It was ditcovered. that the wound 
was Indicted by aapot froma pletol In tho hands of 
Sergeant Counsrr, of,the Sixteenth New-York Car- 
airy, tho ball passiog. entirely through hie necx, 
perforating both ldexipt hia sbirt collar, 

Shortly ster Boyftuhwas lald upon tbe porch he 
mado on effort togyenk. He sala, “ Tell my mother 
1 led for my cbpity. Lola what 1 thought waa 
for the beet.” Told was eald with great di@culty and 
‘apparently In the greateat palo, Io sald two orthrce 
HCN me; Rill me," and by algae 
Indicated that ho wanted to cough, and that he want- 
ed. Covare to put his hand on bis throat. Conacn 
41d x0, but Boorn dld not eucceed In coughiby, 

Ho eeemed now to be falling rapidly, but revived 
ogain and sald, My hands,” His hande werolytoz 
motloniees by bis side, Daxsa ralsed one of hla 
havds to that Boorn couldaee jt, and bathed tt iu foe 
water, Boru, with great effort, bis eyes glatiog at 

the havd, #310," Usoloss, usctoar."” Daan let go bla 
hand, whieh fell pawerteas by the dylog man's alde. 
Auein Boorn s4ok away, and wae (ast faillog when 
the surgeoo arrived. He examined the wourd for 
tomo menuter and sald Boorn anfght live (or twenty: 
four bours; bat Booru's countenisce soon charged, 
bit ores artumig a glassy appearscce, Tae sur. 
acon thon sald hd thought be was dyiog. 

About thie Lime ol, Coxe eft for Wasnington, 
witb ordere {o bring’ the body, when dealt ensued, 
fo the boat nt Bolle Wain, Boorn seemed now to 
bo to the ugonter df dowth ; Nile face was terribly d) 
torted, hla chlo drawn Gown and ,to one side, ute 
countenance turned blulsb, aod he aevmed to be In 
tho grelfest gon. twat so0D over, andthe sure 
keon prénounced him dead, Ile received tne death- 
wound at 3:15, sau dled at 7:20 o'clock Wednesday 

five ladies of tne Gaaxera family, and old Ganaere 
and his two sons, 

Alter tho Surgeon had pronounced Noor dend, 
Liout. Haran (ook ble blanket from ble aadalo. and 
In Mt rolted the Souy, tomtog tho blanket up about 
We feet and head, Provious (o thls, tho Surgeon had 
Heil ap the dead man's chin aod. bande, and clored 
Dis eyes. The body was placed on m rickoly one 
Bort bugay magon, belonging to m free ncKTo near 
by, and taken thirty miten over the country, to Delle 
Pla'n, whero tha boat /4a was In readiness (o brlog 
the party fo this elty. 

Stv0ND Disraton, 

Thoro Is ecarcoly any sbatoment to-day in tho 
exellement about the Hoorn capture, anu tbo groasert 
curloslly oxlsta an to tho digpouton of the 
Pody, all sorts of rumors nro afloat, by some It 
4 stated, a¥ pon the beet autBority, that the farolly 
of Boots have ninde o requott (o be permltted fo take 
{oo body and deliver It fo Dootu's motter, and {hat 
the authorittes have consented, 

‘The pretence in thie elty of Epwix Boots and Mr, 
Ctsnes, bro{ber-ta law of Boor, glves plauslpllity to 
tla ators, 

On the olbier band It 16 sald thatin no event will 
tho gorerament permit tho remains to pata Iolo the 
hands of ansbods, but that It will bo dispoued 

s0 that no traces of it can be hercafter 
found; and gain, tn corroboration of {hls, 
we hava statements of persons who claim 

fo have wituessed what they relate, and wn 
ay they saw the Sargeon-Goneral take the aulopsy 
that tho body was afterward dissected and, In ecpa- 

te pieces, kawed {a cloth, wlth heavy welgbts, and 
Placed 10 a small vessel, mbich made a obort, cir- 
cultous trp upon the Potomac, and, witout land. 
Jog, returned-to the navy-yard, mlous the body, 

Another sill! Ineonsirmation of thls tays he watoh= 
ed bls opportynity and eccured a part of the body 
which be pow hea tn bis possession, 

These are some of the dozens of ramors prevailing 
bere endnearly of them recelred by the public with 
credence, Whether thore be trath Ia any of these 
reports, Tam unable to ray. 

Aud ogalo Its said a great plot bas been discover 
£4, that there have been to-day more than a hundred 
srreats of woll Known cliizans of thls place tn con- 
requence of discoveries made elnce Harzota wi 
brought here, 

Col. Darxn’s Immense body of detective a{ds and 
teoute are coming In by dozens, covered with duat, 
fatigued and dteappointed, 

Anoihor report Ia that as Sewalor Soren was re- 
(uiotng to ble rooros lust cight he was shot at oy 
some person who (led and was nol recopsiaed, How 
near the bail of the would-bo aasaesin (alled of tte 
ovject is not known, Thle morning Mr. Scuxer re: 
celvod mp anonymous letter, taying, * It 1s fortuoate 
for you that ray alm was not good.” 

Warursorve, Filday, April 28 
The exchement which provailed In thia city 
Yesterday hax considcrabiy aubstdea, Wolle all ro- 
Brel that tho sorasto, owing to the Tashness of the 
soldters engaged tn the caplure, was not taken ullee, 
Whey at ihe samo thmo felx grateful that the murderer 
had pald tho penalty of bis crime, Had be been 
brought fo the Wathlogion Navy-yard allve nothing 
ould have withstood. the fun ats— 
Woatdlepoaltion was mado of Moora tody after 
tha sulopsy upon 44, It 1s Impossile to escertaln, Cut 
Mat w Citing dtspoes), to Keeping with kle Igncrals'e 
ous earcer, was made tx certalas 
‘Tne publie breathe moro freely, as the great bur- 
den whjen bas been on thelr mltds (or the past two 
Weebe has beon removed. 
lancoia, mho has been exhibiting great slolclem 
sloce als caplute, now azpcars {o tein {o realize the 
‘awful porlilan In woleh be {3 placed, and through (he 
dar has given way to frequent fis Of weeping. Ho 
Jequiie young. and hia appearance would toale 
bim tobe not over twenty, Some thos.ago ho was 
an applicant for the position of Surgeou's S.eward on 
tho Potomac flolitia, but was uneuceesssu), 
Wasutsorox, Frlisy, Apt 
Very great curiosity provails ne to the dlepost- 
lon to be made of the reialns ot Meorn; but 4 
seems the autboitiiea aro not willing (0 glve the 
wretebed earcaro the bonor of mostiog tbe publle 
keze, and It wilt probably ve deposited In whatever 
pleco promtsce the most puscurlty for them. Yester. 
day a photographie view'ot tho body was taken be- 
fore Mt wan token from the monitor, It won then 
placed to an odinaty groy army blanket, In which It 
was sewed up. A plain casvel-sbapeq box, moKur- 
Woa lz feel by two, had been presiounly made in the 
Jolner’s abop far tho remains, but Ht way aot weed. 

Cisctsisas, Pelduy, Apr 
At n public meetiug at Dayton yesterday. fe 
Was resolved that the body of Loot bo taken to mide 
ocean and ttero burted. 


Tho Exominatlon of “Larry? DteDoonld— 
Ho I» Committed for Trial. 
Krom thy Toronto Globe, Aprit 47. 

Wruttan Lawrence MoDoNAatb, arrested on 
suspicion of ‘violaticg the neutrailly laws. was 
broognt up yesterdey morolog, at the Polleo Court, 
dafore Aldermen J. Wace,” ‘The eourt-room was 
well filled wits Souttiern eympathlzere, siaong whom 
Was tte St, Albans rutder Meonelt Me Young, od 
the publte weverally. ‘The court wes delaved tor 

foetiee, throug Godtvey J. Hama being. botoro 
the Grand Jury in the euro of Honoett Ile Young. 
Mr, Patterson, of the frm of Mattison & Pattertom, 
appeared for tho Crown, and Mr. Mediletacl for ths 
pilacner, ‘Tne fret witnees placed in. the vax waa 
Godfrey J. Hyams, who, after be bod bees awora tn 
tho usual form on. copy of ine New Teetanient, wat 
anked by Mr, SeMfchaai of whatretiglon he wa 
vinloh ttyatna replied, "none tn cattteulat?" aad a$ to 
bls bellot sald: JK belleva to God,” liyacha sald that 
be wav once o Gm, that he tad never nbandoncd pie 
toliglon j thal he was ol whatever religion culted hler 
Ho believed tn the-Jewlen ed Christian religions 
Siike, ‘There were come tolace 1a the Bivle tat he 
1d fot belleve, end alto oui things tn. be Now. 


Testament. Hyams was then aworn oa copy of 
tho ible, and, belne examined by Br, Patterson, 
sale: Liivein Vorkeireet tn thla eltr, and kage (i 

Dleoner, McDonald ; 1 bave known bio for upward 
of twelve muathe; ho restdey when t frat Kone 
Lim, with ts etster ou Adelate-atreat ; lls ecdugae 
Von withio the past Winter nad Fall has been makiog 
and preparing muotilons of wer ts epeut, ue 
dor Col, ‘Thowptow, of the Covlederate Stuies ai 
Ameren; havo eden lm, “dutiag tual dime, 
maklog lorpedoes, hand-erells, Greek ito, sad 
other exploriva missiles; ia the process he vce 
powder, enol, fine con}, wed pitch; he hel m siete 
furnece and tron bollerIn a hours’ oa Agneratreets 
where those things wera mado and toto walen ke 
moved in October tual; Wera were aureral saune 
Inen frequented hx place ; MeDonuld told tae tat 
Mete muclilone and prepatatlony were made tote 
‘used upon the steumer Georgian, WwDleh Was lo gee 

ceed from Colllogsood upon’ raltiog eepodlinncs 
gator the United Slates of America; have toet 
aU MoDonald’s place on Agneeslreet eine the ce 
day ol February last; since that tne T bave grou te 
bie place bant-ehelie And lunplomebisef war whice he 

fold mo he woe Ocleulng and prepitiog (0 tebe oo 
Coiling wood for tao steamer Geurgian [have veoe 
st Collingwood within the last ores weeks s Ite, 
MoDonald there on ihe Georguzn, together with, 
Shotber man named Daler, und olbera whose niwaee 
Ido not keow + mi of wer have Leen cone 
Cealed inthe house on Agnet-atteet, uepodiied unsey 
fhe ground floor, through small wap-dour mace for 
the purpose In the Moor of ihe house. 

Croisvexamined by Ur, MeMucharl—I atm a shoe~ 
maker by trade; Lhiare been eogaged In voy on ree 
talde aod occupations above mentioned, ana Ly thins 
‘meang became informed of and Iniluato wiih the 

cilonof McDonald aod othora; Leama from St 
Calbarines to Toronto tn December Inst: T never 
saw MeDonald fo St. Catharines; when i sald ho 
Jeit the muntilony there for me, | know it from let. 

Honides Lieuts, Baxen and Dousnty, and tue sol? 
Alors, there were present Bb Ihe Weatb-seene four or J 

fer received {roa him ; 1know’ Mts, Joho Navmila, 

10 @ paper a) 
Govoromeat ; Tat bi 
lelter Icora McDonald 

id ae" a 
inment ’ McDonald tit imo In Col. 
Mossood that to divert suspicion they Intended 
woklog some Wipe carcying. whesl {relunt, wey aad 

then sintt upon # raid nt to. Collingwood 
by Capt Pilnce, wbio paid my fare; at toes ners 
‘Dad given loforcu fon of the bor iH Bs 

the exp 

fois to Mee 

or four wooke neo aunt: 

atmy Tas 


acy Taat (since the 
uo various artcice 

witne ke 
the wasins suai 
Niigata aod Baia 
fxlpocce of God, and atuture atate of heaven and 

ferton—McDooald frequently told mo 
ef the Georgian; McDonald told. me itt 
fohave the Georgian to tbe name of & 
jhe told me that br. Dares was maxiog 
charges for the ‘incidents, expenses of the 
eareten and that foe Goat hay Bath taken from 
imi; U raw tho papers oy olen the Boat was turned 
orarto MeDonald.. 

Mr. MeMicbie—Tho ralde were to be made 

nd agaloat Detroit and ofber cities: 

tobe coatined for the pressnt 
tho Jakes, and afiermarca to po fatther I heard afer 

Hd 4ay abo would bo "“aumIghiy fae thing” for 

1 Spence sworn, snid—I am Collector of Cur- 
\ Toronto; Colliggmood Ie witula ty juslediee 
‘upon ast 

Instructlode” and fo(ortmatten, {ten took tee wesaet 
in charge, and placed my o(icer at Colltogmond tt 
custody mavlog onili‘ed her machinery for wenk and 
contentiog to another man named by ME. Dewees 
{bo reglitored owner—belog allowed to, eeu ya 
Board f the steamer Gasrgtn appears by resister {o 
deowned by Ut Delton wiece the January 
Crean eeamined ty Mir Mcilichari=os tat ante 
as under eclzuie Joi na asilon of our tevesuc leans 
the goreroment telore this hud bees sppiied te ted 
gongented to the tansferof ihe reid frau Jnne 
Bates to G.t- Denison, and thu resistry wat mone 
the 4118 of Suouery upon my Oral Hal to College 
wood did not catch tbs seusals Tieftacotber ts 
Go fo, aed by vepert trom Lim. man lotormed nets 
was nothing of euspteluy enntactor tn tne iene ot 
jon, fc, absurd ; MsDonsld fattoduced. muse 
fell to me! by tame: Téaw no act of mle beyond ny 
Fencral bearing thatindicnted. nim to tain chance at 
the Grergran; bar Yold me the ventel was toon enc 
In towing. Flap, at ake was to Tou betwee CoMfiee 
wood and edford he told me that bis bustes ss 
(oat of a inechaalemaolner T think ; the evprensra 
{hat "aeDanaid apneared to bela ehargess1 tenth 
moan that from woatT saw on bontd, I6s'apeeae 
on, roy mviag was that ho was Chtet of those-en geece 

Soretcstey Haslingn, Clty Kolipe sicarn ealaoed 
Saat irae Tiound alot of 

Bullet me 

Collar and hanged up to me tweaty-alx torpedoes out 

Thave been telng in To 
know MeDonald and toe 
house tn which hellredon Agvewitrect :1 bavabeen 

there several times; acon one accation about Corlate 
mas Twas there aed beiped ta Stow 
sway komo. eholla” end a large kettle; ‘Mee 
Donald way there and told me he expect 

that the house would de ‘searched there 
‘wan n teap-door In the hall, and I belped (3 ‘put ine 
shells down thin dcor; f carried” them toa. Str 

Wewtne's, acd he put them dawn the note ; thees 
Tight unre baen about ity shells; { did oot count 
thein ; J eave come powder caulsters and rome cots 
{rlaged; sae a Southerner named Holt, waa suotier 
Hamed "Noceal ; iq Novamber laat SleDonald ached 
moto meet blm on Yorkesieet: I did not ace hie 
there, Dat met a tan naroed Price, woo took me 40 
MeDonata's howto; MeDonald thers look dowa wy, 

Dame and the names of olbery, for the urpsee, a 
he sald, of foing on an expestiton ‘upon ihe 
mwamor Georgean; I afermard, on tne Gin 

November. { thlok) ‘want to C*liiogwood aod took 
With ma ron0 eartiliges; thers were two otter 
at with toe; MeDooald weat wit uaas. far 
rk AIC on Our way to the Cal, ag3 Rave onc Of 
10 pay Our fare; In Collingwood we. met 
Holt, who told me uot to.go wboatd the boat, nett 
ould excite rurpiclon ; Norval toliowed us from 
‘Yoronta to Cotlteg wood and told Us toot tho eapear 
Hon wes not to lake place, nua we rolurned to To- 
onto; Latverwarde was in 3 
have not been t 
Pelee pald mo SI 

McDonald know that 
the day T Grit went ta hla house, 
by Mr, MeMichatl—Tno $10 mere 

alven me ta help to pay olf my board ; Lwar to g0.00, 
Taldg on board the Georgian ; 1. was eanplosed. tor 
Gaol oy Mr. SicDouald; the raids wero ta be agaigat 
the Unifed State: T did not know where ; In Juae 

Inst StcDongid yave me money ($33) fo g0 tv tho 
Confederate array. 

At ible atage the counse) for the Crown stnted that 
a true bill had een found by the grand Jury againit 
MeDonald In this inaller, and proceedings would be 
layed, and eald tho cavo for tho provecution was 
cloued, Ho miked that the prisoner bo committed 

for tris 

Mr, SteMlohiael argued that there sae not eusiclent 
evidcace to warrsot a committal tor By tho 
wit Watemonts Ie had been shown that iho ose 
oun ferred to took place before the Gh OF 

id there was no evidance that muniitons 
nd maleflal had Deen provided aller We Gin of Pebe 
Tuory, 186 date of the pasilog of the act. 

Algerman Vance sald. that although before the 6tY* 
of February thee was evidence ol providing nod 
Bropariug to moans for nn expeditton, rald or enter 
Pilec against forelga Slate, in all portions of. tho 
Evidence retarring toa date aubeequont to Inet ibero, 
Was no evidence of an latention to do ac, Tt almply 
clored by. stating that the “munitions ware belng 
piepared and furnleted (o be taken 10 Collingwood 
by the steamer @eorgian,” witdout slaling the objec 
Won, except by loference from formes purtlons of tne 
evidence, rejatiog 10 dates pilor to tbe oth February, 
the dato 6f tho passing of the aol. Urge the elvaura’ 
ances be would leave It fora Jury (o decide, and: 
commit the priconor for trlal at the uext courl of 
compstent Jurissiction, 


Contomplated Kabel Ratd toro Vermont. 

Hoautsoron, Vi, Friday, Apel 23, 

Informntion was recelved here thle morning 
Sal the rebel sympathizers In Canada wete prepa 
Jog for avoiber raid on the frontier towne of thie 

The Federal and State milia authoriiier are om 
{ne alert, and are fully prepared {o repel avy tava. 

Guards have bean placed on the stexmere on Lake 
Chemplatn, ond troope have Deen ordered to tho 
mara expared frontier towne 

The muiltia of tbls elty huve been totlfed fo be (a 
realness for aty euvergeany. 

Tho revels wilt recclye a. ware Feceptlon $f Ibey 
suoulu come along. 

Sulolde Jn Balttmore. 
Darron, Friaay, April 2 

A well-known citizen of Baltimore committed 
rulclde lust Monday, 9 abort diatencs from tols city, 
Dy shooting himself with a pistol Nu cause could 
be arelgned for (uo rash act except ibat he hea re- 
Cenlly ecomed depressed 804 melaacholvs 
quent events have Induced tne suspleton that 
1a tome vay Iqplicaied In tue conspire, 

avd lnet nigot the body was exhumed, embalmed 
‘and gent to Wasbtagion, by orders of the govern: 

The ai much tpecutatlon, and there are 

may reports In counection with II, 43 well artomme 
facts, whlo Je deemed Jwspradeat to puollan at 

T y E 0 B tran coldlere, membara of the Clty Counell, and Clty 
a | Oficers of Clearaland and other cities, members 


neral Cortego, 2 

From New-York, Across Pennsylvania, | °°?! 

Npresenied a decidedir doe app. 
into Ohio. idrongh the 
Euchid-streetto Erle; down Erle to Superior ond 
thence (0 the Park, 

Official Reception of the Remains by 


Orders of Marons and O4d Fellay 
Westward Progress of the Fu- Gottetlen Fentan Brotberbood, Si, Vincent's 



Temperncea | 

Boclety | 
e German Benevolent sociaty, the Equal Misdts| 
gue, &c., and all the Benevolent add olber Asso”! 

je bar, the Board of Trade, Kalguts Templar: 

slattons and eltlzens oa foot—a muilltade of them, 

‘The procession embroced all conditfons of i 
without distinction of party or religion, ang) 
Mt move 
Ws of this truly beagtlful elty from 

The sidewalks were dearely aromdad wild moorne 
Hooking spectators, while thousands of perto: 

Gen. Hooker and Gov. Brough, taneld the cortige from (80 steos and windows at 

Tmnpressive Demonstrations Along 
the Route, 

President Lincoln Drawing near | tn 
to His Ola Home. a 

Wasrnazp, N. ¥., Filday, Apri 23. 

The remalne of Annamaw Liscouy errived hero 

att o'clock thie morolng. The bells were (olled and 

minute guns fred. " 

Cunvetann, Felday, April 23. | th 

Allatong the route from Busalo to thle city, which | 7; 

Zeached tba moraiog, the usual demonstrations | wi 

of sorow wore mi(neesed, The romaine were et- 

corled by n large military und civie pratesston lo 

Deaullfully constructed temple prepared to receive | to 

thom, and soon thereafter the face of the honored | 

dead mas open to We thousands of sgectatore, who | o\ 

Inodmlrable onder entered and retired from the in- | ai 

teomingly {mprossed with the eolemalty of tbe oeca- | bi 

bow been conreyed, 

beautl(al maoner. 
and Irloged with ali 

9 Doautifal rerldenc. 

mich tne the entire route 

Emblems of mouroing were averymhere promiaeaty 
fonelher mith expressive mottoes, 

EBrory stranger Is load to bla expresslons of agmf 
‘on of the aplendid order of the artangements, 
‘eception of ihe remalna (0 whlch they have 
Too bulldiog ia 24 by cul 

Oimensions, and 14 (eet Ligh from the ground 
6 Dl 

feetoa the ground, The cola 
1s on the dale about imo fest abors Ine oor. Od 
8 four corners stand columas aupportiog @ eunopye 
he columas have teen draped and wreath 
Wh overgrecox and bila domers Ln the moa 
Black cloth, falllog as curtala 
are oaugbt apd looped tec 
these colaman, Fromm the centre of the eanop} 
@ floor nad aldex of tha dala aro covered with blac 
‘lb drooping trom the four corners, bordered witht! 
ver (ringe; and the borders of tho coraice a 

Dillliantly ornamented with white roseties and 4 
Tho eoltre population of thfe olty are abroad, all | of al 

‘er, The toside of the canopy {a lined with) 
jack alot, guthered in folds, and walle and blocle) 

tton. tape wecvos as plumage to the pouts, At the corners, 

CurveLisD, Odto, Friey. Apri 2. 
On the may to Cleveland, tearing Budalo at 10.0 | oy 

P. My Thursday night, wo suscesstvoly passed | sisto in the slow 

Hambored, North Evans, Angola, Farnbam, Irving | 
and Sliver Creck. Atall the slattopa the lmmediate | 4, 
realdenta bad atrembled, come bearing lanterns and 
mourolng flags tn thelr bands, while on thele bouses 
Were plainly diecernable tae usual drapery and mot- 
toea expresalve of the provalliny grl 
Ocyaiax, Friday, April 25—12:10, 

elaborately decorates. 
end all along th 

Feetoons of over 

of the catatalque, in the centr 

doliding ts hang with deauul(ul festoons of 
and flowers and white. 
tala oa elther alge the pagoda roof are bung wilh 

atthe preceding stations, tho platform ts | nungs 
eons ox- | avloge 
svesof the structure, while from | Giass lamps have been attached to tho plllare of the 

ts 0 large star off 
one for exch, 
The door of the dais ts coveied. 
Hh flowers, and a Sure of the Gosaentfot Liberty 
placed at the bend of the coffin, Tha celliog of tho 
posts which suse 

lack volret, wilh thirty: 

The four 

Jarge roreties of mingled evergreen and mage 
Bolas of two varieflor, Appropriate dracery 
from the cornica of the bulldiog and 

‘om pillar fo pillar of the falry struciuy 

the celilog gracefully droop wbi{e and black folds. | eata(aique and to otter poate of the bullding so tbat 

‘Tho backgroung, covered with Mage [oterluced wit 
crape, completes thoartidclal arrangement, Bat (he 
eblef feature te the group of tblits-r1x young ladles, 

the remalns ean be easily seea at night and to good 

The religious services, after tne cemalos bad tean, 

Tepreventiog the Siatca of the Union, Thay are | placed upon ihe dals, were performed by RighL fore 

dressed In white, each with a broad, 
reallog on tho shoulder, and holding ta the band a 
national fag. We havi 
by the glare of moro than a nundred Iams aod 

torches, Tuocrowd here le dense. Tho tolllog of 
Siue'wang OF minal] guns, coalribale te the inte. | o 
Feat of ihe evens 

Dacoroy, 1230, | 

Many spectators 
place Is tNumloated. 

fe congregated here, and the 

aca RL AL 

laates, namely: Mie. Daaze, wile of Col. Daans, 

Allied at Cola Harbor ; Mrs. Bazwen, Mra, Sxisaan 

and the Mleses Teossa, brought {a a eros apd a 

wreath of Mowers. On the croes wero the word: 

" Ours the Cross; Thine tho Crown.” 

All of thom were aifected {o tears, and cozstseed 
{tn sacred privilege to kisa the, costa. 

to auit ihe occaston, 

The arrangements 
dealics (9 X¢0 them will_bave po dificully in belug 

sSimeat tote ion 

than words the beavy grie( which xifects ai) hearin, 

President during tno das 33 120° minute. 

k acert | erend Blebop Molevarsa, «bo, ia the course of his 

raver, asked Ihe blesslog of huaven op the Immedle 

8 Give vtow of tho tebleaux | ajo fasoily of the decearcd, aod a sanetiécation of 
the event wbloh bad called the nation to maura: 

fe the F000 of, Hm ma sad scale tn dmn simone 

aena x yatt of the fine! 
f the Eplscopal Chures, elizhtly alleriog the 
‘These services were Late: 

otema, ard moved many of the lalacre 10 (ear 
‘Tho remains were then exposed (0 public views 
#0 porfect that every onc wae 

Arata = 

 pacatog toto parks 

Cleveland tax made a demonstration worthy of hor 
Their sd countenances altest alwocer 

Cueversan—9 P, a 
Tho number who witnenes tue remaios of ine 

Mloley bax been peated acd now (1:32) wo are at | roms of spacialors were eoretantly parsing, oe on 

the llne whieh caparates Now-York from Pennsyt- | ei 
vanla, Ma}.-Gen. Dix and tai took leave of u 
F, Farrar, Mayor of Erlo, George W. Starr, F, B. | qi 
Vinceat, E. P. Benoolt, J.T. Walshor and Capt. F. 
A. Ree, U. 8, N., came on board, 

Hare Mise Lroxona Caawroap. aged 12 years, pre- 
sented a cross aad wreath witn tho words" Rest 9 | a 
Peace," allacbed. Tderceno was illuminated by a 
Jorge bootire and Chinese laaterae. D 

Wo puts Morebeads, Harbor Creek abd Werle! 

lald upon the coffin by lates repr 
ders" Roilet Astoctaticn. 

ach eldo of the coe. Tne ltd was treebly covered. 

nd | wiih Gowers In the form of harps, crosses ont bone 

aeis gnibered In tke othoutce of Cleveland ead 
enlleg the Sate 

The funeral party wore the guests of the corporate 
wuthoritier, They were quartered at tho Wedcelt 

Hour, A moreliberal and (slepdly greeting could 

jot have been extended, 
GCusaiss L, Witsox, of Chicago, on bebalt of w 

Mille, at all of which places crowds had assembled, | Commitiee of One Huadied, wa hora lo-dor tose 

manifesting unabated tolereat, 


‘There was no particular demonstration at thls | ai 
piace. ic 
The employes ruontog this train are the samo who | Fi 

tena the hoaplia}iiles of that city. 
0, | tu fa proceed {o Mictigon city 10 meet Ihe reasing, 


ed will ercort them {0 Springlioid. ‘Tho display at 
ieago will be the largest over known In (hal clive 
‘orly-000 crpanizutions and sacleties, numbering 

wero on the tratn that beougnt the late Preatdeut to | 25,600 men, bare alrcady reported to tbe Cli'el St 

this potat while on hia way to Washington, Just pre- 


At mldnlont we leave Cleveland, sed will ertlve wt 

vloua to bia Beet losuguration, ‘ 
Swanville, Falrriow, Girard and Springfield are | Columbas le-morrow morning. Excisihere veep 
pasted, sorrow haa been man((ested, and thelfeelleg seems, 
Coasnavt, 343. | If posible, to deepen, as we more Wesltraid with 

Wo are now In Onlo, and barry on through Kilo; 
ville, Ashtabula, Saybrook, Geneva, Untonyiily, 
Maglson, Perry, 
‘Tho aepot bulldings are draped and large oumbere 
of people are at thtxe places assembled, Minute 
uae aro fred and belle tolling. 


The followlog geotlomen here caine op board: 

Gov, Bxovon and ste, constatlog of the following 
named aficera: 

Gev, Barlow, 

General Darr and Col, Maxwell, 

Quarter@aster-General ; Surgeon 
Alto, Moj.-Gen, 

Mooker, commandiog the Department of the Oblo, 
with his etd, as followay Col, Swords, LteuteCol. 
Simpron, Lieut-Col. Laturop, Mejor MoFeely, 
Major Banaliter, acd Capt. Taylor, Also, atted 

States Senator Sherman, Hon. 8. Galloway, Hon- 
0, Waters and Mu). Montgmery. Also, the follow- 
Inxnamed gentlemen, to meet the remains: Hon. | y 
Ry PA Spaulding, Ex-Gov. D: 

Jonos, Jr., Col, Anson Singer, Amata Stone, Jr, Hon, 
H. i, Payne, Hon. Joho A. Foot, Hon, H. V.Wilzon, 
Sulilman WIM, Antel Robortr, William Bloghen, 
Hor, W, B, Castle, Charles Heckox, Jona Martio, 
Hoo. W, Collins, I. N, Johnson, Dr. G. C, E,Wedor, 
Dr, Proctor Thayer, H, B. Hurlbut, Jacod Horay 


‘ment, which bas been on trlal bei 
the Suprewno Court, was closed this marnlor, (he 
fury rendering a verdict In fayoryo! Mr. St¢srevex 
for €32,500, 

14 Tod, Thomas | 5. 

twelve thousand rebe 

tho remains to thelr final restlog placa. 

Gor. Bnocon to-night extended tho hospltaliiies of 

neville, Menter and Willoughby. | bls residence to the funeral party, 

Obanae of Timo of the Presldcatial Eupe cnt 

Srarsdvievp, Ill,, Friday. April 23—-1:50 P, 5 
‘The tIme fixed for tho funeral of the late Picsi- 

dent Ls changed from Saturday the Gh to Thorsay 
the 4th of Afa 

Gee. Coven, Adjateal General 4 Gaaa ef Lilewal Arrest med Xaipbiscamectes 

Hostox, Frisay, April = 
A suit brought by Mr, Leovanp Sruntzyant 
jaingt A, Hy ALLEN for Lilegal arrest avd Jaoprieone 
for tome days ta 

Al the breaking out of tho war Me, Srusreyant won 
joing business Ia Now-Orleaos, and apon bis comlog 
orth was arrested and lodged 19 jail upon ebarges 
f disloyalty preferred against bim by Mr. Attes. 
ourl Threatened with Tavaston, 
Sr, Loow, Friday, April 23, 

Reports prevall that a forco of from six to 
comprising romoants ot 


and James Warslek. Jerr, Tuowraex’s and Jon Baxcor’s brigades, aro at 

CtayacaxD—7 A. M. 
Aue para the lake #lée of the olly thousands of 
persons are gathered on tho sloplog green hillalae: 
al baviog a.good view of the train, Iigh up wo 
faa arch, with (he Inserfplion, Ansan Lexcots.” | 5, 
It Is draped {a mourning, and tho supports are eoy- 
cred with alternate sirlpes of binck and white, Tm- 
roedia(ely under the arch Ine lady, droseed in borl- 
zontal bars of tue nutlonal colore,to reprexent the 

Pocahontas, Arkan 

preparing to Invado Miss 

tourl A large numberof people are leaving (he 
touthweal part of (he State In consequence. Three 
reglments baye been sent down tho river. The re- 

undoubtedly e: 

rte a ted. 

Gen, Wilvoo’s Late Ratd 
Crmcinnary, Friday, April 28. 

Late Georgia papers give fall accounts of G 

Geolus of Liberty, bo bolds Invber band w slag, | Witsox’s late rald, after defeatiog Foxassr at Sela, 
and thle, together with her cep, Is bandaged mith | Ale. Affet deatro; log the atsonala ana mauulaclo- 

mourolog. It [sa beautiful and expre 
Allplaces of business are closed. Colors are dla- | gi hal(-mast, A oatlonal salute of 36 guns ts 

Tired, ond balf-bour guce will be Gred till eu 

proceed to Euclld-atreet stetion In the ca 

so Thiel | a 

the polnt where Mr, LixcoLy embarked for Wasbing- | (utute caropalges Impound! 

ten Just previous fo Bie Grst Inwuguration ; and here 
the procésslon was formed. 

‘The coffin war placed In a hoarte, the roofiog of 
whieh wascorered witha national Mag, with black 
plumes, and otherwiee {asteiully and apprepriately | ® 
adorned, Toe military eecort emb 
Hooxs and Staff, and Gov. Unocan, of Ouio, and | 
S104, and the elyle escort of elvic guard of honor 


was followed br the United States civil oWcere. 

td Saleen, | alnate avbeertolon 
$100,000 from Daimere, 
Freee cers incleniual tuber plone for amoW 

of $50 an0 100, 

2094 OBS 0/2 FF 

Ggare, | rfea there, Witsow moved eastward, caplurlog Mout 

omery, Weus Polnt, Columbus and Macon, ecxitare 

tog tho mUttfa on all aldes, rulelog the ouly remalae 
ol. We | tog raflroad, breaking up machino-snops, deatroy lon 

ores, and readerlog the manufacture of materlai for 

Tho SovensTabetio 
purcistirata, Frttay, Apr 

Jax Cooke reputs the subscriptions to the 
vcu-trtyfonn Undey at 44123200, The Torgea 
ae were $1690 fiom Cinefoeatt, 
$32,000 (rom New-Yorn, 

$500,000 ftom Syracuse, 


fo pay ble debts priconor lefl tho mated wlth witness | to 6% cent. to tho Brokers, on temporary loan, 

Meneses ai i 
Pubes Bale iegisiseraasattes ta by] octrdlng to be tnsleiy of aden ve cat one 
raested aan eh Rie RecA ha aaler; | Woo commbialgany, calledon, wlinetsand Mr Hutet: | their talanceo at these rates, ‘The. cenoral cule 
Gerested ale and Wok him to We Tihs Ward Gates | (esascTatee Meetiges ine wate nels parent ecserat bane relaec Magis 

Station, nndthere made s charge of alsorderty com | aoe out stolen om sim at the thentre. The Jory | ofthe Strect Iso» cont, except on orornmente, 

which governments may bo called, provided the end 

D SOUTH AMERICA. | ©) government be fulfilled y/and deducing from hlt- 

request nad Suédon | 9rF poole of {ho tuperltity of a eopettulone) 
a the Govorn- | monarchy to republicantem, which is declared (0 have 

hen the men} but Oflicer Caeuty prld-no heed 

Bimorn of Rene 
Alarms—Eiforts to Esiabt 

ioe. declined) to entertain the cbargo and ra- | aod he fanded for nentence. meas 4 x 

burgeou U's, V 

Panana, Monday, April 17, 1863. | Yawn fo those who aro bebind Ihe eoouee, that thle i Brevet Lieut-Colooel, «| that he made comolaint beloco ibs commissioners | log evarged with sealing scold matchirowa lady | ‘The Stocy Exchange reacted forenc 
win uncontrollable sentry one fom | , 48, forerament conlinco lo aend sregpe to tos | metals Gan meee eeey ibe communinere | tog hatred wilh weal 8 ge teacted thls forenoon 

Se aan a nee tag, | wlfesst—én uccontroltabte. diseatery—te ono trom |», 7% oniined andes aioe a gusnetdod: | Theso men | thes, and Presluent Acro reprimanded Odicer Con- | YAmanda Fucp, belog sworn, taxtifed that the pris. | on the Itsllway and Miscellaacous list, after tho 

Auroed by conrtect reports of an lateaded cesction. | rwnch, Jn.tho oploton of the beat faformed, bo canuol | fave enllcind atses eee eee frcived | 11x and bade bie relurn to fiedultes, oner lived in er furiip ana tervant : hat Sargaret | very Iacse rise of the manne oy 
if h Str. L, Franke. of No. 260 Blanton-eiteet, conductor | felt auudcely one aight and Immediately afterward | YeY lege rics of tha p two days. Thor 

wm suduen morementa’ of troops through the | recover, Mlxdeaio mag, therelore, be 4000 looked | from tho Merion. On ‘Thursday, trensonrlaiton wea © fey Teen 
steusnaaauanand om ahr conten aves: gc au nite ccs aeosany erates | (aahesd Leena od ay at ae a | oa aumeaeee Mantel catuclr| Kanade te enon eeilyatna | Wt) nae ss of ha rsius wo aya, ; 2 
iT id change f on milcomesurdoubledly, an uprising | ward, ‘The Sizih and Soventh’ Recimeuts of itequs |'« seriou charge agaloat Roandsman Warsan, of the | of clothing. ~ ( Ls Erio Shares, at 8412485 P cent. and much dant 
een ee ee ee re dae oe tae, an, ofthe Dewocratia of Bitters! party tn tha Slates of | tatee cow: wasianion ther for erie, | Baetaey bar vileng nat 'on Suadey evening the | our iden tele that ne arteted te prisoner | Er , : 0 
- the State adm[stutiatioa, Erery day or.two, 8'| Guatemala, Salvador and Nicaragua, The lastiwo | ordeied to the: Iroct, qiieee abo, mat abcing near tho, Suancrneare | yutcould not had Her ttuak of oy t#sc0" of the tbroven toulay on the approval of the New-York 
te " eh aera to jhe —— Otol, diecbarced bis pistol, seedings bullet through | atelen articles. Canttal Bil, by Gav. Recon tal: hate maak 
Dynes, then a banging of doore bad drawing oftialy | nent, ‘Tho Prevention of Small-Pox. gl Onlecs Boszerp. who was io the cor. Conductor | atary Bril and Elen Goones, mero tuted for ra. | citents afected tho New-York, and. by osmpathy, 
; - = Fives elonped hts ear, hing Ingulty learn. | orteing stolen goods. The evidence shoned Wane 
locks, and 69 op, till another foo! Ares a pistol in ihe ‘Tho finances of Guatemale etl continue Ina | PHOPAGATION OF TE DIsEAgE — STARTLING rh Merete pied ter RE ig gate ue finte ‘Glo Mrs. Brill stole $109 from a Mr, McKom- | {ho Western Rouds, The reaction, howe ver, was 

pleas; or sometradkeliaelord watsup sootbetAgUl It wratonedsaale._ 70 annual deficit Mabel #209 00, vacts fet 3 i witoak Ito ble motor and'ibo orteoaer. Tae | free from panic, and at the Sezorll Dent the 
sale. ‘Tho annual deft fe about $299,600, . is thereupon. demnoces. thet oineer's number, bat | anand (oa ¢ from paste, and at the Second Board thero 
san nse uermenenn Bader eidees hogs Ha cate [hich te met by teraporary ioant—some at two per | From tho report lately presented to the Logtas-| Katte ema chmneet®, Abe olen number, bat}| an and (ook {to bls moter and iho prienner. "Fae SEE ere Rar ee 
ere fom Cartagena under orders from tbo gene ee a p P: ee | ad wholbor he had auythiog to saf In exeute for bis | found ike money In tho street, Toa two vrlsnaeen, rf y a steadler temper to the market, 
~ salcrsromenie sans he aalioatopt— | Sea asl govern: susee eaey | ate ee ee al enh one | Sacesnei UMD urbana ancy Wh | teint Seen tet nu Aleut deoted | Among tho Miecellancous Shares, the demand 
porernmet\ to transport the 2 254 | disaling,Dul fue goverment haxAol the eotvacs | eatfecter tie ge ee ee ems Ha UR ream EU pS ola Vy conn Berean recente a a 
ovement tatty PAE Us parsaied CAGES ates [Suen at Masami tonaah twat cones evarnnsina caeatac SUADULReL IMAL BUAEEGR | 2osced eee far roa na ey a 

the rime woo revolted—to the State of Wullrar.on | (suuneaticn ' i 
+ Tho government managed, the olhor | tts prevention, St apocars that the dleeasacertalaly | The ca jactday moyning Dent. Bltnets. put wae privately quasitoned by Alls flonor. | and Quickalver, but at a reduction corte 

Torco) aad: keoL ner Atotawell Tho Pears | 20% 9 £6" £10,660 19 pay the troops, at 1% per cent, | calla ths eli, na thal hove lene adeanete ten | ase telourned to Wesnctday morniog ners ‘Theerilence ay to guilty Enomledge was very con: | 34 @ilchailver, but at a reduction core H 

Meting, and thé Jury coutd not agiee. The Coustad- | With the Jacting ou the railways as compared 

for C00, and tent her to Atoiowall, ‘The Prorl: | argent ane a 
F “1 y ath The lwportauties have, ticen largely tn- | pomer to prevont lta spreading. “The resort shone 
eer hen Geb, COMA: parted Tig tcutPtbs | etensed, anu (cporinlops mush fail of betoco « at. | tout personstanen with thle diegase cag toma ne ron® JUGTICR DOWLING, free wank 
wall, when Gen, Conds’ tedched thera, 009 nel | ototyhea consumption, trasel in the care ard atoges, whlch, are constontly Ree Se TrIGhIPANDeEee Wiens a 
wishing the Gederal {0 act. 10 Panama ahead of him, SALVADOR. tupnlog othe ortcisal thoroughfares; that aang: | ate on Thureday night, ANpREW Wistians MONETARY Af 
jcbatereds Leese ed uae esnalid Tenet M he lies ernie fn Seas saaTIGTGpreTaneal eth wiec ane UaRGT El ak Hagin ney tnd Joees Dann of No: 17 es 
artel Je Iroo| oT if aaa ewes, Sh apa ” Se fought iondway, near the Attor ct ok Excbauee—Arnie 
Soe conte eB REC IAEF ae eae ea neLaeaL | qalet od The th {date bt tuorbrententnen cirecce,|icemered togte serene Hospital In covered ear- ee eeu ciaSbed Waga'ta Ce GR GE | Sen ee ee eek Exchange Aras 
Prana etre tpt at ‘rid thete | !90U0R. Af the death of Cannas about be anvouccea, | Hater, which perusps ihe seat hour are occupled by {lbp aterpiposkot!Rnltéi leneting w xérlotia wobinds|/c0009 ido ters: 
Soniandee ae AacoIAEGd BON ae Geta Thane! fatal evtedal and the garemeasot ys, jp eatchlag, | Whe w}ves and famiitee of ollizene{ nil thal al some ee eee ety policeman O'Ceiton of 
ounire nate a Nea ih, ea party” were | Molders” ahd fortityldg ttself against any domon- | of the hotels steanzere mre put toto rooms and beds | WUETAME Ward, acd, after exarsination, commited 
ater = wate: tratton. ver ti inw we Tt cccupted the night before by emall-pox patlents. for telat. 
alae and weal eHandeE BY CORLL and olded Ys cehaceal ate Cot cae lee aera as pala Sn or Mla Tehd Avan ofGalonny Suto Coun | agg 
L Laie Ba ‘ebruarr,)deciatiag (ho w I. (Now-York: toa tay Gronoesred agninst Taoxan ria fees 
Re Netan ratte oan Tee atte ete amouat ofdultge papable daletivar tmoney. THithorto]| mute, thelial come tae during the Boal Cay nee eee erin eet et ee oilers | 2ot8 de 
; boot {ea anda hall par cent. of twenty-tbree and a 

wee credits nated afr turcneeof | Bae ie etana"Wacstue te macy | Ge Seg 3 
en" or “ Mesiblrs.”) were called fo arme, the cannon eT E a at tho joking Mr, Apw, ocket, a . 
Sate i nt fe “ce bat at m {ne eapee half percent, was eo payable; the yoat recelvablo | *O!l-pox. It ts eald that Ip a bullding wdsololng tt ploking ADwaAR's pt 
1 | Igovernmicnt paper. Thle tart had become muck 

he was teatlog bla Water Lesa: 160 
a 3) 
and the beary tread of tho Tirsdores, oF ational 

‘The Potleo Courts. with the beat sales of yesterday. 

The Government Gold-bearing Stocks yield 
AIRS, el }O}V cent, frdm Thursday's advanee, ona 
: teas active business, Tho market for 8-203 and 
10-{09 steady at the close of the day. 

AU o'clock the followiog quotations were 
made, a3 compared with Thursday afternoon. 
There wasa fresh stamp In Erio Shares aftor 
tho Second regular Board broke up, oud tho price 
went down iit the Broad-street Open Doard of 
Brokers to 77 §¥ cont. The other Railways aym- 
Patbized, more or k in this reaction.on the 
leadiog speculative, and loft off heavy. At the 

Panag rape 
0 Reading i": 

a) direngin ata Iiiiioe wochine pear the Park, Ti 600 Teno, ©, 99. 
Torgeot whlqeate dry aoeds tore on the Amerlekn,| strengln ata tier machine oe 

continent, the emallepox has existed and propagated 

‘oops, resounded through the streets, all looklog for extended durtog ard after the late elvil (roubles, and Weel for the last toe months. ‘Tals den fa situated | 7S¥FERSON MARKET—ORFORE JUSTION Lenwitu. close thera was rather more aleadiness, 
ductaeatbary Scene enemy there, waa not tho eee LU Dorwss,) Io Ite extremity In the bustest pert of the city, Iq too Wramedtate ea el eT a pay coude 

. fed Lew epeclol o | viet Vest Broadway street, and | proferred a charge of) grand) tarceny ogainat Uzver cianoaa lt 
aod nerar but ny Tiny rlaloe, Thee.iasey | Ped lutte aoiclehencrson be oven of du. | vin of Wetbroainay aga Conmtencaesiant | gutter wand iiceny gana Heat Gefhetin 

1 Gertlagaieg 

Max then payable fo eoner,on the fith of which be | ithig' tione’e {nfow of the Leigeet pasterger Tall | PAttant, allege 
YN Central 

B 4 Hex, ana cided Wo Ineiceriog 
Yecolred advaaces which coabied bin togoon. Theep | "aCe MMe RT ine, nd Undressing, Lad stolen {rom bis bedroom aanateh 
aro now, by Ils own recommendalton, all {gooréd |" Acolher vory comroon modo by vemton tho dls ehecd pleted tae ear olen Tha a 
Meer the {ca beb iererezoesent|tnutizeligreda:} Ease LelOMNa ME and ore Oat rae ne aoe aectineas to RAI RST gee Sees acta 
mead mygtaneea and alzpercratyromieed.a | tage: IU enw untounda thay Yor We foracay | Bren lo desuit or 21,009 ea 
thet, ‘Tole etop had very naturally rent | ho ie caliedto teen pateot with waalphe to Bm [scares 
atin tslaelfony add "WOSLd REG coeeas neo a | dae aud coraee wR net guPoUTee eereant at Coroners” Teaucnts, 

Te eee eoubtedty: otrengthon | ing mother has tekea tome from ihe sbop 10 maxes, ‘DY CORONER couLiy, 
{ue Mande of the énemter of the goverment Ja | Iy iriver avmntioney surprise wat our gets as | ; Ne sieciuatee ak 
ease of an uprising. well ab clitzens throughout the counter, without any | Yesterday, moruing, Policeman Apnanast | “ocoatineniat Book, 

mn eae 
‘The laparte of Sulvadar durtog ine paatsenr weve | {Ow cxDaHw, ete s0 o1LenatieKed bY 1018 OHTE | sions, of im Blovenia Ward, found ln the dock, a, | [Gate Eg sak a: 

Sh800,000, The éxoorte duilng tho same me were | Dy. Joss, City Physician of Drooklya, sueaking | the foot of Stanton-atteet, the body of Poiur Mons 


sos to ba gotled up for a purpote, ane ihe puree 
fof ba one and'soaie subsequent trnmpinge eeeiay to 
have been fo Covlace the officere of the watlosel 
goveroment thatthe Eew "popular goreromeat ot 
Presicent Corvsse needs patlonal bayonets ta keep 
Mton listege, | ; 

Tt was geveraliy understood that President 
Covvsse bad amienbly arranged with Geo. Losses 
Tokecp the troops for awblle In Paname, and {hot 
there would be'no more trouble ‘about ft, Butone 
doy last week (here wos, flare-up that shows Ite 


44 0, 

Oboe it 
tie 7-20 per cent. Pop- 
ular Lean at Firat National Bank to-day amount 
to £200,600 ; ond ot the Niath, $2 
Tho following bids wera made to-day for 
the City Bank Shares 

MA i 7 obit etforts to protent smelupox in Brooklyn, 843 8 boatman, rerbo was tom! Yewe¥ 0 [Mack of N. Ata 
austell balis good, ‘Tho General ment i> one | ed al #2.0.00.” The ennusl revesue of the | otbhteiiorisconresceiemblt pox in Brook, sayee Zid, Dota, wo el oerboed and was éromsea Nenvon soo} |Back of N, Asoeren ttt 
Of the cuartels in full wolfosm, aud demanded of tho Wet@ Is nearly $€00.0¢0, which, with manugement clothing, principally trom Now-York, such as coats, | 47, Regt Murrus, of No. 13) Goerek-avecl, widow 1 Lreiog. 1c 

argo bounutr, ought fo pay al expenses (eet down | panta ah yrals, in auimbers ear from oat to aig | f%, Meat 210etea, of No, 13) Qoeick sec widow Srelvapolitan 2.200u4at 

officer nod sojulers to. know If they recognized 
Bic ce on officer of the. najtonal govern. 

Ab €2E5.009,) and the sfx percent. bn the one million | “zen In ercb place, In the hacde of workmen to | oT) e" by drowning. jgboennd Leather... 108 


imake ap for. the large clsiuiog evsablishizents Of . 
meat. They answered, _{* Yen" "Doyyou te of tndcbe gra besides pasig of oto, I onch Now York ard. flac era Th gan enlig BY ConoNRR oAtiuLE, fer ie oe 
Gorse fe tasrurostrit A usnlnoun nor | 2M Fe Coie dt.” The ce te trelgnern | inch eeveta mf taltSok putes Inet ha noma momen leaped ‘Into McGowants Wicwatee Bs 
Dpou aten the Geestal puta pisot tothe hens ot | MBE to over ose Bunlies hourand dollar. rhe pilwee Thre feued fuem faerian, dn chasis ot | {20k at IBelntr:ccion of Ona funded ond Hite Sicetanlestitg:0v0" 0s. [tmyonteieeTesaerten 
Ihe oficer Tan solaiovs sized thls armeand ore. | Of caurtt Redo be ald incooney. The Prendent tous temporined ou chair, cotered with there sunds | fens dromnady Tee ganas ee cee Se ee : ropes bate SABA 
nie. It Dayo at the breast of tbe an lolsiers have iately got nem houses handsome. | ax with guilte. a indo 6 number in’ | nae, nnd attired fn a calico gown. me. a mer, Exebange,...112 
5 feoved Vivi byyoneta a the Dresat of she Genczay, | A8d Nel 5 Ms Siancea thiall-ogx matter In many places dovoatied | j55 feuqdstfed pm.& PACE falico gawg, blac me- | 12 Wn casi. Bh F Det bseharsiac nett 
apd he did nobfire, Cogaza wax then conducted to fonponas. ‘on these goods.” oi a 150. do, + Be ae ‘Chatham Ao [Ninth Natlonal.....103, 
foc President, wno ten very moderate, qulot and ee Dr, Joass remarks foriher Opentog of Mason & (nmita’s Wareroom 44209 Chi. & Ale Res And the following ‘for the Railway Mort 

“Thaye keown conchmeo, car conductors, and 

We have dates to the Int April, Everyiblog w: 

aible tao, and the Presigent ordered bls relean aoatde 4 20 Quick Min, 68: 
This, ot Geet, did nor satt the Pres foot 7 vittag | avlet. The dleadeetfon and movemente being en: | divert, wartorwomen and ‘boute-cleaness to go | Ou Thursday night Messrs, Maso, & Hawtin Ea s a Pe 
A Dit, did ot conideni's, supporters treet from too slek 40 thele several dally vocal: | the well-koown organ bullders: of Horton, entertele, ca ie | page 
Drewes, who tore trom thele lappela thele ages, | {TF DUC dow, and no appretienalon being now en- | WiEcLIrom tue slek 0 (hele several dally vacatl Pee eS q is Boccoha | Ge2 Gitlin athe en mat wot 
deg: (Cla tele alampet eee | fertalecd of any disturbance by Geo. Naszeca, of bis | Itoa them In the same room with the aick, tolake | © alarge and select company of profésslonalo at ite ag EES oes 
SNeeEte ance, tea ee Cea todtl palttexne; who fears San Miguel. Ia Satpacon iste: | eteteee: Wow ibe: sedloa:t od node of tear ee Wes | epealeg ofc dosegt actte of rooms gt No. 23 Broad- SoARE, 
They have, however, wloce “thoust better of tir | PREAH 9 7 Wwelr homes to, lange tenement nouscs to, aBihey | vray, ‘To tell iltha of tho plcoacat Dappenlnee at ee 
F Abs sdmmit thatthe President was wiser than ihey, | M208 Vies-Prowtdent of Hosdurae, be bad been | WIT Pome Lo penton: 220 Resdlog R. 
How 21 tals cosdict boineen tho Stato and National | *?P218ted Military Governor, he had been echeming | ‘I'ncve known miliinera and mantua-mnkars to re- | the ereolog mould requice columnsol ine papers An {80 asses 
9 State and National celvc thelr customers In & room adjoining which | elegant entortatnmen’, provided by Dizwomico, 19 b. Wk 

would Jay a cixe of small tach ai ifed'ite paneer thee et a Rittow. IW, 
Mon that Gen, Mepisa abould jolo {0 the decree of OA eon oIEs Protec the commuslis. ‘nl pomeront Re erat ae Hellerto abel es 
noa-lniervention aguinit’ Cora Ri ane i many of tho owners thereof, with tholr ta om the nimble fingers and well-truloed volces of 
dono for qulet und security at bome, but ft Is well Large or squall, av U fay be, occupy | accustomed arlieis checred and ebilvenod cvery coos 
srs Ta he way ofthe upriog of 30." Lier TNE | ARtuanta nani ot te Ate, aes, cae 

Goreromente will end 50.0% knome, Bul the revo- 
lutlontels ecem to be quite conGlent of tbe coun 
tenance of President Mucsteo, 

Jo the meavtiue, our Sta 

109 OnLBuirs & 01.55 446 
19 Gutex. Min, Co"! ay toa. Cea. Re 
a Marinas: Mine! als 

6 | Mr. B.S. Mosroc. an old member of the 
44 | Stock Exchange, fer twenty odd yeara in Wall- 
6. wa from the house of Moai 

street) with 

thet Wt ts fo be aa near aacspollsm, oF “ono man 

ac pon uate ; Pe had snovah of tbe micamacea, Klicorn, oining, allting ana genera} Ilving room, pilelnal elements, end the alendid roomy wich thelr Co; on Ist Moy, and opens an office 
Nivoived Belleresot oven thonnwho igen | At CUeesk occur on the It on tee repartot | gins einimae fo in tome anascc, op | Geter cllony esonoteses agalcea Oss on bly ote aout ty Now. 

thie dustrineagd.baye been Me capsletent support 

19, now tolleve fo ft for ikese Taltulem “he Tak oe cllarheey sare 

the goneratraom ope dens af ihe 

Etalinelgnvora alto ineroiay ned toe touiiyaiehte GUNERAU OLTK:NEWS: Gn Wf Into the boure of 

Lock woon & Co,, at the aie thos, 

pLocewoon, Jr, 

fearelt was a\lll made tor tbo: 

auppoted to be 
‘conapramisea.!”"Thiw-atowe whee toe 

Ia, note quarter, part of the + people” who nace the rota UTeet tale 
‘ and how ripe for an ontoreal are aif MICcER MANNA RATAN EGOC GL? | orm sieeascnm Tiaine SrA acecant fo 
Biisllege of the, ba'ot Jn, thes Spanieh-amerteas | Geq, Missense adoialrntion. te Cece gee wens reacaing Ooty Dale wey tw ing | of ule vesael patilaned Sos(evaae ECU MCC | OY rage Mossre, Mounea, Winciss & Co, will hold 
ule ‘calling ; one aimosphero Waecommon to all places 35 SNOW. 
eo uaule ocd they are pretty touch all allke (ao that | ag somewhat restored, and the Prealdent wae ex Jb auch n,place ae Ils customers were + corrected Jn tbe description given below; | $5 ont Owes NOL Feyuioraverion aala of stocks and toads 
Tolpiel aro Boredl ocd tutelllgent ecough to use it | pecied fo viall Cortate aoon, Avery destructive feo imorpbere, walied upon vy | The ldo wheel steamer’ Mining Siar. mbon com- | Je tommorrow (Saturday), at 12 J0o'eIock, at the Bae : 

ele, wIll be put on the route between New-Yorx, 
New-Orleans and Havana, in connectlon with the 
Merning Star and Evening Star, She 1s built of white 

Bite: £ad ace the tools of everyidesigolog knare-| ceeuired at Chioanvega, on tho Mfst of Marod, on ibe: CRT ee cete  rae roe ree n erae 

fro thieah (azsolyer and placcs PresideomColvese | Premises of Mears. Piresenare @ Meneses when ree reds.‘ nave urvn found children sick with tola dia 
= Jes ne order ate eetctay hie seetee OL Avril 8 | cea tn the almost total destruction of thelr exten: | #ase lying wader ine couater ever which te talker 


Salesroom, No, 1M Broadway. 
We learn that the amount af (welve months 

209 LIL. Gea. R. 
ios ae 

body who ere to conehitule the State Astembly, and 
Who ops {o morke the new Constlialton. Tn thle way 

Inned and unginned, the omount of walch Is not 

of four nua 

od from thirty to forly bale: 

you seb tne Pendent keepe both ends of tho mire 10 | rea pounds esch, wert conenens Seocant es 

Bi: ovo bands. Ana that oo con-property holder or | ion 

amall native bouses {a the nelphtorhood, were 

Arrespansiola ‘person, may ersep lato, tha; Aauemdly, | jn geatoyeds # TH" 1atGl° anh fos aittchaled M1 Hora 
be eesldont fuiber eecreen teat no ealry shalb6 | Seycestseuoo0n The ara Ne ae aL iors 
Daid'the membete, aad only ba}fof the utual mileage | work of pn incendiary. Collén bed preetovuly been 



{sJustiho Mind of government we need—t | ceiling as high as $10 tor one Nunded pounds ungln- 
= cbiet Is ioeat and capable, as Senior Couessnis | neu mauine it cel oe teate aoeet pot ae 

Deileved to De—and to Loglo. with, it only laces {be | ‘stien on vecelpi of the: news fram Heglend,'end of 

ebaroter of frankness to moke It perleet, 

Woe hare to port the United Slates ouble-ender 
Waterer, and ‘100% f Cyane, The fog snip 
ssctir Nae gone to Acupules. The gunboat State 

feidny. The Drlitsh etcam trlgate Ligey te also 

Go the receptlon of the newsof the great Union vio- 
torles vofore Peterevurg, coma Americans dred a sa. 
Jute cn the Ploza, which ccused for the moment con- 
aidevatte alarm fa town, the people generally suppos 
Ing iat bebling among {he cliizeos and troops was 

he move of gol receved from Ban Frances, | M2 
fo: Rewe¥othsto-ny, byt lenmen, only 20 00 
=a unullertioment inn ever before made, 



Basawa, Monday, April 17, 1868, 

‘The Panama Company's steamsbip Gaute 

mals, Capt. J. M. Dow, reached Panama (rom Cea 

trot Ametican porta on Suturday. Sho brings the 
{ollontog totoliigecce {rom the several Republicr: 


Gite and (he vestry, of which be wae for thitty:ye: 

ras, Commander Perms, arrived at Aspiamall | pron, Oma. 

Hop. Sawes T. Ma 
‘Trirty-zeventh and Thies-clahth Congress, died on 
Who 61h fost, at bis resldence In Hellefonte, Peon, in 

course was likely to go still lowers 

Obtiwary, —* 
MON. 0, ©, MERRILL. 
103 C. Menurcn died at Bennington 

Centre, April 11, nged 89 years, 9 months and 21 
day of the baltic of Bunker Hill—2o be hes Ilved 
from the Grtt to tho Inst great battle for American 
Independence. At the ogc of 16 be aeitled to Beo- 
niogton, and {a carly Iife connected bimselt with the 
Fiat Congregational Coureb, of which be was al- 
Be ways na exemplary member. Adopttok the law ex 

Ho war bora In Farmington, Conn.,on the 

profeeston, hie qulekly acquired a good reputation 
lawyer, and by hls couitesy of manzers and 

igh cbaracier for {otegrity commacded public re- 
spect and contidene 
was olecled to Congress, and rerred ‘from 18}7 10 
i pee 1819, when Iho late tton,, 
Alvews of Geo, Onrrorn—Frecautions of tho | (uliy conlested file right to Ihe cea, 
Govornment—Keara of ou Uprisiug—Cone | yeare ut SI 

1m oF the Several ca. ‘ono yeur ns 
ditlon of the Several Itopubit Se 

‘Atibo aga of 40, Mr. Bzantiy 

lovin C. MantonY succes 

jenator, (Wo yoara ur Registor and sl 
‘Judge of Probate Court, 

ON. James T, DALE, 
Member of the Thicly-aixth, 

Judge Wate was an Eplecopaltan, 

a7in yout 

‘Tho sorely the dangerous Hinessof Gen. | scuse member, dectard bm to" have bees "\ onem: 

Carsens continued. Dally vultetias had ven eeued | ph 

y (oF plely, kind aod uvasuming fo deportmeor 

Bluce tho I8th of March, end as soon at the gravity of | Of large Hearted venerolance, a irue lover of aa 

succeistul tencbor in the Sunday-achool—a man who 

Abe Illness was Known In the departments aumerour | Saeed ume ite tie Goa 

denutatlons of Indians were cent (0 the caplial, 
‘There erory precaution was taken by the gorerns 
macol Incase the worst should bappeo, The miliary 
convmandante of the castle aed garrleon were 
changed, Gen, Zavata pinced tn miliary command, 
sand cvecy dleposition in thelr power made to sceure 
order. Ges. Crema, lately commandact at Chiqul- 
mula, wasin Guatemala, and war onmed by Go 

Closlag Up the Proves 



‘Marshate’ Office: 
—Dlovements of Troops 

a deen woUnANLLy” Proved that 
vacclontion will prevent smail-por, yol It ls now 
generally ndmlited that I protectiog Influence 13 
not of Mfelorg duration. tut that It ulmintster 1a 
proporilon to the Ins of time from the vaccination, 
luntis it hs beda eeveral lines repeated. or wnill the 
eeatsm hme been 40 Ioraugbly Inlecied with. the 
vaccloe.polton that itwill then act as 4 permancat 
protection equally as well ax ff tho osrson Bud pre 
Mlously sudered from tho smallepox lieelt, 

‘The blll drawn and presented to the Assombly by 
Dr. Ticuacntox, maklog vuccivallan eomnpulzory, 
fos defeated an'tho third reading, Ita tobe hoped 
Yhat ainilstlce of the direage will bo caratuily. pre= 
sorved duricg the present year, #0 thot an nppeal 
hiay be made ie the Leglelature of 1809, whieh Ik 
will not venture to dleregard. 

Sergt. Corbett, Mr. Liacolu’s Avenger. 
Tao following later, writton a few weeks ago 
by Convert (0 one of bia former employers tn to 
clty, shows that be wae deenly Imbued wiih relig- 
fous feelfoge, aod that, while baitllog atootly for the 
Unlon. he waa aito n good soldier of tho oburch 
mlittuate Mts employer, Mr. Down, states that Cor 
BETT was a men of vUro Vite, @humble, prayerful 
Christian, end musa given fo deeds of charliy 

yetentet VIENWA, Vitn Bebe dy 1S. 
Dy James He Firsien 

EARS) Antmids a promisy that I would write 
to you when I got (0 toy rexineut, 1 uow attempt tode 
£0, Thank Gol wy bealth 1s Jaaproving, and [um now. 
pronared to serve my country acala ia the Oil. They 
have promotes me to be erricent dating Lack tothe fs! 
November, and yesterday t cams of gunrd havloy been 
gecgeantot tho muand.” Bo (Orday I fave d le eosace 

atin Caray Parole fer daze, and then was seoy 
on to Camp Distribution, nad fom there to my reals 
eat, ‘Tilad hinge bere faversble fa geoeraly acd fay 
lif ecunrade, Secgt tnvtSe, glu to xeon fo partial 
fninct, they’ ait e-omed iad to seo me Uack frou ty 
Southern tear, Muy Got rant ibee I tn ay never be © 
avored azoiai car Chapisia has Teltus; but wees 
pect that meetings will ba carrind, op, aa the Obristiag, 
Comaatsston have started a station here 

coe re 
nad ty, aad that whit Unibetler thay trae Uapdas ed 

we pecerity tn all ts 
aur, BOSTON conaErT, 
‘ Co. L, Sixteenth New-York Cavalry, 

aroke.' The hull was built by Rocsevatr. Joven & 
Wartaocar, and ber~machiners by the Bian Iron 
Works, Sua te omued bythe New York Mail Steam 
aulp Conipany. 

Annsst ny A Proyosr-Manguau’s Orriorn,— 
Yestorduy afleroon Depuly-Matedal  O'Rarae 
found at the Fulton Shades, tn Bust Broadway, an a 
Teged bounty Jumper, who {9 sald to have collsted 
and reeelved the largo bountles here and elsemnore, 
under the names of Jono Smith, Wililam Foster, 
dohn Secor, nnd Dilly Crowley, While Odie? 
O'ttoxee wad taklog hla prlioner through the Bowe 
ery, le contrived to excace, Dat as recaptured, al 
ter'an oxotting ouate, In’e dry goods store,” wad 
(oxen {0 headquarters’ In Droge atreal, corner of 
Elm, where bo ts Lela (o awalt (al by eourt-mare 

‘Tie Hantyon Linx or Steamens,—The steam: 
ot City of Hartford, of (he Hartford line, having boon 
fora short time withdrawn to recelva now boliers, te 
how In perfeot order, aud will commence regular 
trips on Monday next, Bay I, leaving Peek-alip at 

Rewovat o¥ TUE CATAPACQUE.—The eatafalque 
In the Gorernor's Roow, City Hall, under whieh the 
remains of Puesldent Liscou toy to state, was re- 
moved yesterday, The materials will, bo placed in 
the hands of the Stats Commustoner. 

Tux St. Auvay's azsar—Tho Promenade 
Concort and Baz rar of St Alban'a Church at Irving 
Hall, will be open for tbo last time to-day and thle 

‘This le certaloly a9 of tho most attractive aifales 
of tho kind We have overseen {0 thin city, and thore 
Who havo not vislied It, sbould not fall to allend. 


A Lorge Verdict Anatost o Marlae Ineur- 
ance Company. 
Deters Joye Gary 
David Wallenstein eal vs The Columbian 
Ineurance Company.—The jury In thle caso, welch 
was fully reported fo the ‘Tints of Tursday. bave 
rendered a verdict. for the full. amount claimed, 
pamely, $22,310, ‘Tho counsel for tho defendants 
ave mado a motion for anew trial, and tho ceee will 
be brought before he General Term during tho May 

What ts a Lesal Derence to a Promiasory 
Matera Jutlca Bartoar aa a dety 
Wiliam 8. Seymour vs, Edicin J. Brown— 

2,090 Oblo & Mias,0. 29. 
609d. Bs 

1500 Oley. & Pita; 

HO do. 
100 Obte.8N.W.Pr..29 
10 a Seal 

= J=3/ he orders an clectoval college to be constitated | sig estabjishaient, constallog of o enw-mill, colton. | Pee Alling upon and ealllog goods (ow curloine oak, nadmetao, éo,, acd Is tecurely fastened. Het eo Clever & Fol United States CertiGeates of 1954 to be pald ott in 
r= Me sppoleta yo: electora ilotat.| persay eat tenecer ones crengloe and | nat Se Stophstactlo againeltmaail-nox ia vaccination; | feugib'ie S18 tects wea A hee date ae ad iO Pau. Coal ‘ay and June ia nearly $50,000,000 : 

Sennen’ sDnoteLe ve) clectore: for tho alatrfot of:| aig ana eottén-press. Only he stoamcnlan and {yar Geet acta again uk except through the | Inenes, he ts about S000 tons surdee Oty ee tsce Moy and June ia nearly $50,000,000, Ax no new 

Reet tore ge Rbetnl ethithe balanes OF 1B6:| couoi-preery in" daciened GoodlNou, were sa¥va. gener of rope lava energetically enforced. ent, and 3100 tons weve meaturemoul, and ty btted iasues havo fieen made since the close of the old 

Cleotorv.ta the Siete, And. then tia bodr cleelo-a | Au ine Teste: colton ateibo dae In the olny tier Fattvcupn habe ct ttignaat a geaganne | lt eres bevmy opine Suita sutlac, cane year, and no further Josues -vill be made, the pag- 

ing olf of tho old Cortiticatea will enhance the 
supply of: Legal Tender-Money waiting om- 
ployment in the Poplar 7-30 Loau, of in Uvited 
States funded Stocks, or fn the open market. The 
Certificates maturing henco to the close af 
amount to about $113,000,000, of a hundced mile 
Mono fess in circulation than last Fall. Wo may 
as well aud, by way of answerto all foolish rumor 
reapectiog a present or prospeative iliscrimination 
betworn Greonbacks and National Maple Gurr 
wherever payable, that the Government lias the 
Tight to pay olf’ the Certificates of Tndelitedny<s, 
and all debtz, drafts or requisitlons on the 
Treasury Offices or tho Treasury Mank Depos- 
Hories, in either Geeenbacks or } 

ational Hank 

Notes, other than the Gold Interest vledyed to 
the Fonded Public Stocks of the United States 
And all tax-payers pave the like option, except 

for Custom Dutles on Foreign Goad 

‘The day's business at the Otlicw of the As 
slatant Treasurer waa ag follows + Total recvipta, 
82,187,617 17; Including for Gurtoins, £4.00 
total paymonts, 8%, on account os 
Toan, $342,000 ; Ualance, $35,770,779 21 


(Formerly Ofticers of the Park Banks,) 



Perfons Opening Accounts may Depofit 
and Draw as they pleafe, the fine as with 
the City Bank: a will be allowed Inter- 
tit on their daily balance at four per cent. 

Collestions made upon any part of the 
United States or Canada, 

Orders for the Purchafe or Sale of the 

The District Provost-Marshala aro buslly. on 
goged In closiag up the butliess connected with the 
Jate draft, r 

On Monday Captains Wesr and Costas, of the Fifth 
and Sixth Diatifols, will remove ibelr headquarter 
Into ine balding, occupted by Captsto Exuanpr, of 
tho Fourth Ditirict, No. 170 Hudson-tteet, sod 
Coptatpe Masizeze aod Descsino, of the Eight and 
Ninth Diatslote, wil remove to the buliding In Tatra 

Fires ‘The plalotia brougdt thls wctlon on a proisierory ote 
IN RAGE NINTI-BEREET, eby coal company woder thelr terparae eal ar, April 23—P, Mt 
4 tbe defensaat individu rusteo un, rasan 
At about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Messrs, ‘ There was a further decline of one ¥ cent, 

Intute, making him persooally Mable. The de- Stocks, Bonds, and Gold, promptly execut- 
Wertwast & Pasnrac's carpenter shop inthe reer af ‘rar litewailty to making. the note, asd want of | in Gold this forenoon, the speculation belng weak, Prompey 
No, 338 Bost Ninth-streat, wns destroyea by a fire 

jant admitted the maklo, the al commiflion. 
inioedlnapatadmiieatbe matte | vovwitatandiog hw Inne daly demande yoy | S42" the wfbal co: 
wore orlgla dace not appear. ‘The bulidiog, whlch eae Chandan into the Treasury for Customs. ‘The market le, 
fa owned by Mr, Wniuaw B. Pracexgy, was not en- need wore erie Dest no doubt, Influenced by the near approach of the 
ate wi ara blataurt . a 
trey consumed.” Mev, Horan & Fussns | futeagote maton, & menurayiany cites ray Secor 
ons fo entimated of $4,000, and thelr insurance ta | understasciog that he wes hot {0 do pald” until (be BANEER, ‘ 

Cancena ae ble succoszor in the Presidency. Thess 
: Alspositions, 1116 uaderstood, wore agreed upon long 
‘go, aod were acceptable to the few who comprise 
the govornment. The great fear, owovar, wan (hat 
2 rumor shoold spread or gain bellet among the In- 
ious (hat ef Tata, (the Papo,)'as they call’nim, bad 
been poizuned, of unfalrly dealt wi{h, ‘#0! wa cot tobe 
‘enpablo of recovery ; ond the! fesr(u) consequence 
would de a war of extorminatlon, “Taese things hed 

various ifues of Government and other 

he bad pald out, with the | Xfay disbursements from the Treasury, for Gold 
Intefest on the 6-20 United States Bonds) Tn ad- 

long veew foreesn and (eared by the gorerntaent, 
fand joey beve looked formard to the erent now 
threatened af a fit appostusily to chaage tbe forra of 
Goreroment. In reullly, wall Gen,’ Canasna wat 

avenue, occupled by Capjaln Waow: 
‘he reat of four bullding: 

Only two or threo clerks will be retained by enok, 
Provost-Maraual after the Ist of Mat 
Will bo relleved and returned to gaeriuon duly, The 

» tous aay De 

nd the guards 

$2,(00, ta the Rutgers office, Thedamage (0 the 
butiding, watch Ie about €2,000, Is covered by fusur- 


A stable In One Hundred aco Tweaty-fourth-alrect, 

war was over. ‘The Court held tnatine defendant 
jog admlited the making of the nota, war preclue 
dea (rom ahowlog the circumstances under watch It 
wax made, or setting up Its legality by way of d 
dant wiibdreww a juror by conn 
‘over for (he lera, 

ditfon to this, there was 
the day for Billa on London for Baturday'a mail, 
at 109}@1008 Y cont. ; but at a lnter hour there 
was more inquiry for Billa, and the Bankers' rate 

dull feoting early In 

No. too Broadway 

Four Per Gent. lotereat allowel oo Dejoults, eabJect 
/to chsck at aight, 

President for Ie, with power to ame bis euecersor, Tay wilcaenceualremba ne eee es — 
sand Und unbounded tonueace withthe Ladiena, and | Commiesty stoves, acconrem : "™" | petweon Firat and Second avonaes, whteh. wi BEE er nes quoted 109121093 ¥ ecut. for Gold Stearn SiReRE GAS 

a romplnces | 4 Over 10 Bla) ci owned by Mr, Srurzsten Vay Vatennexa, and ocou- ma 3 r Bp to U7 . s bangesasara Lo 
Unis vengeance on DIn Spee Sea a eetcets | Tes augposed what (Qo Provost Marshals wit re- | On MeGDy Mr, Srivesran Vas Vatezmaas fre of COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. 9( Gold improved from 1464 to 147 WY cont, The LAVERMCHE SETS a co. 
Seed ot encaptod (86 ote ore cote erat ehrae| ta lhe ofmees for Jha pratstl, Uali| Sppenas irae | AAT ae a aboee EE eee atere Recertur Medes, Tmportora are having good trade this week, and 5 DANRMi 
CEN ea eae acre ch be Rev araimeals WBIGBY TS rojio wing. circulars bat Phe Barnesee tea Uo oe: | Lake Zee lovs je estloaed sh €840 rs be inzortane tnled yeetorday for grand | gre making proparstlons for further Improv. marr ay aga 
ree hun OFty dn memey Hut wben a new chiel| nenorably dlecharged + vellee Jareeny, upon an Indictment charging him with | ment in Msy and June, by the pay. YOR THP sau UR THE 

Pelleo Trials. TSOLOAN." 

mutt come fn, who does not unite these qualfic a atc entlenan named f 
Hons, aod whose pomer might te disputed by other Paovose itnayia SInizexs' couPLAtsrs—o8voRE coxurattonens | tleallog © gold watch, (rom ¢ gentieman named | ment of Customs Dutlon not - only on cempsten aint Baten Miokcon, fovoranen 
amiliiiry oblate, no better qualified than be, VBE BOF | Surgeon Hoard UF Bursaries Waa Site ar AOTON, VERON AND M'UARAT, pines ear q Mercbandlse recently arrived, bat on withiraw- ‘Ai Uesrainaes ea aba Sa fe cain de 
SeTTbe Mra astgt Bak tuck en opperinlty | e253 Yb lect by oTroroat-Mersbal-Geneea | Friday belng the dey on Which the commission | MaPeR IM ate fom Bond, Tho slendineys. of Goldin the | "SF as or pallet cutee eecrten tonste and cla 
Blaine Hoproved to give a mora atable form end | ig nfere sou that the emergency reauiriog your sere | Ilalen {0 auch eowplalute es oltizens may enter | at sad Olpmpte Tosaire on the evening of the 2141 of | neighborhood of 150 ¥ cent. Is evidently encour- eek iets 

Pilinen incre awe reson, eeemeRAMARY | eS ata edt aee f RAH Noe a | arson member ot fhe force, many cllzans appear | Starch, (ncoming out fom ie tSeain tue pvenet | acing country aswell aa city otters te nero : 

{Billsiod, therefore, In the Temana, (a weakly jour- | fyo uealt anu reeratiiog for the ermye Ik inexeeenely, | ed and made thele statecentx There wero, howe frmediatcly away (com him. A moment afterward | thelr stocks on hand. ‘The Domestte Commission THE TENTD NATIONAL PANE 

{Pl printed at the government printing-ofGce, cated, | probabls that yen may seo be Lontrasty dltcharged. | gr, wut two nolenot(hy lala, as follow be mlaed ble watch, men also report an improvement in Cotton fabrice ieee Sends 

Viliam Ziunn teutlfied that he kept an eating: hous 
Ie sald, ky povernment employes, and contributed | “You will, theref-re, carsiulty wed accurately prapars Mr, Purto Jouxsox, of No. 187 Chambere-atreat, | |, William Hunn toxtilie: J other h de articl / 
MW i that prisoeer owed bim money (or. boxd and money | and other home-made articles 
by verénd faihere,) @ rerter of asiicles on | your “mouthly medical tuparte vf reeraltragd soba f olloswman Tuouss Coata, of tha | tha rlson epier ison 
y the reverend fathere,) a titer of axilcles 01 Wer appeared ayainst Vollosman te whorale { 1ounea j about the time of the larceny prisoner came |” mya Marked for Money fs quoted at fom] 9, m sroor, cunier, 

as of goverbeaea, (he unlmportance of uomes by | gai df faq day” Vue fo) Kasi the Sub" uy’ | Puta Wed, and wade aildaslt thal 9m Ja wslinérg and wanled (9 get mondy on match, and 

1D, Ly RUSS, Prealdeat, 

a 5 tts 4 { : s 
The Netv-Yorh Cimes, Saturday, April 29, 1865. | 

sya Fal we Trvay il bawos Auetioser, 
Nan Yan Fela, Apt 381003, | Crate ish LE COMES er ec ae OF ViotOR's 057 DALES UPLANO COTTON TontAt, Apri rat oh oleehs as Res, Fatt 
acetate of Produce since our ltt 40 0G, eben | mew Ubuich elites recta ty fale Ceontézatoor ake 1 YOUNG WOMEN SITUA- LIFE OF AWRATAM LINCOLN, UNDER DIRECTION OF sincoN DRAPER, U. 8, | SATOROAY, Anni: sed ihr ha trates 
ur, an age coracr uf Park (ith! avenue atid that, will be open (0 risate farnlty : ond laa cor} plaln 13 HAVING, = COTION AGENT, can fatgiture, consisting of velvet, Lir sod thee 
p SS budhots One Lt10 | Dineen Mee MA the! cook ied oh Mea aba a ino AVES r Higive teu nea? geet Veauet aed tee 
Alby rrariroan sth eres Paynge ® One 08 | BIN Seago, BURDEN Ava souamlat sicteiteaenile telan? hurts || a Ven LAGE AND USGERVED BALE, semen, Rictandinest seein Sates 
ASHES—Are dul) and unsciteu''9 price,| Pots, €8-| {iter : Jectontte take cata! of ebiitron saa tho bent of «tyr isa years oe is paeaereta iis so hale cloth, ad, 
2 35375, D B, reference, (Gun bo acon for to da} 1 D , " «AAP TUE | fe os maltranier. 73 
ne EnSates'Seea in loti Subinand, yet held reste TROTTER | naonanay Oe MATING. | Sxcmaxcr. saLEeRABIME xo, in DROADT AT. Sige Msstifeitag Matear- se tare: . 
TON—itue een Wiracomeeneonymantvoiiamstianit | Tie GrmaT-AvoStia AND MARTYR, | eaxiacan eget pte otters Euston | Subba” “UNAS ST — | 
heavy dns prteses Altadtan NLU E ANNUAL HERMON For DHE ROAND | chamlerworh iW required, in ‘opal! private feolly has Yat’ iets whe oe CH IAA Sehe aun text, a EASTON | py rr. nalline ae WNC WELE ABET! 
‘averniaent aks ert talon wore | Wor Rustin Miwognat the trearyrarn Chasen, wit fond olly reference from her Juatplacoy; Hes lived there WOULD KNOW THE MAN AS ME Wag, CON aed Mt tbe Cantouritonte Me Eee SATORU AW Aunt aoa 6 
ian at Tg Soar bape ANtaNas e iant B| Seer ntvaR cored RGD setese | SAU CanN meee bes Meaa this Work, RIULY UBARE AT AUOTIONMAAT Tip | MY Mahe” gary Mal ee Hes teas Rida ee - 
Go. Learning dmc taipe, THAMES ts Ui ST) GNA ER ‘i ANTED-A SHUATION AY AN EXPAN Soun ay Ai Sha HeaL.ens glu Man oo MONDAY. Mag ai bet aC ih welack | MOUSATOLD FORSITURE. couiicg: 0 a 
oy dt dens tic, Gaet Daliaae doce eae | ibe eco; underantoalt Mo Of ep gare athe uses ig ea teen ea at ace eat | SEM er fete rtvaee Ota 
Fae Set ee 2 ———— io | iwinlaine sndVplogin's sal facily Weengirca: the | _PRIGR OF n WAOATIONS: _ | ihe" ttuay ata is: eietea tw-cwtanib. aad easine | Jogtala corncte, eltaant ea vel eee 
Shae iteaphls, Nave 272 dos Low ‘ialieg ate, | ALAS Eyed SBERSON, YELM APRESS f amniv ake antec: | ig onBAP TURE | thing tan ousination (ater sense ate ts | sur’, obec, “uatis G cltated matey 
gi fede: Gost Olan go, Fiios de eed | chant Stbatewcar eycg, au eat AAMUATH | Scr wedsbemblonsee; folatmhete the olf ferry wan estabioved; ar wiitla ens | Ch Invatias trcaatl aed par bleed walooe 40103. cong 
Ondlaary do..44%0,2 23 do, Good Ocainaey Uo. Moi | arses a tse Watstipont Custos. oF A HESPEOTAULE, RLDEIIY bet hana tg ote 7 wren aia as tuba out Javelin Drocalel nod foe, biases falesouy 30-6 
Wap, Oruleary vos ssc 25, aos Maw Ordinary | Uh Cluncseyand wil exliuletama ot the Hel whlch V ihiutiwouoa, a eteaita a) oargs with Lay pian [it gefoen, eect rete y | MPO STRGGE AG Or GG ager 
Go, fining 9 dd. obalet dow ales $20 weulaney vesiat copa eed Sri | ils Maar telutmed elogten ee «| ieee fe schnie Reselaeratormenscrrer 
ia egae ae aaon pe cute ttn norasewmengan | Siri uae oi al aeathacasteetueaia lg Ms | ue anie wantaena Naan wlan ag 
SOR CAND at precteusqeetations. p between Th apd sth wed—Mey. W. eel NN BY A RESPROTANLE corporation, which inay bs had on application atthe of | wT: 0. OO Carved rosea and 3k 
PLSURTAND NICE Sean, Wence Flr iatoh Gauiael lerurey an tanieleea: | WWANTED-ABUUATION OY Mant noTGne THe ara een eee eee | Eataabadct maria i dalae taebn oe 
Sutenciaes ouelagt amen eh carga ga 1 ele eta tally | and asia Sasol eanet gone iting i neath in crt lle Fee Y chao ele ae tee 
Torment 0 yar So poor ts onuiee Bera euarnat | RESTA sNy SUMAN. geste” 8 SUNUAY | Se coeera au eases Nor 8 Lestotao-ane Me ABURCT  ge er 
SEG The ened at OE ae teats Tuas Tore ouar. | WANEED=AaITUATION ay ATERMEOTANEE aM, d ele A WEE Tey cone | teen a emane 
Hale die foe to oot ubopiog biaban at 9 | SEEETTUARANTNY SoC;EAX. oe ONAL, | VWaarura aru wath game e a he woo el sea Da ACAGHWS Cankhe, | HLMcates on earongty apritae ara eek 
$320 P col, w 0 0 Seles Sublets davetiy ca Pence Kean Gur War | Tasting andl Teenlog bed of oly telarance._ Cao oe SheuLAe UNE Guia conteotion op | Mfrepbel mite mtermam Nach bitety ts tg 
pobariod St ala.ana) ti oelarae as Tignes Martyr; do'elock, confereacs, Subject: Wi nd 21 ave. - HIGH-OLASS" OIL PAINTINGS [AND ORAW- | of a geotlocaan gore abroad. conslstiog of, vit. 
Bite “sieeiiga bs 733 sfoce gern! Spentuatiein ductdute | 870 WAntEeoy x REGIADUE WOMAN, A SIT argh OSshY Re lollowing eeicbratad ortite end TOUCHE BX GREECE GT IGE 38 
> Found-hoopanory oranges poses aa slagy DL aMra Os laden Trees as a steeas nas nal m30y ‘ foro, ‘Coomans, nda high. aboute years old. long Calls. very aiyiise 
Pategnla tun horney pinay NEW Warguicronssocrmnyrm casncprs | MY Atha Matta tod acuity pi agy Hi : Wis, geet, SUES aang MEE aT decal 
Eaicts Geeeang.te nee om mands INGAIROMRSTeattian Gy ie Tug non, | QU Sete Ue ger eR a Neel ie feranneattdtor ae SEEE ceo 8 xe | Reb, EER ial uct, acts ofa he att of ct . 
‘Boor ta ebot “Sines grace Catharine ou 7 ED [ON BY A HIGULY | ico, 30,9 super cloz PANEL CARRIAGE. with rlc 
Poor ta choice Extra Miseoutles..0. 7-73 ay " Pein BU AeLtUaTiON SB Sear AUR, (A Dye nee ee areit ig PANEL, CARRIAGE, with 
Sates Wig A, Me CE ee eae later ea aicentden Now 119 and 121 Ni rs 
zie GAT | Prieliy raerentee Canesten af Nore Stat ES see Figen rebels wiih eeeat a 
URSY COUN MONAT OF : nat No Sr Sea aS i : HERES dun att aia oma 8 
i seria acer sett WAaNtee x simrazoy Ly A iRETStAgs aie caTHOnte WoRLD, Ge teboc | yeeped cas nett eae a Be 
{ietacn pounce itt and ih stse) oo, SANBATH | cood'cliy reference, Uall at No. 30 braves Hnat Gooey FOR sMAY, 1606 ates, Saeainemnea si: piineliiteiiasa 
a erry one TE rm oat Pane sain abore, nd Uhree evens naxcS HERWINK CoscaT THEIR 
to commence at 10% o'clacks WANTED—A SITUATION AS OMAMDERVATD CONTENTS : . tng provinus to tho sale, FREE. BY BANGS MER WINE C0. A TREIB 
Ey, OR UPON AEE AG | WaStiBatiglipatiy dads tegen | 1—nenowton, abbey oF vorayp. BL 
in Ga tbesunjert othe gaedten | chy elereaes: Cah ee“ HG) eabavey ecard Goon | | {THEDGWIOE, QUEEN OF FOLANI MISCELLANEOUS poeereretier aie 
kesuptlon at oy ican atti pe ekvea SUNDA Bada roots 2 SN Seen eE SPY eee II —CONSTANGE SHERWOOD, te ce as MONDAY EVENING, MAY 1s at T ofclosie na f 
4 penlek nsdrees DE TAAL Og PED= PEOTAULE ENGLISH Raut /LUX, at Paforfllewing creoloe ni the adm, dour OUI : A 
AYES ERIN De Ean wilt fists abasten 1 do sagen Aoi oe eee ea TE i, RAGS TUERANY Ging theatre callecioa gf j 
fea cab Ey strven Rapesesor | OF plas semlog. Apply ot hee proscot emplos- y cate 3D i 
Hi CUNTRAL URESHYDEITAN RoraPWeat aut ac, 2b lost. Paresh shee Reis pies | 
AGU, DeMAaH AN wld Fou ocbrosten sah et aoe aie ‘ 7 : Yay aft nar 
Serprurauirca een testa gh ota ates WARDS A MERC EAA Si Ue MUENE TMs 
See aan a eats eur Betiaee San 

BAYS BS Acts aeaatrd of the charge ofan Infant trom Ita Lirihy geod roferances seollectiva of valaaple antecella 

<1 3. tae 4 

. Caller twodurs at Noo Mleeceeraty wear Urove~ 108 OF THE STREAMS, Anas sognraloce inn iariane Sena ; 

fiom — = * = ES BE PROTESTANT ra. Calaloguss are reed) = 

S75 SECM AS, CHU G I: TR BERTON | VP ae rioitnite botas for an tavants Raa gat Oey 4 
31 125 for Old Milned Werte pat git Seam aeednney atte chur en, Manu, | VD yom anton es novae tora Ivanka att 0 Mises, Avalpreg—selcram Ne? Rag, 
Shy derany ed eeee  ReUalag Wostern aide. | Tussdar and Weiucidny of next wcek, from 9 to, id | experience: Tiged ten years i her lash pact wate HPA ERE, goo: i 
EE Ysa cee i aera riyania at7e0. QBS. Guuaga. | clock AM fer 1808 WASTEDIASITUATION UY A RESPronuLE eae Rovian SATURDAY, Apa Boia ABLE © 
Jee CS, melt aE, Merl 38. Meu. | picor, maraisoN Wanp eTeACH AS | Wesnae eats, tote erctacter | FIVE DOLLATSA YEAWIN ADVANCE, the triaie roidaaey Wena a tere | 
Bene eo pettce tae wTae Whcatinatot nes | Descuiciabia caurly a taken, erat «tirana | uni ant eau or ry taad SbF Wasser Lats oe tule chs : 
Deon ueder the coatrol of local coerators during ne | SUNDAY, at iO A, MI! nod att GM. Moroieg tube | Ob UOORMAMS, No.9 AUNeays ir walls, 
Daal week, Red pilcer have advanced about tor | Jet—tae Muemnine of Nuionat Simin Sechigge | Geo Tag etconanpod parla wal _steton centre 
Dusnel, ‘Tae blgn Azores compel antocare to pe | Het Mloates Abraham Jincoln Cemente ae Reputbe | WY ANTED-A SITUATION DY A RESPECTAML = corpo, Vameae ‘curtains abd cornter 2 an lnqral 
Tookerson, there Selug to. aurgla Cor. proge, Yer | Jersuer. Sabbstarestin eeas Sls couvtrs, atapwartaita servant oF foe general watK? | —Rewoonc peak ssnerer™ tee Aeros Pooese teeters tale re me F 
miltdoutilete contcue wei od hits tec iaHt | YOUNG MENS RUEGH CLASS —CvEnY | hosbeitelreoreneen Call Nora Pie beuICIC AND DIALL: ie Sint | 
will doubtless coatinus unt! recelpta become bimy- TRORSDAY EVENING at 8 o'¢lock. ot Ebb Nou WV ANTED-SITCATIONS FOR GOND SERVANTS On : chiicienbe. ral 
fer. As yol be arrivale, (ough Increating, are en tho Yollog Men's Christian Aessclatioa, No 1418 On atthe Private Servant’s | AN INSIOAIT INTO THE DISCOVERY, DEVELOP. carpe lichen, foraltarw 
moderate ‘The calet reesoa given, for'iee weed | Seer cooducted ty iiag, Joceeu T-non: | YM IBCCCTy GEM, ATHY abe, Poivage Hervant We ANpbeReRT CONDITION AND FE> | Yo agaitoa lobiabracds of Arter aa Fal Ae be | 9h % x 

o idfeatannpt acre ang ten sev earner fos E Bin county CRE Spear ree Rear we — 

Miltipeneny of the lnvetar Sa wong oie MaMURN ES, fesording Geerelary PERULEUI, neta gaa inv am No. 37 Nea 
Heights comands, 


A SOMEPTENT | tn Pennsylvania, Obfo, Wert Virglols nnd, New-York, | cullarly adapted to the wante of partita wlabing a reatly 
TIAN ASSOUIATION, Teture hy Woe iy 

ber vecsent aitaatioa, by the author of" Ten Actus Epo: fine article for shipplog or country trade, as it (s 

traneper(atton men ‘soa eh Ave 

Mitta satugbat) / GE WALD, RELI 

dome, of thelr gemande betore tong, and Tet ti I former! tthe Hooms: Now Pol mmo peste gion EHS, ranted to beep ip aay elim, __} ane pritate faridence No.1 
Beatie frome, are ear iia sowine (ur aboat | AYRNING, May Shite DDTTE Tors beac x PEXROLOM FURR eee 
gompleted. ‘Navigation 2 Sea." Young ween, = THVANTEDe SITUATIONS DYN eareOTADEl ‘A REMARKABLE BOOK. fund corolces, mahoxacy* 
been retuned durin tke iE ELEVENTH OF THE coURsE oF | WANTED ATUATIONS DY A HESVECTABLE Bul basireresre 
Dopond “the Stratis ee VER ERG Cee ncsth Teese SAGMES | somencentlerasa’s house aod pardsn, while the eaplosee THE FIXED STARS; v Bel tea “easy cracker 
Poller Monigorery, on ist lost. ‘Bex SUNDAY EVENING. the auth inet + te Fela |, fonrigeniteman 4 house and rarden, while the ewrloyer On, TALLCOT & UNDERHILL, No, 140 Breadways N. ¥. | and tteonils, ke., ke 
Je. lower. Soveral chattors have been mad ‘Chapel, by Rey, Wa. Runpaes 2. D. Subject: The Wits |‘ Pees giles by bis last eroplayers, eltber (rom the country THR GODDESS OF TRUTI AND JUSTICE. ——— Th 
on Wheatto Buifalo, and at the close: vex: olan Beer inthe Belveving Heart. Sorvleca to commence at orelty. Apply awNO, 365 Sth-st.. between Ith and I Tyol, Mimo. extra bloe clot Price $2. WATER POWERS FOR SALE. a. LEE? 
Sa looklon ground Yor more sbippme-ct tus ata, | 14 Pel aye PATRICK SHERIDAN. ee es TO CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTURERS. susie 

cerels for Oxxego are offered at Ge. We quote B GRANDEUR OF THE HOUR KEY. ED 7. . DY SOLE y tok eee es Vo have lists of many Water Powers, tot he ro. WAT OF 4 
eager ata nuleedese@ ante | TAGS RAS tary mterara cn eset ioag | WW ANED SA SIUIARION DY 4 STORD 28 aoRMM ee Porte Mer e 

anes tier acter beg ing ay phe Restoration, carnor Moores. bravebe; of testimonlals given as to capapiiit t, 2 comranics. 1d wheels ready. 
toaey"s ratea could bo tia aown at Nowe) fe * Brootlsn, on SUNHAY EVEN eben uve Desk of teatiovontals el SSNS. SHITH, BRAMALL & CO, *Pacaat holldlags with dns, racer and 
Span’ sh onoiusiee of fener anatone) cothgst | aatictes Beattie GONG AN, regu niienebnineis addres A. FeTHORHURNS, | MESSRS. SMITH, BRAT Veal Halos wih dy 
Receipts for past week, 62.291 bushels. ezaics 1155, feb Pi N’ 


Beevers IN Tu 
Baad tutors bio Or wie Hluateoes 

bushels for eae tme Ia 

A YCUNG MAN A SITUATION | Biverdesments for 

gga Menta tens estos aod | Gels teara pate opr 

vear,” eitpaieny veabere [are Sow mlle With Wabeted Vande ibe cityto mand 
BERG owe arse eeten sea | AER UM ae Wasiey ne ctacd | guetinricuem acute a ara Sobraipion ant catenjaarat URe Oe athe | Mevrdnearciagt Rag ampaat Seater tices” | Siunlen tileeatty ioheeteeiare tech 
cade insets moeeie eaandy at ire w gt 30'| FAL tt Ec aed oth Hiner Oikgs corms ASTICH A tes Hs AW | deberiplogs tnt MAERUA uPA’ | Selle pane aA MAREN TESS RGEDE ly Alt eee 

coraes Dey ent 
‘leo at our oiles, S 

HLOWS—Have boon Mebity dentt In, et froin 10s,@ [IONE 
0c. for poor to very choice, WD, ad C nl 

@ azts many ¢Ebeitan.) 3) seact of 


jon beautiful rocky cleo, near Saipoeld, Ng. euen- | MEARE 
elu hanty re Set 1 Father more requ asl, and | 3 ™HEE: Fa BeGlgy# Bas refrstce: Auras Jd Mex No, ———rraonr (| plentyani neh mifctcmaniaton nat tie | BLACK at met 
ed Branly, pve 20th ine Ohkees oe 3 roe tao foot ct Liberty BRIS 

LEATHER—Het been more eougat af ter end!) een oe = / ANTRD—AY AN EXPHRTENOEDTRAGTIONT YANKEE NOTIO Husa geod ued ctory building, with aneverfatiog | will sil at MP iret 
gia Rireer, by IS G20, BB: Cert ation arson Walsnectgpaas paliam cupnumien one OUT TO-DAY attearaof waiter; ata a all et ubletgcove fee. cara 
CHIETALE<iltve bees etd above the \ dene of Coenen aie in PR a fhe Waler Wher! Oies of 

fat, tbh 

larsu mulolog tatcrest.-"Adiress Wox Ne. lid Posts | Piited sith the cream of comic. Ilka Mor agaare 

purcbacers, una Rave teen insclve, otbce, New-Nerk. 

MOLASSES—Iiae been in moderate dem innd and 

ro mod epltte | "or particulars lagu 

yoar-side Mlustratiogs. Ae STRONG, Tatroons UNDERHILL 

mR Coen srarr SVAN ovat (da SR BERT Pra Perera TOW SALE. Tenteas Bi se 
qolog SATE UaraSaaniacorataos t canted, Ce ONE AE MARLON —ORUBOM., OF tHE HPT: [Oya see 80 ‘or No. aa <a OLAY MILL PROPERTY. pilatisised) 

anit - Sethe ihe Siesta tareana tame tee | Eee Lea TR auvaten 19g wiles fom: thy Modena Rover 

Sits pare ents emurabanicmr te pant te [ae evel thal ETO E | WR ere ir ge ere Pa HR UNE | cuaucety aut te. thy Hades Ring M 

alee tare ano oet ata ear dt ee |S gi shale eh Oy GEM OREP USER CO'a | Rutan Wenceey Marat i Aahaad | MER MIRA URRY | yy 

Eleenrd Goer Vat ed S5re8 Uy Uadtaced US [OPC MONTICN MESSTONAIY MIE ER: | Arcane Oe teresa) Sees eee HePehmnprsiden well worthy ths iebutsearce I ae | ahaa ; an 


ean stan euine ANTEDSA SHO AnOn, WA HINTS Treacle AEST ROT MULROEE Uabenmar, No.1 | 8b 
PETHOLEM Sits veer ta wpa demand ang | etsy, Hil .te ty ee SOON Stay Tea cf at | Waee na tauiean Carn A AINOKE TAR. aarp Abretty ealleat acca | ayeungay i Hoo. /afc tamlies reortae as 
cote) up to 29-8 Grade! Ste cisbe, for I sg Aemenn tthe arch, “arin of | staves “ rotietaugieceiyreer | Haig es iubilinn UOWRCE. Wath, Wel ‘ nro TERrron tune reams, | o/s heim ibe ter avai 
dey strates dunce eae ne ai totes | eqns racer om e—omURGR, SEE WANT ites, Sagan as -onacricag | NEW USIC=TmE Rat Ty TeaE | ceatnieermitamanteieiirgin ts | (ata OK ines 
felled In ries: elon heurie.aijcu bnre baen |g, Ni len BOND AY a paloa Eee A A Hungaly sine taan, wba pervctdy uadernsen als | IN mtnoriamat Pranieat RAC OLS Vinee ESGuTa, | fptereseica of the Beslouy Har ‘atch miltak 

at the, reate of the Ainnrican Woonte i 

y A pr Hadson Rivar Railroad, near Flubkil Landlog, 
De ae te PUREE Be FT ee ee ali, Aeron Mlondny and} Voll pet goelt R autim aedeslog God ts veel has | oHEAiCaUd epropriata wari. Mucte very immpreenva_ | Maden Nivar Railrond, pear FUDAN Landlog. 

om Reve Min: 627647 90 for Iess-4 peiay eeeaTR aaa Beak eee Saany ADM wood veterences  Aedarees Ree oe Sa pedatriocet Sit Duet Rison al Hor aior pe | gi fidlogs sith at ot poet uaa he Sea 

Yor Prime Mees ¢£27 20 for Tain RCH OF THE PUNITANS.ciitscn. | NWANTED=A SITUATION A_cOoHIE Crees etent atop, Alto Lave.on ths Brule | #ultthe caterer upon seta, / pyre ain 

See ee Rae Coe ae ae eaten ae ar ERCH | WW ive eiilys white cada OCR MANERA | Corr am edt em fant panisicd ay WU FERSINTS | Neste arasdony. Tastee BkaGHQAN Aeal 2 

Geltcerys selieta option, port at E2029 RE91 HURL | of, tue Pertaan, Uplamcequarey SAUBATIL SOMETSR | MB aleald of wa ce” can give Ue Ue at lees eee OREST No. hovoanat. vend onthe ah ae aaeee rank of Meh stam, Nota Liberte : 
Cur Heni’aye ia geod dehard athe, Globe. te | WitoelceLand SABUATH EVENING ac tw orden. | | Address H., Wor 238 aes tice. Musle and Verlodical dealers, Mailel frez on eeselpt ot mume} TARRY HSB gOME Bay FONE pack Hest 
Shouloers, ana/tve-Gisige tor Hames vatce saosh VTE 1 V ANTHD—a BITUATION BY A TESPRCTABLE | Price centa cach. HOMGOPATHMG SPECIFICS bes 1s bande Wish. 8 rene clee OW awit 
sey getnsuiog 50 haa lefea inne Gave’ | ER tain Mustuw a uagea Gioby, mite |W jouae aaa’ tincAlada, ete WERUGIG ME | Ny Eur srOntd WFITAGUE A SRSpae | Mare, one: hae Os NASR eetace ae Joe. | Heemeeegee tind sath cei 
SNe sates ea rik Sletten Hame tone ct tae AGE Pony oerte | WV ego suede intbezeaatee, | NEW anata See R HOUR A SEASTIN | Mav ilerh Saha troaph Eficlay and Gell (6, | Wiest old wlineat te See 
aole Otlcsro at 16> 33D. Bacon egntinues tp aie sb BDA at ot PM ood at 7% ie the | Aukdrens J. Be How Tones Ofiice. TL pele docentan OY OVE £9 pieces of popalar musics | They are the ee medlelard eae Te aeie Jee A Wollanen 
Inte cequeets telco 30 bizes inclusion Cawosriand | cxesisk fo thechapatcr the to-av. Bapittickurch ais |! nee Oa Lanes eran, at | Reet, Eres (eee | Ene 
Cut Loog Itib at 16ue.; Short Rib ake [19 SIRMEIA NTS Ir sou SS SUAUSTER embined.Corupiets Losigase | Mugtbem 43 harmless aa bs ere romcaets / end wo | PRY BANGS, MEIC 
BOM c.ei7e., and’ Tong Cut Hament Whe. WD, Rreerence ts mu olllo=F ehe fas fulthtally: edna | Mora bod over 2:0 popular Unues 65 conta, malted. Feet ate emdstion trom ally and will alias MES IRE | uy see Ne ve 
ai'io: Gléac, the Intler lor vers cuolee WBy Beet int iii ro oe "| 
ieay nctiva to-duy, at #162620 for Extra Mose 2126, Be BRSIDU Na Dincoureey PI RTE |e ee he 
$103) for ents Meda: aster 1.100 bee orca eet =e MET TAGE TPES Brenaene ta Santa Peer zen ale of DF lasated | Sats Wonne, Gieaueey wiry and fem arco book | 
Etniinace aullcelereguer vteaes Beat Tings te te aTRCH HE VATE Nati fn tetra oor oc quart AM wgSthe ue | Sc Cures Urata alle ce tei of fe we gigaee tT aap ae —— 
fate dewecd and Arm; anten 00 Dble. at $222 £25, ABbATH it begale ELP W ANTED. =xi fin pari pend une geapene, PAG vieoeite eae | 2° Guret Grad al sr enticen gh AWN (fe Ht TES AE — 
Tintter has Yeon in. fair request at 34¢.2300, for poot so agai | WV AWNTEN—a simstcrase cooks ONE wito | inetcratilessrcaie citton seam, alle Hymne |g re Ea ee eres gures ie Voailag 22 oy acdlen, TIS DA TOE Gt BEET, 
to primo old Staie,{aed thease. for Weatcrat alte, Daigcba 8? Me | NN yronciip-anderstunds hee vosation ia aise | ON€Fs ftopes <A cepa” Mailed fe. © Gates Choteenfiochuny Naues iat Voaill Fence ne HES pall sesh weet 
Seana ig deaahante eeaie ee Beirstet vesliaa artionints, ood cau bring the bet of clry relersacea FIEDERICN ULUME, No't°s Howes. | J Cures Comatin, Coli, Wearsenee’ 2 Bronch ae ASE Roa an 
continues tn dexand ot 112.226, for poor to primo buren envi oles ent prelesacds Abpiy ae No, a ek pistes pene meucel SaeaRLEOASE ROWE 

Clermont-ar.. Urcortsu.—Ds, Buuasbont, Livisy 

: tiay and Saturdag: SES" | ELNHOLDs exrnacT BUENU aves | 2 Lures Headaches, Slee Wenia’ hoy oe ¥etiigi 
tn rather moro demand, Including Rane | on acecunt of telling health, seaigaod- Aly cusses 

AD. 2 Cares Livmpepalee Weak SUNM! poh Costivens 
TUCE-| ealth and vigor ta the framo ana bloom to tho pal: | 11, Cotes BERPEDINL NW, zs 

See Staas tote, asd 
flower hutikogct, Goasmler 

ANTED—HT A Dit GO0DS DIDORTING iL Cates supperay as Se futon manera. 
2020 ee a real hs valedctersaartiop ob SUNDAY V that eae yDS MPORTING AND: | ja cheek Depily Ws sesonunalil by many wlarmiog | 1% Carel Ledeorra s a Se: 
f innedise, and engel N, Werelock, s chs ‘2 a0) bapd cud is fe | srmptoms, and ifn treatment le aubaultied (9, copsumee Ls eer a in ELE THis h Nacilonest 
itbpir ide Wanets Here Gu buavcasir etka tat: | Moker How Nevand iumligasrany weet “AUGER | (is, fozeity or eotepa ds as 1 Gate Seas dase “eet lane WS Seed icar. t TREE cL UCig 
in p Famtor, Tey. Rf BecktaRD, Inthe Cal | 3. 1a Dimes Ufo, QRIENTAT Wal Baron Gare Derateayy WA Ai Hteamatle Paini clading coe Miuplog weet arotiars, ta 
pote Casta Sask wes Uehaed Se BE | YVANTED—a wcorom aw | OSES Anata PIES AND | du cars prcgeamttent Me Gui Foyer O14 Ages £0 Begun sive aul shee 
Arey ADE % AM, a B fardencr, for geaperies, erecaioue Ke. & | genres articles hy OxiiGiiion ‘wed foe metre Gurea Piton, interaalcy \*SEterBAt, Vid or Died 
‘and quotes tess 5 ; 5 pale men, who Is espaule an te undoui eo articles pve on oxitbilion wad or sain ee ES ve Helens soternal o1 renee q rei 
bavyant, Sateahave been masto of 510 ohds., Includ- ItESIDENT LINC OLN—W DR. THOMP. Coe te re St wig a a evn ba ne det bted: palcaroontx of BANOS, WERWIN Noa.(34 and | 49, ea (Ph - \"gaak fatiamed Byer ired trom ap 
ig "Guia, de. at from Ne rwliMe. WB. "Reflaed | 4, £95 e!, Disach 06 Ne Lise ys Aorahins Lincats and | gharcten, Silt ec ai ensS Place aby gous trang RSNA SRE ttt Apexi tian ot thy + Cares Cnanis, aare, Ciyroais-or induecza.. 
LS at CUTE SH Sigel on Saat ENING AH | A AN@ED ace PIICE (ist—HA8 DSEN TRETART 3h Gare Weaopt ‘Simca weathice. 6 | puts DAY. 
Tallow Salcedo Be aiiheeiiiecm a, | Sea eo See | Winilacteiachrnae fd ovesty wih'aiew of upistay etcmarintasie | ex Sones Bate Pana eka fo | aatr bee fee 
sepetractinag 0018 ots ceaned ond veo | AMES Cth ad MB tua ie Glas: HEeckoler Septnith Gout cadSispaiona | Ar cares GEsetulrsesiiaed \ Golutaa weskoc: | Ropes it 
seine rhat Armer, #2 alan in | gleesot this church wil b2"notd rogalarly- terest lor rere doaut cxirees companies at a smal exit, to almogt {2% Cures Deopays and, rots eid 
ica ait ourton' aoe ou nereramea areal | Lett ony cer Younes Gur esalie ME | Trawnmn—coronep-oima—a-aa iw anor | GAGs Susteae i ae est crchssak | & Gael Oeaeep Seale vanes Wee Wy 
bn Thurscns, Hd arume telat more Glavored of et | SSaaecas (MeTHNGr s dllalne. corage OF Ebay. a fod an experlacced. chamborasid sa Ni 4 e a Bowery: Th Caragigney Dineaic, ‘Ge Noatunt Kiote: | WILL SELL. 1 
Hiner 3o Benen ot ase 38 Boxee doye gum | prerceme ar aad sectess VM _____J pay Slaton aa gant wand at Koro ka Se or HidtpeRe Oo ARE aR OAK Nowe | A OS Aenea Beblilirs Sika gale | NY Mon ocekrat 
BO. 5 rea 5, Pia F Pa 7} THe rookie. I bere of HALPER'S and ATLANTION 1S neg Oe, Moun. Invotuatars MAduts oF a re. 
amet AI Mevaar sc, 46 pkat, halt poande dam. | DRAG H A atip di CA BUNS AY i DERG AT WANcERTA, GHOGR NOTeE To EAE | BMH TGA S onl RICHARD! Sei | 2 Cure dare Manthar eae bel caren 
Berd, ME IEC. F er) 2. 04, 12 || 10 o'clock, and In tho EVENING at tis o'closk, by tno. Suitomed to thecare ot chiiinin eed ey oor earaicy | OF FRRRMASONRY. “res UsOn's er] 30. Cores Wel ary ii poaltivety oa day of 
AT e. 25 cuizes Vives, do,, at 250. YE—all tax: paid, |! hotly cncrsistel Pecoe: BH; alneDBETE, OF We | edercac ue agen aie Shelley and ea bye city JAS. A. MILGLER'S, No. 10 Nasgagcst., N, ¥ (Jeary tscouttnevce, rely oa day 
5: VUIEBK Petes bate been reported of 220 bola. ai} Nerit bs Contsraca’ éranera welevsyn NO RSV MYsad Bene TN ES Hoey PA TES TEA — ‘M. Corea Pati “isa DW 
2 We malton, g 7 a7 7 == a: neta iw ILL sibh. 
ne 4 . | PRE FIVE POINTS MISSION—SITE oF = Wes ‘Se Cures Suferinga at 4 
aie 19 trac Daeg, Soon OM abet and fam | AuivoiibraetyChscaruut Msocs sm ine | WOSEEBSA NATED Wain CaO [IS FURNITURE ss core Eotjay sud Bee cutee need 
Si Jon0'r a gh tgo.of Beale on private termey alto, | Saathey aor ea ae Pe Bae ee eS | fortwo dare ef Ne an reo Epitepay and 

hool nt Bovaiock P.M. Balest pleced wills MC utheav aide dagen Jen\ baby 

from tour oe Dangers, Sopeteral aeons 
Peano es eat o Gauge Ob Private, terms: for | anuyby tho children, -Vistors will udUdrees te school, 2 o'cloek. a 94, Core Diningtig ag ised tore, alas, (he. 3 
‘eitod, €6 tons Ol Coke, om private (or : : ue NPED=A CHIE mi iY ase 
jisniite, zh ionese Bomtego Engaood, at ioy-, | FIVE, POINTS HOUSE, ox anDunricx, | WANTED ho anaaianis ibe bastte an’ tap fain tt mores 

foc Autwert, £0 0.23k« Asher; on private. {arm 

Ao. ds Workkea- the rellstoue 
Dage Coffes, at 7a.d, 1,600 feet walnu}, 

fe bring the teat of elty cefercuce. Cail a 
tti(otlep will ba held in thele- pew chapel, ca AUKDAY, s tha Leatof city retereuce, Callen tlre, WATE 
23R. SI.” Sinking bya chotr of two buadeed children! | Nout Weatittanat” 

‘Caso of tbiery- Ava Wiales Ja moreso ease, 
ayyottbiey-dve Wale, 1a too aL 
Chas ¢ 

zi Goss or trea fan e 
== ET ANTED-TARSE LADORERS who UNDERY | =. Gans ot by 
Movements of European Steamers, | DUGPAL, CUUNUH, Amitsrt. Rear Mot Ouluing and Haslag necks aes gieieies “Atay Bee: \| Ome GAN ROE q Bar Tudie REMEDIES by Us ‘ete ot ain 
a tev A Me ond 135 o'clock Ba lurday at 11 o'clock, at No. C2) ifheets WW ivestaan fata ow eeeelting tN Talte csuentsare sent 2 any partot tha: cou, | —_— 
rao Benoa. TOT ESTAS ANTED—AN EXTENIENOsD ENTRY CLEAR Beg. Hal Aduee Moitiineys sercirendwaror, — Yue 
fe, April 2. Portlan inumyediatelyt one ¥. 
Gerineg id ART Bees: aedltvarte Hee On He BioEeSy, Mime: Balser 92 | prarereel ae ORs UGE 7 the aeag by Foren Ge caso aee Dept 222 Broadeag, ~axexae 
Ege Bateisis Ae 3 Seve 1 A.M pea PS eR | ottces hess DR HUMbREVS tzconsaitel dally atbisosice, PT REYNOL!| 
Ports sevee cs eeettay New-York S23, LIMOTAY'S CHowon ieoreerant | WWANTEN—A Neat tiny wosrtn aa GOOR aopaliy or by letter, avacove, tor all ovens of Ulseaee. | — 
Peraviagverss wing de Rerevors WPEbscopatl. bebe, west of etovavcRey, Dr HL | yest aalitla Veslay Bu icovlogs TAG GO i ; Spopetent ma 
LeSAnciagales -eeware Meet | WARN raed aa SUGEEST ESI pat | Ct da AUSTIN BALDWIN & C04, aa ates 
ctiy of Washlogia!Mny G.cKew-vork I: ? id. Gene hector. "TED-IN a RETAIL ORY GOODE BIDTE: Not? Broadway, New-York, cf Paebeor eh 
BriaCaeecccrnetiay bo New. Zork. evaal, | EAPC EE chonen ane argon | WASSER A ReTaTy ORY qpops Biane, Forvent Goods, pactagca, valoabler, boat keto ali | PUDD eae 
Be Non Neg Reeo uf Socadequtoe Sillbs aamlotttercd In th eburch on | Tia mam ond refer-tes. aati VaA\*?Eo Foren ° Tay | PTS oCPurore, at meterte rates. Drafta for sale on sane ter 
HA a el EN eS a Wig dealdeg bonlagun Warteen tua teed uele | ~2elBds France nad ertuny foe, cakann an 
Yh, New-Yor) ai rvices comment: 1085 o'clow! stands leo aud fart ork. Apply ara. for \eeads Of Mich at least five thousand dolore _ 
Rea Metp navi GRICE, Rv, 3. 0, 1, ABWETR oF Fon: | foricat! OTE Amt ew wor Arty at Mo ts | rer MaaE a ameh ac Tad Ae aeay Sat | suthibi(e salen 
— Aen Celt prec ta hat Peeop aed Ohare | eee | Risa Be ee For asietiy tis ra 80) 
Pi staan Ohuichs te | WTANTHD,—aN AGG, 5 we 
Foe Havends NAO Mss oe Uatreralty place (ate De. Potts) on" SUNDAY, ai 105, er mould likem for mora cate MESS HAR N EX \DENSTY: At the quarter! 
Rushing Siheony AVAIL Bi, NeweFork ue. Orleans, | SEGA Mh ani at 3 Pal, = | Bethe Addeew al Vs No.sis Wrest Riba? OPS OF TART Reg lees tar Waar ie 
eVis Naesaa. 2 < i RE DAIRY ANNIVERSARY OF E NT WOMARAS : of ratutlons: 
Greale es Yop colts, | bei et oeed at Maite 2b, | Wate SRTRSTANT WON AS ca Aas Fi 
Fulton. a Lad eee md, hore, Weil Bthat., hetween Oth and Th ays y wil 2“ N04 Stay, beiwego thy hours ee our lang 
ene So ¥Srk “cGalierota’ | tebeldes #ABUATE. Apel tithe Beale? Waxtno= rm ior LON-RUSBIA, He ATENT Torley 
Goloatis, wastoy e-Yorky.c. Hanan. LIS) LUPUBRAN cHUROH OF ANTED—A FIRST-OLASS_OLOAK SALES: frolt, ipo KueMla, "2. Gi." Ainstlean, egea- 
Foug dln scitdluy 8, Newvork so OHsoN Es “AMES ain oatecah a ab Mars ifr | store Rotate uowsryore! toe Meroroias ‘Chak | eee WS aa as neat: PPA: A. THOR. a 
i jeuuaerrea, D.'D,, of f hiladelphlay slit prese a JON A CU, No.2 Wand = Wat ae 
NDAY, ADFIL®) at 104s A.M. and TH Ps Ae W As@ED—Coacintay anv ckoom; a ST MN PLATES. CHARVOAL AND OOKB TIN delle 
Deparinre of Doniostlo walls, al 

Nevers dexrletio 

Exon AD cuunen—navsonn ar, 

eee cgpetent aud steady, mop upplyct Na | Lanterosphat 

for sale-oy AY | Atzartcan Unis: 

New 25 pod 7s Watereat, Ho not corzote 

geld by 

Bact Malle eloee 

8 As Muy 1d) and.. 
Weitira anil so 

pee v1 TE = fared by WARDIVELL 
n Maile A.M, aod Sill preach TO-MORHOW (Bupday) EV ING. Ser~ ANTED— WOMAN TE: AI OOK, XTUREt Ni, ¢) 31 " 4! ray dG 

Lea ht eoteteeeeceenar 2s Wiewtaetils Avil. aM and 1 TOMO Keats trees 2 Wake Gav AI Nore War Raniewee pe | BOR SARESSTOCR,, jibe. od man's argh aiee ale ut vik near ke, | 
‘owporeaud FSi itlece telos As My Moreen Pullon-at., New-Yoruy, well located ead dein INE LAGE THE sae: | ot 

Hesvork venteal Raniroal eos ve Spas eveny | teed bistnea addi tvales Nocsas ay came | A RINE VauGE ra THE gure | of tos * 
ra Halas cancresacniee CENT WANED =T0 SETE TN Evenr Nemes | Muller, ond a workpor bigh tacit Tnlereonbe. b2 
a a ain, ica Btales 9 now national opgraring, att school: fu ite, fre feet 2 for na 
ve Math fpiltled * Reading the Proclamation of Naancipation 7 $8. Avpiy to W KI fear, Uttes. $155, cont eet 

the Siayea Cabos Fron aie (awe THe ie ae COAL. AE secon Howes Back eee: MREDE Nos 3 Willsne a 
oe aT SITUATIONS WANTED, | paprrepiditetsiaost ofa tau hated d Heese erry es wre cond Hoar, back ott ea ME ore 
RELIGLOUS NOTIG ee | eet SBS MIN b es Hartera; WYOMING VALLEY fed oyregoris 

: ie paar ee 3 SO ae any seat 

Bee eee. vsrvenwanres |» BAM Boe. YANTED—oF invetiiganos, IN a wens | eg 

Pay ciel birniet Merc O Maas, | yy ANTED-situATIONS ay store “Ava aio Wodvar gone (HA) 9 nt ay hay | aiSisseos Oe 

or tirid-epett, will eayely the deve ti fot youoe worse alter SRGRSHAN WANTED-I8 a WHODENQLE AI pr eognats & or tiien ” 

Moco oly Sy vi wetoek hs a ta cliy of enor permad’ | Savy gosinetae, Vatovor oz Na 4 TCU D : Uhr arate Gebel inetos aedtnicoete £5 | wits 
tteh ge olroar ot Wat DR ALEALD Nr | apealde si malted vats aoa tay aad recip | PELAURWERMMrOIATEGe now nme | Foto ina SUMNER "OUEST Us. | Ceram aay pecmerere or | Sens a 
Hauivon av. eirocr of tan vine eervion pabeiniaectywntin ce Ther em, = VP SM EDIATELY PROM THE ‘ook of L er try And 13 tho oo ek tLe ENTAT, ASSOCIATION one | VBS 04 

BUNDAY oli aM, and 744 1M. The Mecton, May. | prover ano tea eeene Call af No. 10d Went oath ‘Metropolitan Gas Works, d2dsst, and North Itiecr, Won ar a JGANATED aod now utc the allroasoxiga gus tweg: | ws Hones, Pott 

Brarstwistes ire wil env Rabe | BOO a = ere a8 SR, OU anir dag, PANY | AD as MR te: | "YI Ja 

evepY dar. Uestulebtal work doug. a Uyaper Tenis 

The Dow-Pork Tunes. 



sheprisact the Thvrs (Dally)is Youn Cents. 
‘Te Mall Subscribers rer enoens 810 00 

Includieg Sondey woralos 
‘Vor Seui- Weenie Thies 
Oeccpy VyeaF wu oe 
Two copes By ear sere " 
‘Tue Wreser Tues, 
Ore ony 788 F.eosoo8 
+ Three coplea 1 year, 
Frosh names may ot ooy tfins be 
oftha Wrentr ood Seute\Wrecte, atClub Notas, 
Yarnuantg Jovaribly fo edyance, 
We have no aulivrize! traciling Agents. Remit in 
eho be or post uficc money orders wherever it can Be 

2 ngaryis By J, NAYMOND & © 

Amorements thle Eventom 
DARNOUM'S MUSEUU—O1ass Drowens, Mamxcord Fat 
‘Wours, Oise Hor, Giastess, Dwary. Morning— 
Yoctrar Siow, Afternoon, at o'clock, and ereolog: 
Tap Onasor Orne. 
BULLER'S—(No. £5 Browway)—Maars. 
WINTER GARDEN—Conronat, Canroucne; OR, Tae 
‘Foutoax Hore. 


BIPPOTHEATRON—Gaano Marine. — Aflerncoa— 
"Tou Farar Peaxce, : 
WALCAOR!S Bent Fates 

ACADEMY OF MUSIO—ARerncoa—Manria, Even~ 
fog—Puriaanweme Soctes} 

NIMLO'S—CoEsteax Bnovixes. 
DODWORTH'S HALL—Vanpusnorr ftranrwos. 

THEATRE FRANCAIS—Daccr oy Muy, Etevone 


To Agvertinorn 

Advertiners tn the Tues are requested to briag 
tcitele nelces ates entiy an Loar Inthe day axp0% 
-aible, If reeslved after 35 o'clock, twill bs knpor 
efi io clally hem waver thle props} heads, 



A private dispatch from St, Lovis reports the 
oxplasion and sinking of tho steamer Sultana on 
the Missleeippi—piaco and date not glsen—and 
adda that a great miny soldicra lost thelr lives. 

President Jouseon has postponcd the day of 
Buroltiation and: Fraser, originally fixed for tho 
251% of May, tu tio Ist day of June, becauen the 
35th was Aecension Day. 

‘The Hemllton correspondent of the Toronto 
Leadery writing on tho 26th inst, states that 
Gen. Las has engaced apartments In the Royal 
Hotel in that city, where he has relations lisiog. 

The subdcriplions to the Loan, yestenlay, wers 
$4,155,500, Shere wero 2,900 persons who took 
the smallest etxns. 
eo. THos. A. Davies, atid not 
cured the commit of wnilie 
tary otlairs In Wisconvtn, 

Becrotory Sawanp is 
01 ia also rapidly impro' 

in Tomperanco Ourps, organized 
Ayiril 15, 1865, and composed of pergona who havo 
not-used intoxientlog Nquors 99 a Laxorage for x 
Tinh of aeqntury, held-o -meoting Iust evening 
fa toe Forijelghilrsrcet Mothedlt Kplscopal 
Jaana MeOaireny, a youth of ten sents, foll 
from the-Nlath sticet. pier, yesterday. afternoon, 
and-was drowned. Tho boly wa recovered, ani 
yuh howetlinige nt 38080 0aak 

8 Proroanar3. 

Aveayia Dazaag. Last Dar. 

ing very well, and bis 

Mesera. Hovraan\ & FAvstsa’s carpente 
shop inne rear of No 335 East Nintheotseoty 
rer catrayed by fire a about Darclock yeeterday: 
Winovns osy on otov ie and bultding, $0,090, 
The body of Pour Muza, a boatman, late of 
No. 139 Goorck-ntrat, was\found yeaterday morn- 
Ihe in the dock at tho {ot of Stanton street 
Monrita had beeo missing tlygee montha. 
yesterday, peforo Gommieslon- 
sand Nodlumay, charges were 
« Poticeman\ Conus, of tho 
AT =08, of the anrth. 

\1 for tho nan\toual 720 Loan 
week, as hidleated by the 
avorace daily subscriptions, which ara up to 
16, of at the rate of aver 3125,600,000 
The daily sales thug far tha\week nave 
been as follows: Moniay, £1.275,660) Tuesday, 
150; Wednesday, €1,162,000 ; “Rhuredoy, 
£2'570,100. Tha ordora for thy £50 o\ud §100 
notes of the Loan have averaged 343350 day. Tho 

Gaily average of subserictions last week was 
$3,054,140, and the preceding week $3,055,108. 

Governtment gold-bearing Loude were very Wpat- 

Ingly offercd yesterday nnd were in fair domand, 
snuinly for pormanent Investment, but fa part TF 
ehipmept to Evrope. All round lots tendered (oF 
salvswero eagerly bought at the ruling pricesyin an-\ 

Ucipation of an early nnd decided tle, Later news 
frou Frankfort and London waa anxiouely looked 
{\ for. | Tews recognized that the Africa's adyices 
1) ndicated a radical chango In Engiiah financial and 
2 ietegntile opinion In our favor, and ft waa con. 
% \ciledthat the foreign market value of our na- 
{3 | onal'potd-beoring bonds most be most benef- 
ci illy aficcted by this change. tds seen that tha 
pr\-Yalegt conviction in England at tntest vatee 
Thy) sco Waa that the final ulumph of our govern: 
me) ots hear, ond that oven those who had mani- 
fea ted th strongest faith In the rebel couse havo 
bee ono upmistokably despondent, 

‘Dhoro was less activity in produca and mer- 
chandiso yiesterday. Prices of domestic produce 
gprraly sevored tuyere Poralgn merchndi 

av held q\aito firmly. The freight market waa 

Very quict,| and tho fow engagements wero at 
puch Jow raltes that the brokero refused to give 
specific dete ds, 

‘The pries \ef Gold was one 9 cent. lower yes- 
teray. U.£, Stocks Ieos_nctive and} cent. 
Dower than of; Thuraday. ‘There was quita a re- 
action in. thd Rallway speculation, Brie about 78 
W cent. Monoy easy. Exchange 109} for Gold, 

Hast niybt the market was much oxcited. Gold 
loved at 1463 after tho call, 

The popular dem: 

fs vuusually active 

‘Johnston's Surrender. 

‘The dileayms in reference to tho rebel army 
of Gen. Joussroy Is sallofactorily solved, 
‘The Lleutengnt-General has cent official in- 
formation (o the War Department froin North 
Carolina that Joussto has surrendered tho 
forces of his \command on the baots greed 
upon, on tho 9th instant, for tho eurrender of 
tho army ofGep. Lux. We need not say that 
thls will be perfectly satisfactory to the coun- 
try, ab it aasurddly 49 to the government. 

‘The rebel forecs embraced in this surrene 
dor include all that are in arms bolwoen (bo 
Southern border of Virglaia and the Chatta- 
hoocheo River, The Chattahoochee forms for 
p great distance the Western boundary of tho 
Blate of Georgla ; so that the lerritory cover- 
ed, or ra{her uncovered, by thls great surron- 
der, embraces the Stales of North Carolina, 
Bonth Caroling, Georgia and Florida, or a 
Aistance of over five Aundred miles from 
past to west, Tho reason, we suppose, 

Jat itdid not extend an indefinlto distance 
ether, ts that tho Chattahoochee fa the 

mand. This shows that, unlike the Shorman 
negotiation of April 18, tho present Ia etriclly 
a military surrender, and that nolthor Jerr, 
Dayis, Baxexiynioox, nor any of the ofvil 
rebel leaders had anything (o do with It. The 
negotiation of tho 18th, of whtch Davra was 
the dictator, covered the entire Confederate 
torritory and secured his own safoly. 

Tho region botweon the Chattahoochee and 
the Bflgsleaippl includes (he States of Alaba- 
ma and Mioslssippi. Every important post- 
{ion In both those Slatea is in our hands, and 
(he only rebel troops to them are the fow 
thousand fugitives who escaped from Mobile 
recently on i(s surrendor, and who have 
probably been chased Into chaos bofora this 
timo by the cavalry of Gen. Winsox, 

Thus, {tcan now bo eald that peace relgna 
over the entire South—if yo except tho single 
Sato of Texas, Tho great armfes of 
(he rebels ore now all broken up, and 
every man of them Is sworn to keep the 
peace, All the rebel arms, artillery,and mont 
tions of war aro in our keeping. Under (hese 
circumstances, there will be Jittle difficulty 
in maintaining ordor and the ational author- 
fly all over the South. 

Secretary Staxrox'a important order, issued 
on the 1th inst., providing for the reduction of 
tho army, tho curtailment of expences, and 
the opening up of trade and commorce, can 
now very soon tako actual effect. 

A Clings Revolniton. 

Our readers will bear Jn mnind that wo havo 
from tho beginning of the war “urged that this 
struggle was casentially a strugele belwoen 
aclacs—the slave aristocracy and the people. 
We have always maintained that only as this 
feature fs considered both in legislation and 
oxecutive action, can we hope for a perma- 
nently succeseful lesue, It is @ matter of 
hope and congratulation to us, and to all who 
take the deepar views of tho contest, that 
President Jouxsox bas fron the beginning 
felt and acted on this fdea, If hla course be 
examined while ho was upholding the gor- 
oromont against tremendous odds In Tennes- 
sce, and bis epecchies al the (roe of his noml- 
nation as Vice-Presidcot, it will. be 
geen that the prominent thought in his 
mind way that a base aria(ocracy, founiied on 
slavery, who had Jong welghed) on the poor 
and middle clasres of the Soath, were now 
atriving (o overthrow all the franchises of the 
people on this continent, and were striking 
blow at universal democracy, 

Io his apecehes In Tennesaco ho appealed 
to the honest poor and laboring class against 
the trattorous rich, With the eyo of a states 
man, he saw then that the ehlef hope of our 
final victory in the rebol Slates lay In dostsoy~ 
lng the aristocracy and raleing up the masecs. 

represents at this time the position, aud 
atrugglee, and capacity of the great Demo- 
cratle classes of the South. To has fett 
«the cold sbade " and heavy hand of a bar- 
harie but able and desperate aristocracy ; 
he has auffored untold wrongs from them ; be 
has been the object of thelr boundless scorn 
and contempt; they have murdered lls 
Iriends and childron and destroyed hia prop- 
rly; they hunted bim from homo and kin- 
dred; and though they offered him place and 
power to tako part with them in their trea- 
son, they could never tempt or bribo hima 
hair's breadth from his loyalty and duty. 

Te knows this bas and (reasonable class ; 
these men who, having epent (helr lives In 
robbing tho hireling of bis wages, and having 
of necessily become hardened to overy epe- 
clos of cruelly and brutality and dishonor, 
looking down on {he hdnest and self-eupport- 
ing poor, find it most natural to rob thelr 
country, to betray ber honor, fo torture and 
tmurder prisoners, to fire peacoful eltiee by 
sfoalth, (0 despise and oppress the laborers, 
to carry desolation over a nation for the sake 
of thelr mad erbition, and, finally, to murder 
by ageassination where they could not aver- 
come In battle. Mr. Jonxeox fully under- 
stands the cruelly, the dishonor, the bound: 
lesa ambition, the anquenchable hate and the 
utter desperation of the Southero elaye aris- 
tocraoy. In bla brief but (renchant speeches 
cinco his foauguration, he alwaya distin 
guishea botween the detuded and poor of the 
rebel Statea and the rich and powerful 

‘The sketch of President Jouxsow’s policy, 
Which Snenwax’a extraordinary negotiations 
have called out, shows how clearly the dan- 
gers frow thls class stand before his mind. 
He {5 determined that the old treasonable 
and powerful claea of slaveholdera shall no 
longer control the South, They aro to be 
rooted out to thelr lowest fibres. Thetr 
(reasonable Stato Governments, forced and 
sprung upon the peoplo, are not {o be recog- 
nized. ‘They are, of course, to bo stripped of 
the Iniguitous gource of (helr powor—thelr 
slaves; (hoy are to be exposed to the pains, 
penalties and eh€me of treason, which 
means, to large numbers of thom, poverty or 
banishment or death, Tholr public debte, 
whether of States or Confederacy, are to be 
wiped out, aod a new class of Joyal men— 
however small thelr number—is to form tho 
ruclous ‘of tho fuluro loyal State, and no 
otvors, unless repontant and loyal, are to 
rave part In It, The Presldent means to 
uild up a new and loyal class from the poor 
whites and others who have been faltuful, 
and fo trust to Immigration and a gradual 
change of tho middle class to forma new 

But tho old are to pass away, An ari 
tooracy withoyl means is only contemptibio. 
‘As a class they will lose thelr Iniluence ; 
some will emigrate, and in proud poverty 
abroad curse the Yankees and democracy ; 
many haye dled already, and others will pay 

tho penally of thelr orlmes on the eeatfuld. 

bly did not, {n tho rebel States, nomber 
800,000 in tho beginning of the war; and of 
these only a porllon wore wealthy enough to 
bo leaders—a small but able and couraguous 
body. This class the rovolution must grind 
fo powder; and to this rosult tho policy of 
the President will evidently lead. 

The Surrender of Johnston—The Close 
of the War. 

Jonxeron's eurrender of his entire army 
Teaves no rebel force thia eldo of tho Miasis- 
sippl. Kinny Surzm has a fow thousand oo 
(he other atte; but (hey bave long been In a 
very disorganized condition, and will now 
disperse at once. We very safely assume 
Wat the last gun of this war has been fired. 

This seems u very simple record, end yet 
how hard, we may say how impossible It te 
to realize Its full signiGearee. Welook about 
ua Ia tbls great motropolls and see no change. 
‘There aro the eame thronged strects as be- 
fore ; (he same stir and bustle and theltt. We 
Lave lived far away from the sight and the 
sound of war, and tho transition to peace 
alrikes our acnses lordly more then (he trans- 
{tion from one buay hour to another. And yot 
What a different month of May from tho Inst 
‘now breaks upon the woods and valicys pod 
streams of (he Wilderness and Spottsylvanta, 
Where penco now roigns atone In blossom and 
In ong, there the armies of the Potomac and 
Virginia, In one continued "red shock of battle 
Lent," together etrowed the Geld, and erowiled 
(he hospltal,with the wrecks of fifty {housand 
inon, Whato contrast now to that high carat- 
val of death in which the rifle proved more 
deadly thao the cannon, in which men shot at 
cach other with deliberate aim, or in awoep- 
ing voltey, from amidst (hickets of broshwond, 
from bebind sheltering trees, from across nar- 
row brooks—in which hundreds fell at a 
blow, and blows ceased not for hours, ond the 

fire flashed less In jets than in stects of 

flame, and tho bullets raised a tempest, from 
aide (0 side, wheraln nothing mortal could 
ive, until at last the storm was extausted by 
la fury, with its purpose unfulfilled. And yet 
all that waa but month's work of'a four yeara’ 

Wo should have all ffono mad could we 
have adequately comprehended: (he full sum 
ofthe woca of this war, President Lixcony, 
as. we have beca (old, afer the battle of tho 
Wildesnees had been raging some days, be. 
took himself with a friend to the Opera, ex: 
claiming "Tho people will wonder if (hey 
hear of it, but thé truth is, T must havea 
change of some sort, or dic.” Complole 
serenity Is {bo attribute of Omnlecienco alone, 
who {s consclous of a perfect plan, and who 
sees the end from tho beginning. But even the 
Wleest hero cannot combine composure with 
the knowledge, imagination and sensibility 
which mark the truly good and great, Falth, 
indeed, may do niuch to sustain them. They 
may find some sulace In the trust that there 

lean angel in the fire—a blessing descending 

in the smoke of tho eacrifice;@ tranquil 

Providence sitting upon the highest circle of 

ponsatlng good, sown In the blood-steoped 
furrow of the etnbling onrth. Ate 

reason, the foatinets bestowed by faith and 
the Iesaons learned of history, all enforce the 
beltef tat the world ig as wisely governed oelt 
ts wisely made; that calamity may be benef. 
cont; that oven the sword has a misston ; 
that deep-rooted wrongs can be torn up only 
by fierce tempests; that the seed of good 
must be nourished into tardy Jif by the ox- 
perience ofevil ; and thateven all (he measure 
leas suffering ofthis war is but (he necessary 
price to pay for the presoryation of country, 

the vindleation of justice, the redemption of 

arepublic anda race, All this is true, and 
and yet {({s afill a terrific ordeal for mortal 
flesh and blood. No people could ever abide 
It, were not the senslbilitles—the powers of 
realization and aympathy—among the most 
Hmiled of the facultles of human nature. 
Itis o privilege beyond all estimate that 
we are at last permit ed to reckon this war 
among tho things of (ho past. God grant that 
this falr continent may never again be red- 
dened by the like of it—tlat the peace wbich 
wo havo now conquered shall be a perpetual 
security agaiast rebellion and all internal 
violence. Forelgn invaslon can never 
happen to ua. A Wall of brass, reaching to 
the clouds, could not shicld us from that 
more completely than will the memory of tho 
American prowess displayed in this war. 
‘Thore wil never be blood-stains here that aro 
not mado by our own rebellious hands, Aftor 
tho horrors which have been experlenced, 
how can that be? Itscems boyond the ut- 
most limit of human madnes: 

case ane el 
Secretary Stnnton. 

‘There is no ono member of the Cabinet 
about whom public opinion has been 70 surely, 
though gradually changing, 08 in jregard (o 
the Secretary of War. Tho fantte /which ap- 
peared In the beginning of bis adratnistration 
—his Impuletveness in public action, and his 
sometimes harsh treatment of /indlviduals— 
are being forgotten in the sylendor of his 
succesees and the integrity of bis adminis. 
tration, If Mr. Sraxtox Is hmpulsive now, It 
Jo always on tho side of liberty against op- 
prossion, or it le againgt some gigantic 
crime, or in his eagerness to throw 
his own tremendous force of character 
apd mind Into mililary movements which 
ecm to blm aluggish’ or healtating. Hila 
acts of revolutlonary, energy and arbitrary 
power aro not confined to punishing 
petty traltora, but to (he arrest and pun- 
Isiment of more conspicuous criminals 
in pecullar crises of affairs. lis prompt 
semoval of Gen. Borurn and his imme- 
dinte renewal of the attack on Wilming: 
ton were grand and succéssful Inslances 
of his “revolutionary energy." The recoot 
prompt, but moat trenchant statement of the 
grounds of disapproval of Gen, Snxnwas’s 
negotiations, show Bir. Sranton’s Intellectual 
force and his deep earnestness In the nattonal 
cause In tho best Hght. We believe (he 
whole country felt a certain sense of roller 

Jestera boundary of Gea, dopupzea’d com A hg basa ftg plgvolglding clang pradas ) Qui RcvUrUY, wara (Us) apuiieriy pupemied. 

The Hetw-York Cimes, Saturday, April 29, 1865, 

at tho thought of two such vigorous hani 
tho helm as Mr. Sranzox's and Mr. Jonssov’s. 

But tho highest glory of the Secrotary of 
War, on tho page of history, will be his re- 
markable powors of organization and the en- 
tise integrity of his administration. 

When wo call to mind what, for instance, 
tho organization of the English oampaign ia 
the Orimea was, when tho armies were only 
fa few miles from a water base, and the prob- 
Jem was for (he greatest naval powor of the 
world to feed and clothe and medically care 
for 30,000 men; the Incxtrieable confusion, 
the want of ratlons, of stores, clothes and 
medicine, the sufferings of those brave men 
from (ils most atupld want of business ca- 
pacity In the officlals, wntll the Crimean cam- 
palgn booane a spcolacte 0 the wasld for ite 
misery and atup{dily, and then reflect that for 
four yeara Mr. Staton and his officials bave 
buen feeding, clothing, arming and taking 
medical care of aome 800,000 mon each year, 
tranaportiog them with great rapidity thou- 
sands of suites on the sea and (he and, and 
tat no instance hes occurred of short eup- 
plies, or Irregular (raneportation, or deficient 
clothing or arming, or (on any lerge scale) of 
fo want of medical supplies, evorything ecm- 
Ing to be just where it was needed, we must 
admit that somewhere in our military ser- 
vice there has been a great organizing brain. 

Moro than (Ils; never wor bellevo were 
such vast euma of money epent 60 honestly 
and economically, so far as the department 
could control the expenditure. Contractors 
who have dealt with the Secrelary and bls 
immediate subordinates, will confess that very 
litle has been made out bftho government, 
cfther honestly or otborwise, fn this war. 
And not tho bitterest enemy of Mr, Srax- 
‘ToN ean evor charge him with the slightest 
taint of corruption or venality in hie high 
office, Handling hundreds of millions overy 
year, he haa never Incurred even the sus- 
piclon of appropriating a dollar (o himself. 

The Shenandonh—Extraordinary Con- 
duct of the Australinn Authorities. 
Tho full bistory of the trancactions be- 

tween tho pirates of the Shenandoah and tho 

British authoritles ot Melbourne fa now be- 

fore us. Wo veature to soy it supplics an 

illustration of “neviral” matics, imbeellity 

‘ind cowardice combined nuch as baa not been 

witnessed during the whole of this war. 

‘The Shenandoah put Into the harbor of Mel- 
bonme on the 26th of January, baving com- 
pleted a cruise, during two months of which 
—from Oct. 29 to Dec. 20—she succeeded In 
capturing and destroying nine American. mer- 
chantmen, On reaching[Melbourne, Wapprt, 
the Commander of the Shenandoah, domacd- 
ed the right of patting his veescl into the 
dock for repalra, This demand was at once 
complied with. And the local Commissioner 
of Customs was ordered by the Govarnor (0 
examine what repairs were actually neces 
sary, and report upon (the timo requlred to 
mako them. 

A commlssfon was also inatructed to super- 
vise tho work, so that nothing extrachoutd 
ape locrennlttie (AS wes ailit 
mately fixed at ton daya, Ad tho govern- 
ment ellp was allowed (0 be ured for the 

Tt soon became evident, however, that 
Wanvete bind other work on hand than that 
of repairing hls chip, and tho police avthorl- 
Ules were advised of the fact that be bad 
been engaged in recruiting British subjects 
for the rebel service, The head constable of 
the colony then ordered a forco of f120 men 
to ecarch tho vessel; bat they wore 
resisted In tho execution of their daly by the 
subordinate officer left in charge of the craft. 
‘This defiant procecding seems to haye mo- 
mentarlly roused some spirit in the authorl- 
(ice, And a force of fifty men were next 
called out {0 enforce the search, Wapostt, 
Lowover, by a prompt application of cajolery 

and menacea, soon succeeded tn oom= 
pelling te Govornor to ccuntermand 
this order—the rebel pirate pledging 

his word that (he search for British subjects 
on board should bo instituted by his own of 
ficera, (holr honor (save the mark!) boing 
farther pledged to the delivery of any that 
might bo found on board, The acarch re- 
auil(ed in a report that none were found. But 
the samo ovening on which this report was 
made, the police discovered and pur 
ned a boat conveying four men from 
the Shenandeah—all of whom had 
eon colistod, Still, the authorities found it 
Inexpedient to do anything more, oven after 
thls outrageous breach of falth, than ask 
Wanortt to (ake his ship oul of the dock and 
proceed to sea—the timo allowed him for re- 
fitting having meanwhile extended from (en 
to twenty-five daya. 

‘The terms in which tho final requeat to 
leave was answered by Wavpzut showed juat 
the proper amount of contempt for the au- 
thority which the rebel had so succesfully 
overawed. He promleed (o report (he indlg- 
nity ho had auffored to his government, and 
anote from the Britich Commisaloner, in an- 
awor to this threat, he returned unnnawered. 

It isa filling corollary {o thesé outrageous 
proceedings that a publlo meeting should havo 
been held at Melbourne, denouncing the gor- 
ornment for not treating Capt. Wanprut more 
courteously. And we can readily belleye tho 
roport—extraordinary ae {t appears—that (he 
plrato, when last seen, was lylog off the coast 
a short distance from Melbourne, in wait for 
a number of merchantmen expected from 
Boston and New-York. 

‘Surely this Is a case #0 far out of tho ordl- 
nary range oven of (ho neutrality we have 
been accustomed to, as to demand spacial 
inqulry on the part of our government. 

Oaniser CuaKors.—A letter from the Intel- 
Jigent Washington correspondent of the 
Boston Advertiser, which we copy Ia another 
column, will reword perusal. It confirma 
what wo had previously understood (o be 

tho fuct, thet tho Il-timed demonstration 
made upon President Jonxsox for a recon- 

Tpqnosug vb bis Gavel Lnuugdisioly atver | toay we ramos may po 

the murder of Bfr. Lixcoty, did not succeed, 
‘The whole country was tranqallized and re- 
azsured by tho scmi-oficial announcement, 
made in our columns some days since, that 
no change whatever would bo mado In the 
Cabinet at once, Tt was genorally telt that 
the nation bad been avfficiently shocked by 
tho assassination of the President, and that 
It would bo unwisa to add to the public ex- 
clement ond apprebenston by busty revolu- 
tions in the political administration. Presi- 
dont Jonsson naturally and-wleely preforred 
to pos(pono aetion upon so important a mat- 
ter, and we havo no doubt that, whenever (ho 
{ime sball come for such actlon, It will com- 
mend Itself to prudent and sgeclous men 
throughout the country. 

Tox Crarnan Rarenoan Bitt.—Goy. Fes. 
vox has vetoed the bil permitting the New- 
York Central Rallroad Company (0 increase 
the rates of fare on th rond to two cents 
anda balf amile. We eaonot Lelp thinking 
tha(in this he has not consalled the substan- 
Hal interests o: the State. The bill was very 
carefully guarded,—the time during which 
this tncrease of fara was pormitted being 
Vimited to wo yeara, and the dividends re- 
stricted to seven por cunt. It ia perfectly 
well known (o all familiar with railroad mat- 
fers, that this road, fn common with nearly 
covery otbor in tho State, needs very exten- 
sive repairs; and it fs cqually well known 
that, at the present price of icon and every- 
thing else which entors into either (be con- 
struction or the workirg of a railroad, tts 
quile impuzsiblo for this company to mako 
the repairs and improvements required. . The 
slight Increase fa fares which the bill pra- 
posed would have alded them materially in 
{bla matter, without Imposing any scasitle 
burden on the traveling public. 

Tne Fasuex or Ma, Lixcouy,—The move- 
ment to raise one hundréd thousand dollars 
for the widow of Mr, Lixcoty Is highly proper 
and degerves universal aid and cooperation. 
Mansuat O. Rossnzs, of this city, bas given 
10,000 toward it, and thore are many others 
Wwho ought (o follow Lis example, The fem- 
Hy of President Lixcous, who has fallen 3 
martyr to bls principles, and who died for 
his country as truly as did ever a soldier on 
the battle-field, Is now under the gaardian- 
sbip of the nation, The country owes it to 
ifsc to provide for (hem amply and gener- 
ously. We doubt not that the movement to 
receive donations for this purpose, if well 
organized, will be highly successful, though 
it would ba cminently proper and becoming 
in Congress to voto each surviving member 
of Mr, Laxcots’s family a liberal, though not 
extravagant, pensfon for life. No soldier 
‘evor earned a pension better. 

Rewer ron Oon Sraeers—Te Legislature 
bas rather unexpectedly dune one good thing in 
passing the bill for an underground raflroad 
in thig city. It is the only railroad bill whic 
promises subatantlal reliof for our overerowd- 
ed wtrects. ‘Thera Is got room enough on the 

to accommodate all who want fo 11de 

Besides, the loss of (ime incurred In going 
the whole length of the city by horse-sower 
is very great. Steam engines con be used 
below ground, and passengora can be carried 
froin Fif(leth-street to Wall-stiect In ffteon 
minutes. Wo bope thls road may bo con- 
structed as epeedily as possible. 


Acapexy oF Musto.—Thoro is undovviedly s 
ttrong Teutonle daror about Govsop's mustc—a 
Jocal colorlog peculiarly adapted to the splendid 
story whlch he 4o happily and powerfully tiluatratss. 
‘Paust," for thls roasoo, {4 generally heard to ad- 
vantage when rendered by 2 Gerraan company, and 
this In splte of some alterations in the music. neces- 
sltated by translation and transposition of accent— 
fs for Instance in Marghsrifa's opentog phraso— 
prin, modest and demure {n tho orlgoal, but ahorn 
of ils fale proportions to the German veralons, 
There, howorer, are (rifles whon welghed agaloet 
the ovelous and general adaptabllity of tbo musio to 
the Idlom of the German tongosge. In some 
pacssges, ndeod, thle [s 40 manifest that the prefer- 
fenco must be given fo it over elther of the otter 
two Iarguages through wbleb the work has been 
made so wldely knomp. Tho best characteristics of 
the German veralon were certainly brought out inst 
night in eo unusually ogrecadle mancor, Wo nave 
rately Doard (he work, Jo all genaral respects, better 
gives. The artiste wore, wltbout exception, to cap- 
Mal voles, aud a rare ond enjoyable ununimltyspre~ 
valled—a deslrato be good and coosclentious. Tho 
teast was mololy the samt seacon, when Mr, 
Guovan playea the opera here, We note, however, 
Ip bia artiste commendable dexree of Improvement. 
Mme, Purrsnici’s volce has become (uller, and {a 
rideotly mora under ber control. Ite quailty 1 
heratolore, exceodingly good, We should de gind tf 
the lady would not dlspiay #0 nach energy to ber 
acing—capecially 10 (he wlodow scone of tbe third 
Get. Amodest roung woman communlog witn ber 
thoughta tn toe obaste light of the moon does not 
lug her arws about so violently, We throw out 
thle Biot without deatring to detract from (no 
general moilt of Mme. Frapazicr's performance, 
whlch Indeed wes great. Mme. Dsropa—e young 
ferilst who tag once or (nico last eearon—gove e 
‘roty acceplable rendering {o the amall but charmlog 
rile of Siebel, Her rolee alzo bas notebly Improved. 
Signor Tawaxo was the “' Fauat,"" (singing tho words 
In Mallan,) and was good. Of Hi 
MepAinfopheles It Is unnecessary lo apeak. 
been fully aceepled as one of (he best personations 
onthe stage. We must nol forget to add a word of 
pralie for Herr Sruixecee, a reliable and palnttaktog 
‘ariltt, who Is always at bla poat. The oicberiea and 
chorus wero allke admirable, Indeed our recollec- 
tlons of last evening's enterlalnment are wholly 

‘Toere willbe a malinée performance of  Mar- 
tba "to-day, commencing at the usual hoa, 

Cinpenetta—Tox Curepnes's PEnyoRMANcE 
=The Academy of Muslo never presented a more 
falry-like epectaole than on Taurtday, af (be ile 
play of J" when 200 en{ldren appeared 
fon the stage, and weot through thelr parte to 
Iomense dellgbt of tbe auatence. Tho performance 
inito be gtven only once more—next Monday nite 
‘noon at3 o'clock, It wlll be a beautiful celebration 
of tbe frat of Mny for the children that attend lt 

Gov. Leo Expected to Vielt Canada, 
Hamilien Correrpondence of the Toronto Leader. 
The Times announces, this eventng (tho 26th), 
tuat Gen, RB. Lex bas already engazed aparimen'e 
ft the Royal Motel, but L learn Wat the viet will not 
be made. ‘There is some grouna both to belleve aod 
aiscreait (ho romor of Gen. Lax’s rislt to our elty. 

‘That bo bas relallves here your cor 
tain, Bul 6s to bie walt "cope 
Soave cutloalty la maaltested by oui 

grent sutefiato of the South. and 


Appt Steame\—Four= 
teon Handred Lircs Suoponod to be 101 
They aro Nearly all Ltotoased Usioa Pr 
enors—A Torriblo Kopnoastbility Rooting 
upon Somebody. 

Sr. Loos, Peiday, April 2 
Atelogram received by tho military authorities 
com Now-Madeid rays that he atencoer Sultana, 
wile (wo toussnd paroted prlsonere, oxnioded. 
Fourtora hundeed iivee wero tort. 

Cateo, Friday, April 2% 

Tho steaiver Sultana, from Now-Orleans the ¢¥0a- 
Ing of tbe tet, arrived at Vickedurgh with botlore 
lextiog badiv, She remataed thirty hours ra 
paring, taking on 1,993 Federal eoldicre, aod 
thitty-dve odicers, tately releared from Cataw- 
ba and Andecsoavilto Bho aritred at 
Memphls last eveaing, and aller coaltng proceeded: 
AboulZ A.M, ben seven mlies op, blow up and 
Immediately (ook fro and burned to tbe water's 006%. 
012,105 aoul 
covered, Fire bundred were rescued, ard are now la 
the borllale, Teroor three hundred, wolojured, are ® 
the Soldiors' tome, Capt. Btasos, of the Sulsana. ts 
opposed to ba ort. At do'ctock this moroing the 
iver tn {cont of Sterapble was covered with soldiers 
straggling for tife, Many are badly scalded. Dots 
Immediately weet (o thelr rercuo, and aro atlll on 
g-ged plerlog them up. Goo, Waaaaoase tmmedt- 
ately organized a board of officers to {ovasiigate the 
allett, ‘Thoy are now at work. 

No forthor particulars aro recelved. 


Spsctal Dispatches to the Now-York: Trmos. 

‘Wasuinarox. Friday, April 2 

Scouts from Frederickaburgh report that that 
oly ana vieloily need the protection of the Govero~ 
ment agelast rebol officers and rvlditre, dlspanded 
trom Lar'a ormay, who are pow marwuding opon 
tho proviefoay and proporty of toe Iniabitanty. 
Young men belonging to respectable famllles, who 
Wiiea been {a the army. tmear they will pot 
work for a llving, snd devote themectren to 
placder. Applications to ta made tomo 
Tom to General Acoox for a Provost-dtaraba 
celablisbmvent at Frederickaburgh to protect the eltl~ 
zensfn their peaceful pureults, Tho eame tlog 
have to be done throughout Virglnla. The clilzsea 
of Frederickeburgh scem to hare plenty of ape 
nd greenbacks, aud purchase commoditios brought 
tuo the Rappatannosk, but (a. the country ausround- 
Ing thore {4 lack of tha necéssarfes of life, 

Anew paper, based upon thoroughly loyal nod 
Vaton prlocipler, ts about to be pubilsned in Tick- 
mond, under the ttle of the Republic, acd wiib ths 
motto. "No North, oo South, no East, co 
West" tts to ba atarted onder tho (alt ap- 
probation of the authorittes, by Mess. 
PF. Warcsa and J, W. Liswatizs, (na well 
kaowa and lofuenttal residents of Kienraced, aod 
edlted by Sir. J. RMaratzon, formerly editar at to 
New-Orleaps Timez, end for three years correspond 
eatof the Now-York Trucs. An able prospectus of 
the Republic appeared In the Whig of yosierday. apd 
the iat aumeder la expected to appear oa or detora 
Monday, the Ob of Mays, 


The gallant Drevet Major-Geo, Ca6rs 

mado a full Mojar-Geoera 

‘The Navy Department reestved totelligence to Jay 
tual the fron clad Stonewall left Teneti@a onthe 2 
Jost. Sho fa balteved to ba ta th Wer} ladies by 

Dispatenas to the Aanoclated Prys9 
Waguinaroay Priday, Aputl2A 


boxrd, 20% moore than 700 will be re- 

bas byom 

Gon, Manooce nas established als Leailgcarters ta 
Winger’s Building, in tbe rootma formerly occupies 
by Gen, Gnaat, 
‘Toe Government bolidioge ot the corner of Pits 
teen-and-a-all-etreot ent Peansslyaniacaretue, de 
ttroyed by fire some weeks ago, are being rebullt, 
‘and willahortly be occupiea by various uilices ab 
tached to the Headquarters Depariaoot of Washtex- 


by the Presidint of the Unliad States of Amer 

Whereas, by ny prdslamation of the 25tt Inst, 
‘Thareaay, the 251h day of next month, wes 1ee01- 
mended ns a day or apectal humiliation aud prayer, 
{n cooteDuence of tho assessination of Anransu Lx 
cou, tole Prerideat of the United Siatcrs bat 
wherear, my ailentton bas been called fo [he tect 
that (U6 day aforeaaid Ix sacred fo lasge nuintots of 
Chiistlany as one of rojolelog for the avcension of 
he Savlor; now, therefore, be It koomn Inst ly 
Axpaxn Jouseox, President of the United Siates. do 
Roreby suggest, that (he religious anrvices recor 
Mendel ate sloressid. rhould “bo postjoned woth 
Phoredoys tue Int day of Juno next 

To tertlanony mboteot Lbuve hereanto st tar 
and gruned the seal of tae Uoited state 

Deas at te Clty of Wasbinzion, wis 2710 dav of 

fa the yor of cur Lard, isms, nado tne Tude~ 
ae oF te Untled Biatey of Amvica the Liga\Fe 


By the Prestdent: 
y ‘Acuas Secretary of 5! 

‘Tho Condition of the Sownrin. 
‘Scnoron-Genseat's Orrica 
Wasuisaron, Apri S37 A. 31 
Hon. Edwin M, Stanton = 
Thave the honor to report that the Secrotary 
of Stato and Mr. Fy Seman aro Improving steailliy, 
Very respecttullys 
I. K, BARNES, Surge oo-Geoersl 
Sorouoy-Gragzit's Orvice 
Wasuinatos, April 33? PM, 
Hon, E Aly Stanton: 

T bave the honor to report that {be Becietary of 
State took bis urual rico tble mornieg, soci» tree 
from pala to-olght. BrP. Srwaso requested to-day 
thateome one should read to bl, and says thot be 
fa much bolter, His strength te tmprosing aradually, 
fod the wounds of tho eealp ato beallag, 
K. DARNES, Bargcon-Gencral. 

Wasursores, Friday, Aorit& 
Avcuccenttul surgical operation wus performed oa 
no's jaw this afternoon Inthe prescnce 
of several erploent surgeon 
‘The Bacrotary Is recoverlog rapldiy (com bis 
nd rides out exch day, fn company with 
felan, Mr. Faaseuicn Sx3ann' 

Mr. Penny, from the Committee on Ciilee, re- 
ported complete the New-York City Tax Levy. 

Mr. SranroxD moved to recommit to the Commlt- 
tee of the Whole. 

nol being teudy to report a fariber fecest nae ket. 
"AUIZ19 the 1 
Mr. Parsr, from the Con 
TarLovs, made a report wbich was agreed lo, 
Foo urbal comiiltces were appointed 19 walt 
einer hed Sepate relative to adjourn 

upon the O: 

‘Tho hor of adjournment baring aicived, the 
speaker wade ta biiet addrens, thaoklcs the Iouse 

[ar thel t Iedulgence aud ea0poVt. 
‘Aare mlouies past one o'clock the [1x9 ad- 

Jourced » 


je Sys Past) 

; Te Metw-Pork Cimes, Saturday, April 29, 1965 

= —_ SS 
APPAIRS IN ALBANY. Bpeculations Avont the Cabloct of Preatdoat | Jaurs Grevman, 8 Inborer employed on the Two or Threo Colds ts aucec ~ ps, 
E a haee iveNowsicrey falronds Tho psrlestan Rega ee sbaoenolen iprIlly NEW PUBLICATIONS. 
; tho Vets of tbo Coarral Teatirond Paro BIN | ryom che Washington nena endent of the tanto | Serevneds ate at ellomer About a xy Sonslitatloor, escarely extabilit the teeta of ' pee Se eens 
Se ee eee clasien npfon, Correanar z ‘Thursday afernooo, Mra 0%, who ‘iiveain | consomplion ta the syilem, thax converting what SSR ELD LIB 
= a Boer i et agny, Aprives, | the eauie house, weal up atalre (othe Toom vecuated y eptlog what wea TONY PASTOR'S OARTE DE VISITS ALMUM 
> Govrcyjontinee of the New Yerk Tinea, : Wientn GBs, Maar: Wednerday, Aoril86 | By tha Granaasay aud eam there the ody of aire | laleallyashople,carable afzctioa toto ops which (e BSTHETIOO-NRURALGLOON, SONOSTER, 
as vee han eld ansectuay nm aS. | Larcovw, corlaln ftenda” of Me. donaaty,to tho | gig "acollent tne. ustored evien of -morucr, | f2%e"elly tal. Ordinary pradenes, thetsfre, makes It DEON a iaawnen hee contaloing “The Carlede Viste Album."" “{ would nat 
rxrox hoa vetoed the Contral Railroad | number of about twenty, met In an apore chamber | whion altracted the allenton of Aldertaan Thouds | tbebusiness of everzonet take care of moatd until It ts 9 ane ‘bem Eads.” “Sarab’® Young tan," "Tho Dateb Olock 
J Fore Will Mo commasloated hia veto mestage to | $n Washington tor the purpora of reconstracttug the |B. Boop, who hi sat TH of Mao," and 
f the Seeao at allpast one stock ib afternoon, | Cobeat, eal there, war wing, and good, coeat | the boty “al the ur F ang Intelligent oxptrionce fortunately pro- NEW INVENTION FIFTY OTHER NEW soos, 
I No ot'oallon had been receives that uch a mereage | Ways prenont af folilcal mcetlogain Wesbloaton, | Gurssar. and recslelog Ua qinua remedy [n JAYNES EXPROTORANTAborocg FOR TNE OURE aseung by the celebrated coms vosallst, Tony Pastor. 
, was In preparation, and tho aewaof tis reception | Thera wero twa corner-alones on wich the Lew oe ly ndaptod to remore speedily all courhs and colds, aod PRIGE ONE DIME. 
oto Cantectyaa all agreed, maint vost, viet Radioallsm | Noatwoptees examietitan was or 5 : 
Therefore piodgeed m aessatton. ‘The document t- | Cantaek mg all SBA GH, mus real vies Kadleallim | poat-aorlem examinttinn was mada, by MAtO% | onc equally efectirs Inthe primary atag:s of comump- OF THE MOST COMPLICATED For sala by all tovksslirde 
self, though very quirt fo fis style, embodying tn | aonted ta tho Cabinet, that opinion or senitment | giecsvery of conciusiga evidence tbat the womaa | ton, asthma and broucbltte- 7 DLO de SUP LORIEA LDL 
compact from the argursont against the bill, teyet | "O16, In the Loterest of the mearoce, oppored | tag uled by etranculniion, Sovoral bruises Were DISEASES OF THE OROANS OP - Pobllebery. No 14 Anpat, 
I by lar the wost teptationat article that bas been | Pi _niacota’s plan of reconstruction, mut | fount uooa the leit shoulder aod under the, right Lice Corrinaen siouT, epee son a aap acloces fens Gh pislaps ieee 
writ'zn here this Winter, Tho Senate was very | tle ‘Gen, Doriee' moat hare a plecs. Ny | founu invarions oasis of the tena, aod elgntringe of | @ COD, DROTHRRS, Corrlags Manutictarers, No. Hee ea Arr aee aT een 
quicy wile the mesago war read; but tho clrale of | 8 o'clock of that Saturday ovcning, tho claling | the trachea were. fractured, showing that gros | ©2 Broadway. N. Y.. havlng, alnca the late Ore, made HEARING, PRINTED 1N THERCH, 
Seniors unnatatlge, prebesed.a greater number | e¢tivaraten mere ailactes to bo antral safiacs | igvence hau Neen ules A clearing out sale at auctlop, of all thelr Md good sad aye 
of posailly expressive countenances, taan oo ible | mes gulellycireuinieg that there nou'd Dé achinea | APRFE OF ANoTiten Surronoy Munognsn ix | Frowet ivlace tibet ld stand, No. 2 Uevalway, a8 WELL 48 HISTORY OF JULIUS CESAR. 
scaclon. When tho reading of sage he In the Cabinet within the course of a couple of | Exrsaveru.—" av, er examination wat hon collre fresh elock, mada eapeolally for the Bprlag ORONO A ~ . 
occuslon, When tho reading ofthe metsage hadboen | 1", {ne Cabinel, wllnie, the coursect couple o neru.—Thuralay, anotber ex W'] trade, trom new models of tho'ma.t, Gsblomble pican Crees THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON IM. 
completed tho Presisent of the Sonate socounced | followe: Secretary of State, Denjaroin F. Baler; | eld at Eilzabeih, lo the cave of the murder of FER | icy carriages uow Lo use, are prepared to eall at geeal a 
the qesilon for cecis‘on to be. mbether the Bill | Secrcteryef War, avin My Stanton Seoratary of | ova Coxtina, who was teca Iyiog fo « lot omEMat- | rtoced pres, isla, tollon. Keely of ari, | DISEASED THKOAT, Tare rsten err eres eine es 
should yaa cotmitbelandiog the veto of the Exeou- | tory of tha Trediucy tien Meu unk eee sity | Delbeavenue, near Eliznbetopotl, on the 27th of Ht [jeveo In workaanship. and durability are tho cherastars foo, ineclving tio sxpenditureuf large siatot moaey 
Use. There wes an aiiemot made to bave tls | thetatenor-das: lssiaay Posieratioe eceeae dean | August. ard whose body wan afterward (ound Io | tsticso€ their work, nod thay Lallera toe particalara | AND ANY DISASE WHERE THE MU |'0.p/ocuriog oacrial camainine looUilon Se 
question Infa upon tke table, co ae logire time for | Covode Attorney-General, Dukes Garten ot Onto, | BeladborIDg crock. Ove Wu, Gravy, bo We clands vortratca oy any ado uyen the continent, | COUS MEMBRANRIS DESTROYED — | ai cle, aod readily undersea) by aren thus who. 
BtpreasstJudgo of toe Supreme Couttol tue Dia: | Usted tn the army, four days ‘alier tho NioOREA 8 DE Aer Near ee Nee 
eootlicration; but thls the Senate ald not favor. BROTHERS, No, 29 Ureadway. NY. 
(otof Columbia, The Wogramme avo. feciused | murder was discovered, was suspcoled of tho a on iorarnen, 
Toe questioa thon cama on passing the bill over the | the appolntment af Bx-senalge Wilkinson, of Aline | ertinc, and has bien indiced by the COS | trowmen tot 7 Nowe a Pb; Hnteat od menatag of en aathecan onl7 bo ste 
Voto,x0:1 the Foto stocd fourteen to seventcen; and | Hela, #e Commlsloner of Todlan Affaltr, and of | Jury. Uvon mn apolication mego or Gore | aut aite Upriteinee rere oN ei rs | cepg ined py tending bi io bis ova tacganga, 
be Couual Rationd Pere Dll tbe "big thing of the | Me,At@eNg (ately Leerecentattva from Wiaok, an | Yaveen, he’ wan getiteved up go0 ihe autnonies | AoLUAi™ AND a" HALE CEH by Saye easels py Die WOM] fa beeh nt apen se leaa arcs pages) 
. ‘or of the Tieasury.. of Union Coanty, by order of the Secretary for Wars | pricicracoovibe-t that hic price SI ohisnaw Invention may no ated pa > ee ee 
festloe.; the mesure which hor caused a greater | "Waelder any of tue gentlemen whom It was prov | Vie sisted tooy hewas fe company with aman narmed | tho vrics ot hoon at his: Yes a ed sal len ree 
fexpeniiturs of elequsace than any other, and more | ToFed loremove (rem the Caviael, or any of too | Gronox Dizon. on the eaine night. mereupon Disox | bao ben eoaptsheniadjpusilise Nonsvare) aoctog Se | aoe al 
; : Eenileroen wbom it wae proposed’ 10 Nt Lolo the | was niteticdy ant, claiming a haarlog, had mn ex: | O8t, acd ee Barly orders trom We 
manoy:iiig oulsldo; the mature whlch bas damaged | Capinet, were consalted Ia reference to tbe matter, | sminallen defore Justice Eatspasns, The evidence lve the following explanation of {ta uses for tho batter. 
t ‘ore sepulaitons of members of the Loglilature | doce pot dedoliciy appear, thoosh iodlostions favor | shoved tbat thrse man bad teen iced on, tha aranue Bntebelor’s Hair Dyo. - 
thao) ay ober combi alte nally | #UcD a conclusion. Judge Garren ond Mr_Corova | On the night in question. and one of ihom was over | Thatertin the world, ths coly rellabls ant pervecttye | UEderetanding of the geoeral euerées 
ets combined, wan declared to bo Gnall¥ | wera ta the cis, Lbslloves and on tbe Suaday fole | beard to tay :"*oat man will mi Vs.” Dison wos-| Eoave, ttplaucran and urrelse tps Pete cae alee iSaes Aiice 
F Tost. “The Sonate look Ht quletly and good natareuly, | owing ale, Liscota's death, Iriepds of Gen. Lertxe | fully committed to anywer ve(ore tne Gravd duty at | ened WILLIAILA. WATOHL LOI. Sald Uy al drags 3 2 FORE PORTIS QED IMMEDIATELY: 
Thor-iricsstately went Info Comnlites of the | Femarkea very slenifeanily iat bo had been eonttor | tno September term of court, itiebelloved a talid | eta Woarclayat JESTHETICO-NEURALGICON SEEMOND 
’ Wisc an a Bill proviciog forthe preservation ot | —eeles ea in New-York Ciiy. “Tne Geucral mage | Periy was coucorned tn thetmarder, but uo bes got PREACHED 1 nOsTON 
g Ls his eppearance on Monday, sure enough. acd In- | yet been arrested, Ls derived from the Oreek word Alsoptikos, which, (o It ON TOE DEATH OF 
3 wild recto and ducks on Cayuga Lake, There was | duiged ina brief, concise, solnted apecen, a trie MARRIED Uteral acceplation, agnldce pertalotng {0 the s-useat ABRAUA LINCOLN, 
Qsuccrtlonof pleasiog ond some rather brilifant | Moro uacomprowlsing, even, than that ho made on| Tix VeTRRAN Temrxnanox Cones.—Tho mem arnace.—Iu Treoklyo, on Thursday eren- siete 2 eee ene | TOOeTHER WITH THE 
t Joker von tha gerse end duck qaeeon, all baring | Suterdoy new Yarns Wtmasireguenily reautned | pore gt the Veteran Temperance Corpe, composed of ei Poastetn ted theory or plosohy ottases, th teleaeo of eoaatoon, | FULL PUNBUML SENIOR | 
tome sis roferenco to tbo cetest of the Contcal. | resignation, that Mr. Sraxrox ond Jald aulde tis wup- | Perso0s who have abstoloed for a tulid of a cootory oF , oa Friday, Apt fo tbat whictt explaina ths causa of muotal pata or plass- “Ww ON. | 
i Senelo: Bascn eslred to know Hf there was vo pr>- | ova Voulity to Gen, Horuea ihe Pyculdeot Janx- | more ftom the ure; manulacture, oF 4alo of Intoxl Peer steam £ COMET ADs | yee Neuralglooa {4 a eempoond of the (zo Greax | FIRST EDITION SUNSORIDED FoR IN ADVANCE 
' Winton dorian DHL to, proieel z bia, | ox had come to a jeretaniing ged would an. Funtr=Bycoy In banielaville, Cons’. on Thars- é sHUATIOR. 
: spilon tne Bi to, protect ule, na wall on geen, | Gay tad cone to a full unacrstinaine aed wutid nC; | eattog quore, met Inst ereaing ta the Foriy- | git Hviosi tu Galcligarie, Cong’ on thors | words,ncuran, anerve, and locas, & alicour with the | , Thin mill be ar value avery ont rl wb to ome 
Tats icaved forthe pataages? he Gentil oater, ’ tighttetvect MetnoalstCoorehs Rows Me, Marea | PSY AEE 3F S225 0 as E:gices.ot|mtroten, ‘Tuemncang exaveyed by i ern ly bak | tds Qe es RATER fe ecg ae eral eh 
Foe gte eat eS Leth see tin ronen | CAVE There, aller all be. any immectole change ia | prrelaed, and fstroduced Dr, Heasos, who reed. tho | Uanictpsarites “Roca : Hf ans casreamlaan sec BeRSHNT, of eure 
foal rsjonrnment {his eveniug, sitsouga the Senate | the Cablnet} I belleve that depecds upon tho con- | Comaiitution of the eoclety. which waa organized on | lacauwour ftlso0 fostrumeotor mach(ne devissl on philosophical | thne will te rsd sith eroatsr Interest tbas way whee 
Baa rityel waepted the reestiiton deine: ibe tage | dilion of Mr Sewatbe Itt plain tat the-everivew | toe 10h of April, 1e0%.. Di. Lourox made-n brlet Saree are RR tree Potlod. and the auseat will wi ts how have fs folk 
The tain queriions yet penutoy. aro auch as tay | Of the armed pomer of tho rebsilton brings up ques. | Stcrvon the aubJect of temperaace, and sale that he Petoctples with a thorocgn knowledge ofith> nervous | Foy what was sui] abaeh the iaueder af Tha Protest 
. Biow wil of toe RewVore. Clty ‘Tas Levys Tho | Moos alfeodse our forcign relaitovs ot sven tmoport: | had been informed by a member of Conaress ftom wysters, Tble"booke st tell thess. ad will prceraan see fas 
Bennie ive passed upua shore, and tue bil to waleh | BOee toacteelr aelttement cnanot be entrusted tonpy | Hlizols. that st Mr, Liscouy was lying be, would be Ta descrltlng the wuatter more at feosth to show i | STsd™s interet ae Itty Pasied dow from (ath:r U7 eon. * 
ther ee cenbecied ‘ens teat ta ther Auseasly isis | more acting Secretary ef Sater however ablecor i, | elleible for memberebio Ya the society. which waa z ho igre willbe cotd emiy hy sabecrptten, acd ant 
Bhainic. “Woen Iwas taken Uo iherer frat loves 4 telligent, We musthare tha heart and oraia, sud | Most cheering fact. Tbe cotauluion wan signed by | Willlem fine xhutst this sie uses, that {t mlght ba better onderstond by the gaaural } on recelph OF Driee TE, TILTON & Ci 
geaiic crident thal there would be much discussion | Wlitacd knowledse uod experience of a Grastcclats | Peveral pereoos, and epcoches were made by-sereral | Lrxpc—TonaRe—On Tiuredng. Avril 34 sacerer, we al Hop!-r oxplanstion, The nervous o® Pauilihers, Best 
{10 lk ICH mas coor dered in Camaitice of | man la the Stale Depaitment,and that at ag very ale- | EeetlemeD, when tbe meeting adjourneds Gharch of tna Helga pasties: by HAYNE. HW ete Ak rae ats Se ne i 
aa ed umn tes a netermeliay Gata at ioe et} | Pea Ge ene D epatU nen ce AAG SITELT dt wand He byavk aud Joserui33, dave! systema the source of many disease BARRY GRAY, 
committee to repost complete, sod ihe Az- | Swany will ie reelgn or bo lace 1e ts abr Torcey, 1 + ty tale 
a commie to 1enirt comple, wod ihe As: | Stwano nfll etter rcelga or be dupiaced ibe i abis Golnate/a)Money'suse. evr Veer Ip “Albany {AM phyalsfans ad thls, and all profes at Jena to ba BORD & MOVOTION 
Somolsce ae to crovate arepark ‘ehe comaliee | Rete. Tharhe may (encerbiesesignaiion in otdeetbai | Thi eclerated Pollet Sonos ia such antyzaale: | vo, Mh SE a eo sbjoto appiy aremely, The Alopath, Hemovopathls | 1 3 Wey ‘Yorm, 
aol Vek reported. jonxsoN CAN Dave o; wal for cholee, (a eqs DY. wi sbLah oo 
eats Clase Rouna ot (he sesson aro rather notay | Brobsbinenauaimaeit ia pronaba enoacb tun ive | BAN Ue male fica, tho choteost montorinls te | isincysninecar —to tecnica Thorday, ant | oO Hsdrorath rity ARATOROAN APCD. ty 
“i peo Fin the Astemely. Luportant bills which | Prosldeot caay already bave algoldod (> bien that bo Am heortitont Picortraaers by Her. Chaz. S. Hobinsoo, at the Firm Vreaby- | e., may, aod eo, fe pala aristing (re é y MAKIIED LIFE AT HILLSIDE, 
hive (oot lost sre resivoz ned poatea throueh rather | O¢eiree bles tocermavcntly remain {nthe Cabiogt, | MUM ABA emolitent init oature, fragranily | veesan Charch, lier. gas. He fasiasos od hase A,, | So" ™aF+ aod do. alleviate the palo aridng (rom fox BE DARNT OEAT. 
oastly tunic Gthean: Tast bow Aw2pg the bills thus iaino Woubis may have once passersed toe pud: | Peonted, and extremely heneflolal In ts action upon | Souebler wf Nosh 7 Swater: ail of Beegklya =a Paired or diseased perves, but this does cot restore Lhe 
Kerivcd and parsed ore (ho Kntckot er Gas Com- | He miod resproting Mr. Sawaxp's position wi Ser preg qtr soe 
Pans ilt-ood ine Patumanis Kativoed Comoany oi, | feaard ta Us polly e¢ ius ademmntauen,tocee tater | 2 tkla- For ante by all Drogalsts ant tency-eools fhesEatiey,aniet oy ers eess, Monty temserary rellet=a rile toto oma | _Seut by ealton Feecint of ice. 
Boa si cattonzig tee cesuon ef a vow carta ig | Gaye bavennoved ot hhh viens ot expeateeey aid | dealers a® tea‘stuat Go, uangbierof Francis PPro ova cetre at the cxpauso of he enlice syste. The As NOW READY, 
DALY = vy paved lat eventog. Az T close my letter | BOC lied materially olifer from toore of tao Treel- . Of ine atowe elt 5 = + cae YA’ LAST, 
: Sho iset My acusers bl Aiseaoiy arg sie, | Semt,nea om nts managament of eur focelga aa Tho Tocome Records Gags eeTHeRY At Norwaty, Cini; on Thuceay, | WticeNearlneon of Dr. VO RIBENBERO oot | ay suog'at sg ratag ef tie old hops Fent Some 
ibe estates Ss enfpig'a tery aes | rer oulaed wegen Tucsacet4 famous yroia: THE INOUE RECORD, Apri. by Mow, We Cooner Meat ii) Daa Bt | mercly alls the erltaloa, bat restores tho aarve tolls | April Uh 1c Price AN guts, seat by wail, posta 
as Dann Nooste niiconD, Beatin fost Bea feroneuteeree™ be pevaal eopiloe, The Declare theory. tbat oxen | Puovoneein ofpree. Fes nds sie 

Kindly feelttg toward Mr. Skwaap, and Presicent 
Joussox lll doubtless saiiuiy tae great body Of loyal 
Bento retalelog bim ta the Cabine!. 

In the event of bisrellrement. who would be calied 
to the Sine Dep: ‘Nol Gen. Burara, fem 

INOOME RECORD, = + “Mobie un Teevtay, April 28. by Rey f 
AWitdnue © Warroee kag Sevag Nocawe™ | serve has a spccldo eflce. ana, bas ts owa peculivesas- ¥o 

INCOSE HECOMD: exTbenbe 09, Thiasy, Anal a coptblty. Thea, for oxamels, the nerve of vishots | ABERS OF HANGES FOR NAEY AND 
: INCOME RECORD, Tike: eden anuyiter at ieaued Were freeallo to toueb, and, onthe ether band, tbe nacea of iin recthol cf Ondiog the 

No. 45 Brome 

Awine, Feigey, apenag, | tery ure, “Tho Cs for wontbs ata tne, ‘ aes a etfintiog 
Assombly omendinens to the Sif kp. | Sule ir Lescol Bestdeney eateae or tne SUE IROOMIRECORD aS touchy laseaslbie fo Ustt, and soon trout tbs whos pierce, 8 Biter U9. 
Heart terre fname ite niiea took couniel privately. N 3 . : stoettea Ioatne, | , Approved by the Ortonace Liaread Navy DZpartment. 
DIM ere ceased ee | tia Uettast esac nea Sn THETINeOuE REGGRE Beows—Ai Beatebare, Ves on Thuriday, Aprilt2, | BME The wreat exodlence of ths estbelial outra | 5 PAPE elias 3 to HIE 
pape eraercume ot to te geceral Coarlty. | von were racre tue. than wader auy previous Pret: —- Capt, Wiitia 8. faesnseared Shyer mont is, thst lt cam ba applicd not on gucsr-work prio- | hid day pabllehet by 
pile ica anceoteding ale Senoohs | dents, There will tea chenge la thle retgect auring TNE INCOME RECORD. Borowanpe.—On Monday. Aptil 17, se Anoxpolly, Mi. RUT | 
: arena leo corcueed Ce ea Se MOO E BECORD, ora inal bya rearounicecivatia katte a chess | clin feat all, but at iteambs | ——— Paras SORTER DI Ne 
ectdltiors precedent. 10" trequent Cabinet con ins bejfede ia ha sl aiesreia telore he fat i 
gamendmecte io the new Capitol Bill, AMIKAlloUns GALS Dee SOME el alee THe INCOME HECORD. Elect? Cussurs ninGatouansee Ac Acts | applied with accuracy and certalaty fo aay cerra or | LUSTATRS VOR tis, 1 yel. sro 
BILLS PASSED. ta mupion ot tbe “Teesceanal polier. oie THR INCOME RECORD. an, 10 months end iaueye and caiy ton | nerves that aro weakeasd or fmoatrelyto th aldarent | _'\' “My, VAN NOSTRAND. No 123 Deady. 
: Incieatleg {he ealars of clerk two thousand eol- | {cs milbout gelng Inio. details, will, Keep Gedy THE INCOME eee Teil my father that T died loa peeves pf moth fon, to theese, thecar,crths | DRASIMENT LINCOLN-1G. 
Terpceearlonbe aplery ol clerk‘ tsa, Ibogiand col: |inotisa' oun of. ther ‘oreseat, Cablacts even ci ey eee aT eae. PRUNE TOS MENTE! aN BE 
Herp, apa City Court of ooKl am ccelaore ta | We tontoely nave mien BoLier Aited. for: tho, Sieve PIR IWOOM | AECORD Gearsest, Grattan tnd: |So renee era of ‘Cuanicrie,” carsciog, “Cancallty,” Cautten 
¥ ghesenieon fhe several Bourae at Saperrisore | Poosenteuy cae airtaneue Sued ar, he, State THe INCOME RECORD. GhamhEeelARe MAP atice haserSn, Me Be at'Se | | Tothose, therefore, who are to aby way alleted with | Bh ih MeReS,, eattees has 
a meucer aeedtlecgeas Wweil-dnformed prions whoXaink It might posstely be TUE INCOME RECOAD. Aucustine, axed 3¢ scars Tosa of slgot or heoclog, wI:6-eatareh, broachitls, chest | of Muobens, Paul Delaroshe: Madeuc de 
TEthe Mechatsan Gaalight Company to | ered to bla.” However that way be, doubt If bo TIE INCOME RECORD. am Dae aes ak ik chee Maen Sala Noses of idole. Ponteatrs OP tile Peo 
eS fhoarqna fert.che peieiiegeto charge | BOUL aocectit, Tha proifer wauld Undoustedtt be | py9  Toeyma Recon" lea Tut givloe toa taxable In- ASSL frou the Church of ite ipvreestops | ge lusg ducusee, "a earnestly woxgest a will the oon: | Pux.—Hlone. Georue Hironn, Cartiir one). 0f Cnondas 
a x lox IreNied to ta yea, gomeining of mtempiation, but Atr, Soumae mesmsto | tory ortne eatdeats of ee Fee sites, papee Fant oust. ear | eulllog apartments of De. VON BIGENDERG.” Thero | “etes ‘or gue ‘Cimcon sactdentone, itelaes 
s}Hom of a tuildins in Albsoy whoretn to | !8H0a leaciog perl in the teitiement of the great hs pape friends are requested: Weller, Prealenat_E: ‘Chalmers, We. 
3 (ince aeer beat opie Teconiuoeiies Gvesin a tbe rentseaion gt Cony | veh, Wopanen Pee Zceat ? ists ell be opeily mado to Kaow the rowsolty ofa | NNCE, Prelsed ae 
aap ht 22mg Unies Suatea jurdidictton over car- | Rieti mill of coures, bo the leacer of taoks mano THE AMRRICAN NEWS COMPANY, ec slang. on Tharsiay. | cure tn erea complicated cascz,"and thus bs eusvuraret | Be. Canning, is ay Ure GW. 
bap oe ho Sileall ease Soe ates Mca | Maer a Ueragciuat sae ead Gatiee neal ey Pablinert, Nea and Ht Natneat NY, tee | ayrece oolttets aixhanc Wate age ur aTte Lie. Unrracing 
Th “Mock Ciy Tex Lery., To. repeat ime | PME Ao? oan who aupporee ik will wot be sttong and Dr veatmient e "h cM A, ah feoat | Be Troobie. Porcistess —coattctlar Vuutpsooty « Moe 
Yow Tor npatlog a rosd \iom Yonkers to Newyork, | Yigllsnt acd wary,te doomed to some disapootniment. is jeenverm, jatinccack. asd cared. eles; Modo ck Oreatien. OorSoctat Maca By = a 
“ venpatlog a rosd wom Vorktis to New Vor eens i ettionas ie Leder ot toe pm aa NTOR OF THE FAMOUS = SHRAW A. Epr, wile of| Tae reader, on cerasiog wyat we hava bere preseoted | fev. Dr. Oskeed ; Scerelivcneia. Iu Worn; Bats at | 
SAP OUEaCR one hundred “bad \Afty ward the bexd of tho Senate Commlliso on Foren TEathettes Neurnlytoen, =. x 2 
fon nih Sana ibe actroat io confer orevel PAAR fee rene Eeralas, 5 etoon, MI taxe place from the house ef her | bln, touchlog tho besuty, complozity, coatlineas, touch- | | Tue Duo# Gaaes Hnoion—A guephle exctch by Mew 
SR Te ee eee esata vue service | ar iiae menlht, CInirrEsenienrasthes-beosaiees. OR FETSAUREAC ALL DIALABES 2 iat ee one: ena inc ron ilee Meceataty NE Strades beedh the seas 7 : 
of tis Usited Sinte>, tuccesior, in Uie event thathe fearea tho Cabinet, iunadre Thread ences anal nora errictseill abe plece tits dees Setar — rats Aetugitee for May. iy MEAL pees sy eeak, 
Av Lativteatalinn to cura sine dist nbon te: | ASG" acound shotce of many tore. It wan eves | * « Connampttans aah PGES a REET an te Ree ee erates HE Maudie “Wout 
day. ses ommended 07 Bing we "nour ot 10. 07e!06K | updaztond thet the fronds of Gov, Abnaxe—aueli at | muy ta consulted st hls comtuling-reoms No, G16 | fanily busi ‘plactsat Frialiy Censuts, Now-York, TiaTB6 We ANEED.—Tietly nes ibid ee npn — 
tevstutlons corapiimertary to the Proridont, Pres. | Bppeeredin Wesbiogton teat week Wee cil | Drosdwar. Jor later A ecat, Vannon; Monday: pill 1 bo rafd for ths following aates* Jen. 16 April 1% 3, = 
Wine‘ Cere cud Sergeant-at-anga ‘of tup | t2st, Non-Eagiang should be repratented ia, the arene aii PEE te Lolth Vaina eal chatien ensty | Wocieesit bow proudiced any one may bo agalast lt - Adsreis J. Ma Vox Ne. 12 Tires Oe = 
a tem, Gierk abd Surges blot by Afr. ADAM «| po kot Wasto your Monty Buylog any of gamer. Aina, shel aatiea, renal | Mba rece enn x 
screadopted uranlacutis a rempar- | tuows itty Jusly benexe that the boner of thes6 | qe eerrogy werbices slides ceed GOED PEAS ae de canpot, when It L thorcugbly oxplalied to bisi~ Bx Lt aaa 5 
Sclete of Sauia Hrootlva trom tazatlon wes | StOLeL OOM So) be him Srecreare goiworen: | Which bare Cooded the warket for (he last fer. yest, sab ake pic that the inveatorle prepared to do ar any {Ise to tho oH PECULIAR, BOOKS T_You Os% 
galled up end 10st scat. actotuttons | Yous for belaeR TOdt ine atcantr oy the 224 fost out | wheo al lowcr prices you can gel pen whlzh ate 99- Beak WN SE irueaie ofthe | whocall urea in~bat be conrlacst Mt Mall Wat 8 vuAunctz New. Vank. Send het aaeas Oy 
Nailed -66. caneeatel fesolutlons | i see of absence for Mr. Adoms, with invitation fo re | wnowledged to be tha BEST IN THK WORLD. fatally ore Fequcated to attend, without furtter notice. a K .. | Satamped envelope for a catalogue. Cat thivear. = 
thine Monroe Doesiine fo vlewot tbe o¢- ote Pont be ta eT ni NETO. | etalwed for It nately, the meat, peclcet mecbavleal eon is eaontioe = 
ine Monroe Docuine tn lew tbe oc: | onto ie cruny ot sonn at geuiote: “Toat he ts | “ance ing ghameles Uystata whow tae of brats | ciurégin um Thareiy. Aprils iter leyertagil: | clted for fy wary ns f CALVIN DUA UHR % 
oh aexteo Calfed howe 1o-4hke a, Gadlact place, Lda not bee Usat f Drains | cae Hewecr Grautnes an trivaues for the exhibition ofspirltasileed nat etheceal- 2 
Ppcmue moved en amendisoat (othe preamble | called Rome tojvake ay Cabloet Iiace, 1 Ua oot bry [ compels thee to attempt fulatien, even to (Me adrertie~ | "Geishivey and trina see Feauceted (0 ateca hfs TT x 
; tics qitey | atniehcien Tieatued ay provanio enough, Tne | ment. Iyou want te full vafue of sour oa0y call on 'udtinlices vesftgen “Wee S0°St MNES | (ea mest preoration wow in exten. Te wil | we nave puts pay NEP YOR AreG 2 
“ir Mts he wtertion of ths emncpation piley | emorgenctan Li cenats, ae Eropaole cctuaauo quer: | A, MORTON, No- 2 Maldcorlans, of facies stamp (or o8 Satotday atte, cs cae conte eb vbah ast ates [Bai fa eaang re EIS DAY, aie pric, : 
dvibtnistratiou ana a eOESS | flon of Atte Semana retention in tho Cabloet, OUt | Arcuer, Ayrll 23, Janes Lixcots, som : 2K CENT, 
“ot EF batt wus! return Lo xDla countr :: Hou the 20th year of | spceta ft la destined to bring about an colire revolaticn 
As Gdn ip avg | ale oF AI ADAu rt 7 Be eres ar ie deat ta E 6 ee 
‘fs ik in eGerloe id to weak ani — ‘bo St. Nicholas Hotol, New-York, saya tT slenee, and that ily what aA g, " 
i) ‘he Fi friends of family are Invited, In cercatn departments of eclenee, GAS FIXTURES, LAM 
ihr peeambjo wan neopted BY SrONTING INTELLIGENCE. = Qarlestot Garoetts Flasring Extracts has proved | guthepetnegch Mette toltatal it psreale NS | iy gngetar ta reasea old am apparten tat ll 
MW yluceur ond: Suara yetDg % : a ak : Pad istteeks on Moutay, May ty at Lois 
Fashion Caurac, L- L.—Stalilon Trot. Unersba be verze neaileg] without farther oct! do more to withzate human uderigg than angthlog that 13,95 an: 
000. i meen eid uartaa, wits of John z ee Li 
oluifous were than,pateed:by a | Ongar a(ATOm rou §2,000—VANDERDILT DEFEATED | yg postay Garroncy—In deaoralaatisas lo galt yeu fo all the paat to thls Ume, has Leen aiforded tothe worl. TEST 
GON sRESO DY Hanny CLAY IN FIVE MEATS, snay be cbtalned lo packages ef 3 and $10 cath, by a Ted tzedsof the tuny ane rempstally Be ea aerial ene Tie Tis 
Mr. Pest soon clan otprigltegesaBsrd | FRipay, April 27, match $9,000, mile beate, | plylog at the Casblera window. Tincs Ofer. i RE et pula King tackut, 
peyoanon Vis, Compirolier Diana 1a fire, in barncae. Ripalee wits interzed ia Gresawous O&t Sete TTHTONIALS: CE ie hone 
4 Serrecine beat nubltvaea in connection | Dette eel Whoster €& Wiroove Higheot Premtacy | “Sruige’ mun Boatesns, Avail ef congestion gt tho nes ed tists “Fort ty all dranelte oe 
Sith ie) ruvernvertization toto the ndalra of | ara LOCK-STITOH SEWING MACIIINE ond BUTTON: ; brain, Saxurls sounsestsen of Willem At ond Catarrh Carved. ee 
tho ever To the eWiect,that be (Evers) | 8. MoLavautss named bi, HOLE MACHINE, No. G5 Broadway, New-York. i relatives end feleas.oFo lovited To att Lagcotx Hosvieat, Wasuimatos, D; C4 Oct Gold and silver, from FORTY-FIVE to TURES IUN- 
bea ote Treaxory €270.(00 fo JES4ag | D, Back named on, #, Cor —— neral,on Saari: 1 A. = Qiete1 with chroota | DRED DOLLARS each For sale by GRO. ALLEN, 
eosie sas fers es MUpemoy, Tua toral eosta cawn |, ‘t A Silent Bowtoz Machine. Place, PowerssaL Thayeboaa for several yoars past alte No. 415 Brositway, oue door below Canal-ats formerly 
Medea ln? otelock Be WILLCON &OWDOS, No, cor Brosdvay. || BIO. aoe, aorit at of dineacsor tha henrt, | STF estar whlzd a year ago brcamo po bad that my | No, Wallat, 
op IT oretoeee Fatzeriog 8, aldcataon of tho late Capt. Mark Lynch, | pearing threatened to leayo me oltogetbar, My throat | _ REMOVAD. 
aly A Rew Portamo for the Nandkeroblef. , | OMEROKER wi NE 3 and factory te 
‘Ths New-York City tax levy wae relormed from ; 4 Stl i rex nod friend 4,0f Ark Scdee became grt tant roaring 's 
ee a eee eh ian rotor. | _‘Tols match was made olmoat on tte enor of the | Phalon'e Soke Dons ogzont Cotta are resectiy vitor ate fy Lond, mide with the other eywutoas, as alrara 
‘on Slunlelpal Aifalre. moment. There vases fie dlsappointmcot tanot | Pbntonts 2bt Wloomlng Corousy 2 eat aterm at Hh Peat trots Wo 06 | atts agzravated Uy the slight “eal” Dr Yoo 
F wea yecome | WHnesticg tbo contes: Delmcon Mr. McGonos0'stmo | phateare —NIgREBlooratog Corenes” | Heth Garber lat eT ie vceg ommenced treatlog te a seat ago, od bas | © 
perws ropoiled recom — city, on Thareday, Aprit 27, Lr +3 % +) 
Dorece agalnst Mr. Luxa’s bay gelding, A good trol, Hoaltys i ys A Br £ = FIFTEEN toT WO HOSDKED DOLLS" cach. For 
bin rnoel 0 an, Photons jeorstog Coronas,” SO SEESRe RECN | ccottoued to West me ab long telervals stace, 1 am or 
See ncn essmeatten appalaices es | However, camo off vbat a(tcrnoon. During the con: | Phaton’ METRE ANE, Fel Froucis J aasitey fab eotloued to Uist me at tecrals BEY ue aranteessoes tc Cake at 
toitows : Beast: reg ond Laiupece. etl ihe hatch of yesterasy ta mad fad the inier~ | Vbolonte “Night Blooming Corous’ | Ty pcyclatives aa: frbends ol ho fy are ren Lappy to state that the treatment of Dr, Von Elenterg: Fae near see tor 
EPC tiexpreteed war more tuna could eve been tinog- é a ‘7 | Sorited tested tho agers from ber late eetieaces AT ant RoRT SUN aa bese! 3 BUITS, SS, S10 A; 
Ti Sentie elutes, to concueta tho, Asrembly | ined Speeoltion ram high an Ne eval; beth | Vhalon’s iabeDIoemtor Coren? | ANTHLEM ESS an St lo Sunt is, | taaroderte conan farovemeo otal arbme | 9 HOS SOO Soto ar EAM OHOAD- 
veal fo the Alelropollien Publle Convayance | hertee uundounierny wore er cen thateack, | Phalon'e  !'Nigut Dlooming Cereus? | Mit" Nini lis, ou Welpesloy, Apel = ot hin | taste lant pertecly esiorehs My a ewcte 
Wietblutton wae adopted permilting chtzens of | Clay belng conatccred rother tnvertor. Most Exaulatte, Dationto and Wronvant | fo! Vath, Prof. Vatsarine | gcom todammatton, apd my general heaita fs 49 wart of Funuio, Cyanine 
Deanne eee eee meotta ive memory ot tho | Fare! fieatBelling auiing the moroing was $10 Asante Dallente,aed Menaeant | fiorr in ine its Fae aot rot | ape ved ET Wak Toc te pera stele) nel estos, Nase wong, Apriss Wad - 
die Prestaent fa Capito! to §10 on Clay. Alter several Fala attempls at cor vor Fou Wie tt sates iia nner | ii fee Se sen Eine raeat ao ee anaaal ie PUBLIC GHATITIES: AND 
SE eeTEeN ET oHRY IEHOADTE lng. it wan reversed to $100 to 60, on Vandurbit, | Macumenren only PE » Co EMAL ONS BUR. | TL prowsston, are reapectialis lovited tosattena nis fo that epecdlly, as a fixed fact. I do cheerfully recommes He Ree aaa aroy Deca ne 
ni Rs hen tho word was given, Yan took a lead of one rE EO 01 RE ari feral, without further notice, ot the Charch pf the ym cat al affections lo oF a 
A mezerse was hero recelved {rom the Governor | Jenrth, but al ihe that Clay Uook eibang fend ofe | ASK FOI TALON TAC NG On NEI eeu, wlth SurtRer Aled, ot. the enor dy snpencosesterng tom tommbal aft spot copmlattners Nes sso oa Bae 
ater she Conteal [eatiroed Pare Bille engin end a half, w mainiatned to he quar a uy Oregeteiamenerallys | siiernogn, at oF cloe Jf. Von Eteenbors for treat feching mavorad that eck Howe inthe chs. Comm'salones 
PERSE clanegsape wat-fond the question was taken, | terépueniag: muted tere vas to alteration, when === aroeeDs See due) Aprll 2, ALzxaxpea Paw |r Ven Bureberm for resins Sica tic following nioab‘e unl resale 
a: Shusl ino bit fans notwitbstanding to objections | Van'went tp, made a bad bresk, and Ot fhe bail mile O18 Eyes Made Nowe sabe tistiieth eared hip Raes sts ycaqqg | wll oper oppottoaty be wi eect nears, Ties ti reey aetstoratinasnde on! 
‘of the Governor.’ Clay Tend five Jengihs. Goth up and down from that | ,_ Withont, spectacles. ecto ‘The relatives and felende of tha HmNy Ape velt JAMES T FERRIE, Captain U.S.A. | gt teregee cole Bost tave lant Daten oe 
‘This wan dectded to the negatwva by (ho following | poiat up tne homie-Atrich, ley winning eanly by & Sane Ppa oeareeelez gute nl typeral try bisints eatdenon, He a pearenot | Cornea Bu tas oon Caned ds ee auedershinent 
THs Aver NE Br Ee a Mtoe 8101087, ater mard co on HORE HF of DRSREI BUSI iy |. TESTED ore ne og te | Sic Senusdeae epeeetaipre eoumrineeste 
Pecciiony: Vanderbilt, To am oven start, Clay on the naide, (ead An Item from Ne, 5s Uae Ror arces De. Von Biecoberc'a great reputation to restorlog tho | Drlvata worthy dveta, Wapproprinie vo exptesi hy acute 
= G found the tora, o8d taeatock decided lead of ope | Why aro G&NIN'S dasblog styles of Dress Mats for | "a! Fe4ahees sng filenda of the facally aro reegecttally | catled on btm, and Inene oparatica, to my | stot (or bis oats therefore. be 
‘Tho resolution of thanks to the Speaker passed | fengib, when bo Brake, ut ‘was aenuled wituout | geatcneiibe peti af pusutarrezoluions? Mauss | ygyiedvoaiecd th neta sent y Sus ificace st Se ncaa ccaiee us aepeled a Ip tag ferries ef DOCTOR. 
WI t0 b Toat, On tho back-sirotch be weat up again, but was | Hey are cartled voanimeus Her elsror, tira. t- Kutbven, No. Ht West tat, oD | great astonishment and excessive pleasure, {9 plea the lone period of BU coeectton wits ths 
jown olererly, Three-quartera bo increared his ———— Buniay, tho vil loxt , at 2 o'etrak : - cal Beardof Uelisvaa Hospival as Convaltiag. Sars 
ibis FASaKD fotdowe oleveriy, Roveequrrite befecreare’ Na | 4, gay a ptiiter younava on your wona.en | Seeded estat Aaah Jiata Wictox Sours | pectettywell. Team into the Doctor petty deaf and | FSayateder ake seach ite, tases te hin 
F tot al Al. | Head Delf ofengtb, Up the home-stretch Van put on a q Wa Sherwood, aget bis Inatituljoos unser charge cf this. bi 
o euthorlie the crectlon of a now, capitol at al. | lend aollatengte, Up the home stste, Jon pulon | semarkeda oteni ion wellcogwn“tadyraminrea | oon souefTonn and Hiry We SberWD0h agSt | ees gn, hla aull i unrivaled | Me pilalony unger chases ot Wi Hoan 
Bay 10 Pode Ota Hemorereertalelanor oa | 10aking ® gallant effort, was oniy defeated by balt a | feitew." eaathe repiy as the orice Coxe bis Geahing | Tho funeral wilitake slee from Christ Charch, Et GAARA OH Tee Ae ne vesetten eter eer teeansat bises pee 
gine war: ceaing furlsdleve engine ‘The nest was Jaatly decided In invor of as ui ao De taOENLldbat tou Gungay alterecon. at | Einlersit creumusncvc an oe bis precutooal allie 
State 'itlard to the Unite Brats: to Incorporate | DED tn womect  ceyeeratotag pros | EbTIBA ure to exnioe 3. of conres not. don't you | ay. cornet of Ctnealiy ara respectfully iaylted Washington Market, | STayment ehill aod scivice, inele. tudvriose have bee 
the Keickelbocker Gxe Company of New Yous, SE ET er MERCER LEH eta err erece ener rr een ee reece aE LL a New-York, Oct 6 164 SisAioratcd, wish thar Hodacse and sysmyathy. chi 
sone cragna the buktead cud pfer nesta We ate | BAPRGNAaaryoe ne beets won chun bin to loet | edGalamtarcataee"y meantis soar’ aMUTULERTIAE | cons on Frida, all —— Barked hie character walle aitendiag the bed ot 
ty of Willlomaburan. Third. Hrat—$l00 to $29 on Vanderbilt, An even ofthe now inode Just toteluced by MILLER & | only child of Mary E. ang the late Georg RATION | 8d ol palo. ; : 
PR lscorporte tw Raton Tourn Dat Come |  ftie atte o $2 o0 kendanie, deee | Obata des courant a's | 205 Sudan ugg gp | AN EXTRAORDINARY BUSTOT SLRED rate aaah vey 0 ane 9a 
c PHPo iccorogate ie Fpevoatte Rainey Company. | Hae dachee toner oteacaas at ike pul | went oes eet | ue bmeceten aes SOUomn et AR AS bee | a Lamcaron ones of No-1 Pat ata Na | CEG Set Sie a ote aay 
Tha anvark Bax Ler) waa ooneered {0 Com | et rec ttge gap io: iebu(b kod % Bale Fan = ; Shara Shaw, Mov soandame dha CORGTORD RG | Ty pave bee eederlogtrom tiladnowotibelen | efadaest of He tea anion, aad Sty agp wil be 
RoE ee eae ta tear complete! derh dealt closing farther atthe three-quarter to one Dees Eamtoiad cate indo and Were igs | Heduswick, Ne Ju (or Interment xe for conlteratle period. Tho ayo was coollnaally | Fest Iroked'Yo fia for Ubat gud anit asststance whled wes 
Be wi <1 jangth, be trotting square! lay sbowed sigos o! Ee: op fe ace a Hon, from which tho god is pleasure "4s grant 
Ree anath, be trolling aquarely., Clay sboned, a! PS Elegant peek foornsamuce fo oatate of great infarmmatien, frost SaaS SAAR eva palhlae Wl alt 
Enecceemsiag ar, Mane mored oat» meurnge | Felant Solon ioe lp Clog mor tho neat” © SHUM, Werke Broadway Chernin acted, antes ay weaatbeaiwa | hay ft dUTP UR 
een lo the Goverzor, requesting @ retarn of 1 a arn and pa ? ja fearing of Dr. Von Blsenbers’a | dolence te ¢the loss ttsy Lave #ustaloed ‘ 
‘Mot cr ian Paneeoger sod Hggene Covmoany Bile | Rode CH Ts ote fenveriicvegante iors, | gGQrah, BBMloere narged, Feta n and alk stray Lares YE aravemoe eid etasrens avons: | apRipeitecds thee thi board mill ated, tha foneral of 
ThesT cexldent, alr Aetoxas staied that the Bilt we i ney’ je all mito; fteennench ts. teeta cure Oy UE PACHA BIE, oxTe> FURNITURE-FURNITURE, Pes U ere tae rp Oe © faced at the Chorch Trasramarstioo, Bat ‘ 
salto te pomrension of the Seaate and the bait milo | Greadway, fem ese, Vealickoa tho Duslor, who, after i 
ee raete atta ihe ‘levernan, whieh wes car engi, recorerieg | Grover & Maker's Highent Premium flay: be, osertook ay cam aod wile fovtaight faa 
2p esoole Una DUN ta Beivertea | us eiehs api ioccoticy efeiopre lane, Nes iytlainnt coal eared. Nels aoe esooi ese 
reton | broadway, Now-York, abd No, +3 Fullou-st, Brooklya. SREOI, OTAMDER and DIN | I placed myself under Dr. Vou Elesabera’s treat ani ot 2 
mec Inv perenvdnves of Sau. MoLavonuim noe SARE Aw 608, nase vare | REUUOM PUNE A Eda or emtrerrire ae FR eo rans }commisoor 
Williamshurab. Fifth Heat—$100 to 30. Alter pacatng stand Clay ‘at No. 2 Vesey: ‘Alsen supporters, | to with the tall of IE entirely gone, eo that I ese perfectiy with both Gren ow W. BRENNAN, eee 
Tossasty Conn are Auexanpen Mo. | Wk ftir ieal Of al a eat to ne quarter, Gatto wecktone kes a‘lsiy acuta, ‘Hic owots Tam i oot walt « sewey'Ltare | ome gre ToE ROTTS 
yevtaney 0 Mr. ont ich they merelapped. Thete was £0 ———— = ot enjoyed tiuce Twas tilod, 12 epastlanila/ty an ST-ORFION, NOT 3 ; 
D nite, realdiog to South Fitto-atreet, neur Second, | meleritisiteation to tee olaty Clay. wioniag the sAnilgelat bimbe of Superior Quattty apa | — Te eaend) taki abate 1RAUATEE IATA Oedrtael aad Sete ae reece 
Bastern Distelol, roporta that he was attacked by two | rac Siete Pre pcan anl UIs AT eeh Barston Casas LOLeoAt arte ‘ ~ Sustice al the City Hall of the Oty of New-York, the Dee Reine 
«o ar his realdence, lato on Weenos- z ; EXMTUDSON, SD. avoratsee, Cate ital WX. | TRE GREAT COPESTONE OF MEDICINES. | icin day of Octobe, ISL ; : 
tb dag of October, 
or (hireo rufdane near FE EE oe NEW-JSERBLY. RAD WATS MBADY RELIEF “Tos remedy fs cho | 7 LAWRENOP) ORENNA. 
thy atler nly return trom, New-Yon y : . " ShiEP.—Tale rea ENOP) ORENNA- fir 
of what shores he bea to niepockels. Hl | Dooniy Taack.—The work of laying a double | penny ture Surtk Lute aires, tiny iri: | mst wefal acd jmportant meatleloe i the world tit Me | Sgorn eters me tha ah day Of Ootoe gr [at Bose ase Beatoas - 
Sood talsieroom ever sinees trtek onthe Camdenans Amboy route progreniog | necelyenaatreted tify diy Ale ainige an: J soventivecfleknaa,ne ell eare:dyraeinaicvss | GO OM ATHER, Mason it 
pen the {he pottlonsot tbe road whera it tu moat | PPTHEEDE DARA AA Mer EAOL SHC iggy, 9 of walm, aehen lodemailcs aod Sisaue, ory Gy | [Re Svan sitroral 
Ths. ofce of ths, HrovoatMazsbat| ofthe se ideal kt aga it | Sled keg tithe tooo, Towomcatyonenes: | TR eR ED \ 
eco: Duitlot, No. 26 Grand-atreet, wili be olor A. Groat T11.—Seiid wainol chamlor suite ot 10 | eneo tale or aneasfocks Ip aay part of the bodys a deus of ito eve and ear, and for ¢tarrby att X : 
on Monday next, the Board of Enroltmenthaving | y¢onpcns mx Euizaners.—Tho citizens of Eliz- | pleco) forstsand (21s cxeh, at MEBKS! Uablout Fur; | RADWAY'S READY RELICE) taksa [ot Foal, | ease cfltacoe and a starrh, at the o(ca, No. ahr getee 
‘sived ordora to travayct what further buslness r Bllore Mapafcerory, No G9 fircsdway and Nea. and 6 | gpptjed eatoroslly, as tho nature of the pain mag reaalre, | tit Broxdway, News orks once 
fs sta onhend at ine ofiea ot tue Third Diiich, | ebeth bare been Borrided by the dlecovary of w mour- | Weal wht, Now onk Milsons te yleot toca ced estt tn (rom ONE. | THE LATHETIOO-NEO 8% 1.01CON 1s pow on exh TI TUESDAY, 
eae yan ntnecn, Weatera Dieilou Its | der committed to a tenant-house on Morrit-svenney 2 ee er eat Ly RADWAY & CO, | Udon at Dr. VON EIRVEARG'S Contuliog Boymy, | AAREPAULMACK soe an TERRIER, 
wetted thn 1 NES Bina bistrot | tn thaceliy.. ‘Thovrieta te Many Exisaotin Ours: | Tabln & Kyonts New Patent tstary Weed | TO FIPTRRY a Fea nepaind teresacie iy tse Sose ef A 
Meee ee ener dy eda pisces A Bboy Uo Fag MERSIN Ld SFE ML WAS Weic A uitng—aiony, Peewee panied 06 ws pg aking ay gd SSSA J Mo WenKCAL WAY nay una - AL Siprandet We pad jog as einem, \ 
; 3 =D 


é “TH Dew Hork Times, Satinday, April a9; 196s 

I 7 & WAM nTy. rp . AUG, HensoNt «co, | ~*~“ Rtiisoniption Neanty ovosen: ~~" | NaTIONAD STEAM NAVIGATION Co. |, “ATLANTIO BAR GREAT WEETLT One ayy 
FISK & HATCH,)/ VERMILYE & CO Ta Mogan cuaees ‘inven nay maaaltitts wopre 
? 4 No WALT. PETROLEUM COMPANY. WEWAYORE TO LIVERPOUL. Paasencer trains Ieave New-Yo.k. va the Prt T 
BANKERS, BANKERS, , ‘tage Olrectar Lettorv of Creu fir eavelers ou all parts CAPITAL, ONLY $295,409, cheer Quecntlowa to ana rasveDRers. ; 
1 or i ‘ Na bul dlang ees es BID aesearenas 
anp NO. 4 WALL-BTRELT, Ne Yay ~~ Urnice or zak Oniene MoroatInonaaen Gon] Saance $5 racu, AND tuiling 
ULS.7-SOLOAN AGENTS | GOVERNMENT AGENTS | Ayaccrseer sums Mik abe | meusconne einai tesanuney, | RUAN 

x i. Nor cou in acferesc 
No, 28 Wall-sty NUTUAL-THSURANGE COMPARY. tn aeferesco to 

ee VOR THE SALR OF THE atone, connected with hie private aad 

View Trexident, J. L. EVERITT, Casbler Brosivay 
aliped by Mr. WIEUWITTH fer nie ehihdrasat te iat 


ome 5 jeeltlen which ne nas so Jong nuaws honorably Oc Treasure oo CHA LD, 63 Wall-at. i Atlyer, aa fl York, Jareesip't aS Ta] 
: THE 730 NOTES | NATIONAL 07-30 |LOAN, | Rai aranttin tar tisnet Mentor | Mattison CHABLES GOULD. Walla Seen EATERS, Anat Taian Vv akoal 
censtantly en hand for L Ceolsana aloecd Hanke, Drosera, tpsuracce Com. | HED rf G sad when tal naprectieasy Abo less Gey te tha renee plete “oP tbe Temous Gosar Cheek SSBATORDAY |. ant’ on Ealardapsins 21t. gs Race 
AMMEDIATE DELIVERY, | staan eto gees Om | MAeibr iy eetani a tier oma ies | Vilon ue areaae Sata ees Sano Fajr fraprcnaes Un iateattic ot gle 

“AM Clases 6 eee tonde any Teaued ip denominations Sevotlon of so tay yearato thy lutereatsef 1h Ne inutces will” refrain trcea leopthy cdvertisee eB THVERS RABUNDAT AOD Heksritle. or Farmulopdite. (Der Varkylilic, 14 Pi tell pry 
GOVERNMENT -SECURITIES. | Sitip thre tire tetanus Yota'e Tole | Faerqnasanowa the hietew ati athe ira depeed tree brave sos ussbs Ge: | preonsan Gir aed ee th ever aby aeyree | Bee, weet ge Ba » br lactase 
eaydt and cold atmarket rates, BE RR teehee Gore iar mitantgtecton fabeenuently bel ate RUGENE DU-.| Ser raise“) OF Wueteproftstoiely oo aatartnitaitate | free Oe See en gene SS Se Y clei ed 
"SALE OF VALUABLE COAL LANDS Rice ve Sureuemaatis ceuMealen of fadebieiness | funy! ican tha yneaacy tarteser aye hkrats | gett fy Renwas han Hees, PN Pa sold, and these on | Célln Fastage, £63; Btecraxe. $28—payable Jo gl \wlog var 
An WIUKESDARIOS, ea oe RAS acu poasli ana salden | REne Tey ‘he chnsnoys ot My nwerthtore‘Uit i entra | ““Hbaatet of bess Peace wine, ba asouetaha for — 

rarer Bebe cena attway Stocks sed Bondg.beuekt and widen | “By oruge cana ae Tier atoll Tovertattat anew | trscione valu ievenhes utivet Leal thavioy toe (gratis. 4 Pal Sh 

On BATUNDAY, Mayo, Tarariny Wivinnwev Onvice on Rie Goupreaagen t). | SBROuPeReU see Bap sievis hig alnaeate. | "userpics dbgile) are ized beater, SA NUAMUN ge Super ie Hote asat 

‘ACtho Court hoase, at 10 etdock fa ho frenoee, iat Penasgen hy Ouece cn Ap SW Pama K miteererer hicrante ') | ERC ctr tat AND MATS CAN he Our 5 IESG: COS, won wae. | PERT AMROW< wpommripen ake i eh 
reo ih earn wii aslaable tapreremeates | WERREAM, DY SATISFACTORY EVE. | Spur ANNUAL EnEOTION HOR DIREC. | HON To CLARE segues Per MeCRHLLAMS W'UTON. m Meongways3-¥_ | _Leare REVERE REP M EA New NITE ae Ee 
roven ((07) acres, with valoable {apzoremente, DENOB pretented to tho undersigaed, (nas bea rete neque summpany and tree tronters of el Vii NWOADWAY AIL STUAMELS TOMIANOH-DIREOR | 181i A My 4s0ane Boe i, fg csiaey a 
This propsty wall othe COAL FIELD, aed’ wed | eadete reer tna Semyrnes heat ete of the comoanzrog MO Ca BES TL STVAMEIS TO VANCE DUC Peas Ati Fe et we ya cos 0 Red eat 
Serer binr Tue WATIONAL FARK BANK OF sew-vone, | PANAMA Aah eee the ; Fu GO Qh AMERY OF HARAY RgNeariaNTio sfouranyra | _Lrara Nosiddaue=ns. sts a, Wink ea 
The sale wi) te veremttory. in ho City ef New-York, tp thig Counts of New-York Wk, BREUDON, Pow 8 Cite Seat Aly GRMN Ibo” BETWEEN NaWieYOith AND meee 
For further ivormatin, tngoir a sand State of Now-York, has been daly orjantzed under STROMA 0 The Veal Gyo apiendld vesssia lntendea tpbs patapya Jestgtst ® avec! 

ERS AN El =. Re-boues, & 
Andlaccrding tothe reautremeots ofthe ect of Congress KS AND HHORERS, S ra il beens 

MiGkwaxen, gle harmte rent thy Cotatat ad BPI ele ios 
Tere ror ston Conan eee BR AUIUADEECHIIA AND DAL: | bAe ; a Stel 
Si MARKS? FORE INBURANOE OO: | Sr'txe curation andredemplice, theres aren W pier Guat datad the ees TMORE Co} TED PETROLEUM #4 Sao beets pater vis Koproe 
NO. 07 WALL-ST., NEW-YORK. Sune 3, 16s, and has complied with all the saovielons of oR TOGDY, Preeidenty SRGANIZED v ae replete Ry See 16 tone nome 
‘ald oc required to becoulled wit. belorecouimetclog Tengen Ornce oF Mi Lagat tecpapia 
‘Thie company egctinues to fosure cn as favorable | tbo pusineay of tanklog under sald act, ’Nontnw eaten Hittwar Co.) ‘Divided ASUINGTON GA. Decnesse a, 
Aermsas apy other, Compsay, The capital and surplus | Ths office of the Gemptroiler of the Carren:y bela ae AY Tifton, PiiOae ie fenese AFAYETTE, A. Bocawor, 
sertags and putlle | Y#enst, nav tbereere Ty Samuel T. Hovard. Desuly | TAS SOUPUNE DUR BAN, dons, fiivat ore, NER-TaAE3e nave 
ee apes gan SR ee eae ae gie | \Goaaplsaliicat tha Gaeseaarr Eh carly thar <1go Vo.on Kattroad Company, and (rom the Funded LAPAVETTR WEDNESDAY. 04 
pit 7.00 herety etry ARANETTE Ne 
reels THE NATIONAL Pank DANK OF NEWexons, | Eouranneas of fhe, CHiasn atl Northee tea al PAS Reena 
JOHN. M. FERRIER, Qeesident. | tp the City of New York, In the County of Now-York, | preveotatharat tats chee Tata Pitet Cabin, cinciadin 
‘Watmsotos Post, Secretary. and State of Now-York, Ja authorlzed — commenc: RRO NO ‘agave ia pods on 1 eaatealee 
aI cbaslaat cf Danting oadee ths ue siceaail LECTION NOTION Novice 13 RERENY ray 
STATE OF MASSACHUSETES OPER | thebuson of Danhor outer in cet arial Fire hatinee emia icavan Sto aY Hey Pivot cuendane fe of hare ry. wad, Sarnzogs Ser 
: GENT. COUPON BONDS, DUE INGS93. | ogee nisiyurterain day of Mnred. Wes * | Gebigeteo ies anbttoitayectre ef slog ohh SEN ante HT Cec zIB, acca, rd Sate ea 
MATEREST AND PRINCIPAL PAYABLE IN.GOLD. |” {era} DAMUEL 7. NO\ARD, rar Tho pollewilkapen stint) Reh? aon eh cea 2bFarve. 12poalevant dex Capcelsce Vovantiigitiy | Expres in New: Corkueg Drcektro Dasa oo 
APPLY TO BLAKE BROS. & 00, Depaty Comptrolter of tha Currency jhe pelle WIN SRUCU EL. NaNMUNE, Setrelany 2s narre Wi. ISELIN & CU. Hom the resldence to.all pein un 
Orrice or Rerunitosvavnaxce Cou: OTICE.-THF COUPONS OF THE RECOND ‘ i = 
Noo Water, q slomiay and Indisnapolie KOVAL MatL STZAMSUILS, 
ee OP TE OIE OF NEWYORK senVont tusritna | NGahet ingot ein on intnsya BETWEEN NERVORE ANG AIVEREOON, OALG 
OF SDE OIE OF NeW-NG cca ves. | yAtan een or cea eatcsat taeda, naa | Cepia fallear Gia scy. das et Mey peace ts Ino A cone SLLBORe 
is day abs tales of the company, the following ges | ald ye: BUITH President | nutat., Phivetal AND BETWEEN DOSTON AND LIVERPOO}, CALL 
Pear an mask Rrsenred in writing the authority of | semen were daly shaned i 7PH CLPIZENS HANK TAS tEMovED | HeNBory Md: Bod at tho ones. ark PENT eaes Ra a ea Oe 
We owners uf more than two-thirdeet is eaptal seek te free z Wrlbel bea backing heise Nar Sal Heeaeans | aay ae du oreepichats Men yar BEEICA lentes holon Wea ReoRy. ay ta 
oaks the cerUeate eaulrd therefor to become abaok- i Pere ea ken Ale Ne 3h ASE an re Ta Sead ieerce Remee me tgeaday, Mage a 
Pe esacialon, one ti lawn ofthe Ueited Staice nad ° f Por 

pavirg by vote of fia director decided to becouse uch, THE KING OF INVESTMENTS—OTL? | ¢ 

eakieueiaenteaie| ue DURDEN | een | secre. Chay one neers a a 
Of tha Elatect Now-Vork, entitled “Au Act anal ° R rene nn YF ¢ ae a new. "abo PREERAD, oversee oa Gichss 
Thor this state to become Seccatops for thopar: | Auda) stobs< eeat nection neard of Trottecs, | “NOTIOH—EEMOVAT AND DIVIDEND. on sate SEAT Re Pe aM cee ete cen ee ure ta 
Bata rdag woaecaalcLovuhice tts | Retr adeacgsiae Senne ee FH [cedar ausesso Tema dee titaoom) | wa atom desc taint, | Esau rei Linea STEAMLOATS tema! 
FRU ice ed tasinee aur iy oly ay New Wap D, F. CURRY, Beeret _ Rewivins april ies J UES AoW Co, Scoupd Cabin Pasties Fen ee 
pas Seek gis A haneing “ameciation ¥né “3 y The office of this company will be removed ou the jo. 12 Soul jabie ls, 1, or its equivs it HUDSON, OATSIC NI eS re 
How otc ited Slit "Erie aes of hr Cataal MoILVAING 4 WALDEN, gay gi lias Voth fcoat shovethe presi oie on toe Me eeettptietcenis, | Fey. Share TRAVELER iavestagteh meets POs Vin Ee 
Ekoe end Leather Wank of the Clty ol geek. NO, 19 BROAD-ST, tid aor ol No" 1S Walla Cutan canpernpmsrensenis | ribssetecored wou ald tor, MONDAY. WEDRESHAY Sau PRIGAN SES RO fh 
Se Sn DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES In conseqaencs of thie remoxal the payment of ko Cc Hints eaHtar er rales Atepecreact edtaorira toss shige eis . G5 NEN SHAVES AND 
: en the sretered sek coven ser ecat le xoveroment | exerllent sil lend, allel te tho ite Kacshen | gqucione Wao fey Thee RING E ED ASE he Nor. 
COAL AT COST. AND PETROLEOM STOCKS. Gath preterm alae caren per cen. es (pevarnmeat (Greraaii ibaa MnCalfoun Sad vie Ovuatins | SElseesh erie ee winced thereon Haven ah Site sua 11 Bo 5 
aETS = . 1 The teaser packet fom the | Wert Virginia. to qnaot rom ond to oge thuen purfrclgbt or pasease 9 
conscutns’ gry EFTF coat courans. count TAMEGRR cass, | Hublisindt ince upiacuanee ed Ox 8 | Cr auseteter owt pucaige 46h iste tat | PENS er TNE, «atta rte 
Rebapeesatiia H2Dcc' go tn tener | mace comedian AUNT! ane oppure erie Pratiet | Peacced ela al ana aise es Bates | TY PORURE THE RATE ror GARIN PAS MEDICAL, 
: Sanceh tes colo lel, traoeperlation and delivers, Foi USE AN ARE coUNTR DIVIDEND NOTICE HET aod fail waeit fogs ao" cat ean ae | Ustze le ttecrmcter Gasouee elite 2 Nels, | LEDIC AL. _ 
Pedy eee nica eit Ghict ytd Cetassty = UIUON,THEPERUM COMPANE OF SNEWGYORE, | [rvaaistes OM nent oralaran acer: | Ra eee ibe pacar "i 
Foppiisito shatehtere NING 3 5 rieb or rue Usney Parsonage CoMnARE OY SAW)” | searatdons WILSON MING: les Bete Re ae reeat 
"Thor wha buy far leviatment ean co) eannual meeting of the Steokbulders of tha Lal Yout, No. 38% Washington: SHOLEAN, Bedeer Hemver Gun Pose? TEAM WEEATY 
Freceedn over tbe coat Ip eaahe SESE oh he Comrany. No- 73 Fiogat, on MONDAY, | 4 The Basrd of Tructees harg this day declared a Divl- | CONSOLIDATED PETROLEUM Oil Co, | pal wacs Heamers of tha Liverpest, Ni : 
cont agmnrmt Huth tock le not a rlik, for anthractto | Way l. 6s, at 2o'cisck Mi By onder dead of Reepty (20) For Centon, tba capita) rock, ha annual meeting ef the sterkholdere ot bs Genel: | Htlele tna jtemable Comrany (Loma ie TUMOR. 
Pete elarecto bell arefledtedaattar actly allewt- | _NewcYore, apr 2n 1eie 2” ATHENS: Secrstary, | ge nt ASGUdar rete” | aed AUTOR MED EGL MewerRhltire sla cone | a 
scribed (or. Iemcdiatoappitcation in necessary to ecu eid the oico of the Company, No le Brouket,, Roces | CLTY OF IM 
Boy. Olkee, Sea) Bee atcat ca ja neoserary to necro SaeHTarDTEOCe ‘Orvicn oF aue Toxeco AND Wavae Raibwar Nov, on TUESDAY, Way aes. a PN A " ) 
g ee ; Omer op Coxfrioitee or sae f ihexer, Sourany Ro, 38 bo Ott. GRIFFIN, Secretary Peri tear slow dalskiny at nooo, Hess Plath | | Ampesdy and vermanentcore. On JOSEPRLT. OB) 
a coartana cant apnan Waa, S TEYOue apie ee | Whe iNSUN, faethe rrescalosting attba Se Mecktisw el. fa) 
fe Evipexer | A SBMIcANNvar DIVIDING ge Finer TNO or Ea Surkiewanbens RATES OF PASSAGE. ueicbaa iecoreredan Inlailile realy for tue cereat yy" 
SON, No. 13 ftp. ferred captial tock of ibis company, parable cn ond, Hy HESTMORMAND ERTKOLEUSD COM | | rartnux 1x coin. ob 158 4aCsTALENT 1 coanESCr. saucer tomer andterofala. llassudeatteatinrey ffi teleea 
tse" wecood day of Mag ucetrat fie eules erie -atiune Fravioeeot New-fracystew, witha gtd | flr ganas crc Sa{Searage us SFariece tse men itercdotoas Ms eptie Sor DA 
Heo, ©, GODFREY GUSTABR, Masor of Now-York. Binoy, “Tastraniéc oat lire ptis ih SSSA Gn SOHN, ea aae Fire bl el tiga [ase Which thontd soll eae catmaeaee FP SU EE BAN, Ta 
: {oats add opzued en the outa day nf May net eae abe ma setughsersteak By ste tor che parece tio to arti. to|Stecrageto Ruabars..”: 3 | “Uaterer ustich san be caret addressed ct-st. hth ae 
Hon. ORESTES CLEVELAND, Wayor of Jereay Oity. | U2, 90h orgnplea noder and ae Ac LUODY, Prealdenk, ff dgrlolog wove ged wags preueate worwalrendy iesoeeenleatticl ite Paae iia | x Pati farber natlen, can te en oF dies 
00 al M. FOOD, Mayer sal atten: Orrice or tit Layo Pinus Peraoueum Courant, the meting, HoWe€ TWEDDLG, Meeretars. © | dam, aptwerp, ke, at caually low rales. >, | IPHOUSANDS ARE TIM, 
ee oars Beers Negtd beeadrag toa treo es Weernge bet Tne woo cay te wes | BOR ARDS att 


RUNS, Preslilent of East River Bank, 
OHM L. DOUGLASS, Sccretary Merchants’ Int. Co 

He muustees OF "iis Coubany | CALIEORNIR MEmyEE CH aNporung | 4 
We thitday detlarel ele frateatige Miteas | Caluibe proparty cruised Deca MNeECOER: | £8 
ecuhrsqeretal Ueesbrostiten Mae NER! | wining Geliy bet ee Patites es Ve 

uclr thienau eso bay Uckets bere at thea rates, Yate direazes cu 
‘Farfurthsriniiranilvo cppiy atthe Company ste. 
OWN G. DALE, Agent, Now le Broadway, New Yark, 

THUS DAY ays atta Rustaals dP aera ee 7 rT 
1G ANDERSON, Ni fay 42 ta tlockholuera of recur on diay OrTICE oF Tie ATLASTIO Mans Steavauie Oo. 
JOM C ANDERSON, No, 6 Broadway. Fok wit Selon feta May ato May PROPOSAL. No. 8 Bowuisovonetny NiweYour, Apa i. eek 
‘WM, P, STANDISH, Coal Dealer, No. 11 Brosdway. ol Apri 22 Ooh & BRAIN, Scorttary. = = POR CALIFORNIA, VIA ISTHMUS OF 
Nowe Ye fo commence the business of fs Aprit = AnaIY SOPPLI PANAMA. 
SEAS AEELEOATE, O:HAvplste ro, fe eeroy wart Slices my band fod sal ohn, Nose) Bngase ar neat Ro ate ARRYING THE UNITED STATES Matt. 
0 THE STOCKNOLDERS OP | (t- 9.) of ofic® this Arat day of April, 1s: pag Now. Arrange sgumeselog May. 1) 18s 
ont PRCIANOETMUDRANEE CostranT OF | Ciehaeedlet Oe MAINE AP oe cureaer, 7 Boe TRS eo eANE. yrctundey' gew nol commedious Fer xo io Nords 
2 cee Wri Nien geeatneea cel Gacnanta trae GsltaosaEPAnRATLTG edhe tbl day declared ndtvidend of Eloy rer Cont, iver, fort OF Cqualat, atirotiock ness, prectesly 
Annarsces beyanteear erties Riis Spherintenaeat ol tho Nove) Kasuanogers toes coe, Doster free of worcrament (ax, on Muah ga yell 3 to Sey IRIEL oun 

HE [fouls etaniced tu the eondllien aod tuned ERY MONDE! as 1g | SAPO TASHA, (Groneclipg at Panams with (alm City.) 

arene é “2,000 tarrels of Gest quality esite ajvrdton Seathe feyeaadie thveueraca 
Hocliavatic ls Usicolee Ast arcadia | CARLENE SN WO Vata iy ay degoa SHARMRE B BRAIN, Beerelary.__ | orn, e Louie, oF. cite” Brande ob FLOUR a ttaate ite (Centcetiie at Pacatas sik Goniinees.) 
HEE IRaa Saree egal lieresernclder (opay inthe | EfeBt-E0 banda, aaiabored as tlloms Tur gorenaa Excassge Davey | Whine toa taro clinsie: fon trands goa mincelet | roy GSRYMRALEaGAmA In Comat (ucor.) Sgddiens feof 
Seay atgamies Sah a atiaas | Attia ra oe wrpayn,- 4, atta Gaile aka | ieaeigmmeneelis Ganon a AG Rane DuBTAGLENS Rote Dvatagsgrins | Hoey. eal toatl ree asics ae ee 
SRE eaerobenste perassopebt euch Fequbitiony 08d eneloop aces pus mogteare tntrest here; | DD Giana te espita shesv ot the Dank. feo at rae ‘ale utr ne ; NEWeXORK MATE STHAMAIIE COMM: | freaimest Plrtocratadicaces Bide eS teetne ee 
Ua clie al eae acaeat eeemicii | Belial ao Rr deere eermeaee® | URRyet ee sun Coe eccscd oats ot EBEy FE ees ciel me foakhloy Dios o aide ANE Sieamena ta rete bar ape met We Fetmaeny cere cist 
gcoapt rravhligte mate tiecaniiatcqualttheamause | MOB and AOTTENCET Des ta ng rages beake ilu clase fp thie date aod res beret six atrtes, gallo NEW-ORLEANS DIREOT. WARD. No. Gl Fransliete Calvesads or wits 
ioe arpa e ee ee ee LH EYEE, NO ds Excnicheols, || SDE Theslay, Hey Tai wees tn ibarrela like sauapies tovbs seen at this |p, apt Wlapeanen Satanuas. apr sa, | MIENHOOD AND TH E STR QIEOE SQURN 
wapeios dri once befiro the Gru dy sre OE EEOC Pee CCS at Ba a & i ERIE ig tree care by De Jota 
i SS ae Bh ean oats Nuveen, ‘ireon, nnd pucKel In doutte excxs tone hondred | & ay 36 | OF Like “this wonictial opeat sete dee ee 
cede, a the yam) of trcaty-tve Wallara ene Brave or Ney Tone, Has DETARTWERT. MLE BOALD GH DECVELOHM Haye Tilts | roucdnach ae doubte geeks er ont hundred. x Hien SaURR | the meet chattersd Seaton: vailcally carios ia 
evita aieol ie-achcoecy above sated oaths | NOTICHISMBREDY GIVEN GUiten ann | oa rhattoate nathurttian fea cee MORAG? |e Rented que ttle easton ¢ eoaee cv. Saturday. Juued. | serriape geusraliy Nervoivues, Mental ned Ties 
Ete Boe at ie edctoocy * | notes thane to the tats Tecoec ted hak ue creaiming | Say b. atthe now ofies ot tue comyanse Ne Uae tesa: |e f Roasted, and proud in barrel. as above, ths bar- | Ht Relssa- > Saterday, June Igaraiuy rauitig re 4s tee Aa tice 
fated Nee None- ant eles Teen es eyetatnes, gee eranty ehacKe ack, | “he cragatar teoka will be etosed trom pent 27 amin | PS ally Host with ‘sleenpagcas ral agg oame et. . aiigte ig Gere Ae, Dore Anysterata_ exe a eee 
: JAMES B. SVARRMAN, Prestdeot | [Seated inthe City ot More Fore IL Re nea | tbe WHNEAMNGH Beerelarys | | poasteds ned repel iyzende 1a ikesossseingGea: a | From Pier eMart Fier abo Ganala wy. | Renarees says iu Err 
W. i, Waseson, Sterctaey rit by the 8uceriaiendentof tho’ daukinu Denarigent | UP ts SRN OR eSreYe | ppadted a fevered a ceed in Pulchoi samp ANI STAR ie Se tons, dhe tesabey fy i 
pirica Wailss Fasao ©. Uns We RL MEGpUATT = | Re te Nerstere Bias Banks i Oncice op ue Fesnerurasta Coat ¢: shuld dame the cavlety afrogne ers 7 the GUIDING CUA eugten. aed 
Cries Geet vee one Gee SN REET] | ghastly Esthanyo Hn, Clwdcltion| Nate Verh, Taga Barbee Nac) ra 1d may" ba made in foal or Soir cade bit ‘ens, Custartogie Rsoretieat Ae 
tone te aw-Von ae by | tx veara (rom the date hereof and mot thereatte UNE y He ri bonat Be sey pa self Famenger ‘accommodatices are cot xcclicd. by x 
PELEGI +. A OG MONEY| Mins cnlstuadiog pater of te Wank mast be pre ber Ceol will ta pald om tha capital stock ct tie f ie aah vo | those upon aay elner alcamera ing be world. 
Teese OT ERAT genase tr saci etn aie seam | HiANNeYisCANIATTONL COatlaSVial Giene aie | Plager al ste ate ecihtr ho eae atotcoms | tie ven any eee Bia ice tories 2 tore 
2 trons G8 nie hecchcs aad all pele eben Nhat aee he | tna eur, oe eal alse ood ‘The trsuiter | ONE URNS aecasfed or pope. a6 eeleck sa Vapey wbioge Por teighter Panscer nop TO TNE LAPIES.—oR, TE 
wAN FRaNatsco. Risa cade Senvezase ond, cerment, witha eating | Lesks wll Go'cieed from the Tihfaie toulay'e bets | | Blyg/OUN youaas eis nen brices on AaretaNg fb | fn TAMES A RAS NOR Ro foraeehaee catictudly Leadon deretes Me pee 
TiN ang is shat uring Supererdaye thee tet el | desea, toolir ot hs llowing antes “——vol HAVANA DIREGR. Mast obatranita ser el are A 
fap is UAW DC. Sopetiatendént ae oT | pczddetacibe aaangot the ba lo au for tke |The U.sriultewentacn Gaile GH’ moured aed torkely ated U's ew 
feeb FARE Ben aasion bance Homa Aer Raat te, SU Me | TEE PRESIDENT OAS pa Outs | Plhiesher ty iaule ts tocar dity psd Seen ape DART Hoos haticion wi Boi ites tcke foteeeatc de ese ste 
aaa Gees Ipsicisripaoa a? Cae Sami | gua tonaltes sac is asbaet a sa | IMATE AM IENIEAMLDT couen ae | cunuase tur xe, Seabee Weoweapan, | Merdaiiigit ee indore 
Orrver of Cours pocttn oF THE CORRECT, Jor sate, (n vtipin nod Crear Creek Beuntler, Celatade, | Stat rikocke | Ing the month of May. Id, &) puud (o {be busted, fa | NAF I.ato'etoew PU. prectealy, Bale Monthly Revotator sent Sat gee oh eee 
Orme oF Cour zOLt elt ies nine icky erininal precuaptore. Weiereucens” | SA ipeiut | €cpt,ordlgney welleeasparea busvets RORRRRE or Ree RATTU cog ale sloottly hapaiafor eens paca at 
WYMERTAS, my Hnnden GeO e bre | Seamer Sen Cee ieg Pee iM faciae | SOMIONE-Catt qaaatilesenntey be. reyulfed during SVOFFORD, TILESTON & co. Ary beiwecn tinea. and: Wesbinciomeites Roget 
LParpte rate cA Pal ag ot RCC iE NEW YOT @GR RIVER SiN | teivatatong. ts CUPouaAETO the DUSSEH ANDRE | 956 vorita steamship. slORRO SAE Seen A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MAREE 
Bade GRU aH tent ake Natinan Bose and Jeatiee (0 ThE fe Gari Ea vn, UPA RSENS Weipa | REET" SGr9coassos may te eat aucing | Gore aituel we COLCUBta aad Stes | eae ses Ae ae Was AAS 
wistetatemet er alee | OFFER CT aE Clicxyy axe Anon TonaRoan Go. | AN LEONI RG ats 3 von aad | Parr. COR NEW-ORLEANS DIREOT: airlato ef ealth nod disses, witha teattaey 
‘hone hetriien stat Gur PONG, DE CHtedas ANB kiero | Mune Mi eaiaonas ueiectaene il tected | VUESIPS—Soe cowttic a wns: cegcaneed dur | 74, SOU NEN ip bORGE ORow, | Hagetinask: Greases dnen ee ata Wag 
‘ecored Urs pledy of Wolves Stata orate | Gil the at prestare “Sons OUR Tretsuece ath of ngs ts fa bariets asationes atte Benes mat ercarnly ROM; | hth tue waihcrs pam of reatan-atwibe sale tattnal aed 
tor Aho el ned a Wiw- Yor, Aprit79, 1505, befurclahalas soon an practicable, mia- | WELD, Capt, BH Vase will “tearo, plor Now a | ERUtheaalbor'd plan t:r ly tse report of casa 
feraivide ie te’ Sree RTE a ee a cael ae QueaEd 1S ats Hi taad oe thy Ue | North Rivets og SA TONERT ht eae PEELS ined a Gastar einee teed deere INGE: f 
Bdvedoretffats sevofea to ke Somfed mith tor | SUB AMD SHER SHEE AS CA Nat roma on tuations it be made for | yo eleb organ, having easarpastsd ecco: | Swoeatiattg were Fog eptrui doubieoiineie eek, 
Cahncre eae uatreenae athe, Carte of AEE fold, At the onden al GEOL. REE EM SRR TONS 5 LA Eh SES gE Tool LCL at ea eee ora Ppaateatian Sortage FAME. A 
‘bol Lestpor Beaker Clty of New-York.” ta-th ‘Oly Asn Pirreunait RAILROAD, OSBORN, F tho st May next, ‘Samples of mil the articles mast bo delivercd with tha The steamehio FUNG SHUEY will follow on SA be “ i Meden-fanes Aitany, 
eiNou-Vurts Ja the County of NesYore and Stee | ANNE COUPOS RANT Si KAR Seana. | Taner Foie aeLt a proxima Fae tee eee er td aitecten | OheaeY Fee Oude BERODIOAH PROFS 
Sa a cs cnncae | HEGROSES a A ueae NOMI DEDE el | Morte ap mel OPUORN EEA | Pa alia ates | crac are eamennae—- | Dieueaetieee aeteD Cee 
Tb teiliars where pttaestoy hand and eeatofoitea | Hak suarsaie at tae 5 Roe ORR AND WasHOR-nirye | jones pian eit Mite The Ft wad North Awerionn eval ali eam. | tinier aa We ees ta Ea of chiro 
Un ent ahe aS of nee ees PY Om E. ROORWELL, Secretary. Swit ras a, qunrtarly dividendor | bavecoualdcret ion, wast contala chet Compaey a cer eaner COUCICA, cart bu | Hon foal apy enotesnd alee all ice genediy of a 
Comptotter of ibe Cansseey TEPER TOSEAWARE AND HARITAN CANAL | EGON O"OSWDRN NOS) ese gE EEMAN | Sha che guarantee thats abeull | panty whatr a Sarees Cis oa SATURD AE, ae artaated we repecrted fueeoey rab 
KOTICE EO CAPERALISTS. | connauvin ive Gaastie eau reread | Hivtdarnens Toa ignirsut ROkne) MG Rs | ah orahy far ar ide aba EE cat ACA | Bap BU See Gh died st bend ene arene 
DIST. coronany to serio or theeanaicg sear sift terhend cae | 24 ORAS: OBbORK,Mrcanuress | duly OMe acording fo Us tres ware stand oa. | Rtare motto Ne acer ceeene 
LOAN FOR THE, cITy OF HOBOKE the ite fp Prloctton. Ny tm WEONESDAT ue | “AYE Avril 3, Emouat or onestootel sr tie Coaeeat a eae oes | Parsgw mons te Havana ce 
win be'rcceteed at the clty clern'e | "et S8Y OF MOY DESY HEY Belge MO sret Hee EER SH Au pl ahs | Mieheglsncdrsban or ewsoited He eguteeh eee Le qt eatin dn geld ot i cgaeok tained 
Hatin the City of Hotckenc ups | _Pruscaton, X. Josue ae Epis WADED, THE HOAED GE" LOY Ghs | Othe ier came, clare of tuvlotiy aod ha daar | G'GeB MeWted co any tetyovattion. palr 
for a leon or eh. 18 Wear taletat | ose op ene torres TS WRU Per igiteired.s,cemt-annuat bivitead of oy Five | ure aus or cvacea th ‘wale ENGONARD, No 4 Bowilos Gress, ‘cilyie fail of Kuaves up te every tilea ta 
Kaiya Gourait, No. Buoao-ar} | holders ob and alr Uoudsee stay Poke ee ee | Be vay pocueae. All | BOR PORT ROYAL DIREOT. Telablo chpaicion  ekss Soames gant cd 
ue INTEREST Soe AT TAS On 4 SANDFOID, Candler _ | olnér old mag erated MV bose tote | ths new and first-class at Err artes ep 
Tarte eT DUE AX tf THE LONG ISLAND TATERORD come | TEE i aril ee eee BR sto or gettvers. ana Rooxer Bae eoinmanter, . 
that data, at the oflcs of slesies. ‘Kotehuen: PANY have declared a quurterly dividead of tro | con fil theretaioe) saaiples br an Inspector ape vill eave Toe Pot Rapa eee siseet, on, tv 
E No. tt italy Hoboke i Rechangierlice ". OODY i" | ger coats wavele Ga ou aitgr Sing Ip at the Tk of | Softee ia sates aioe eamtgea ean eeestar a WeDRESREY ial VICE Toon 
T AMEMLOA. a Loc AAS TERT | Nacth American, York. The transler teak t4 closd, i aho Merce willbe carefully Instecteal tefors thele | Fias excellont partogte ace seia olacloDs, Sead seein 
no Flag srvaminicrdin treats Be Hone AMON Oa Teame taure to Mas L GLIVER CHARMIOK, Tresideat, | deliverrana compared site abe, retalocd a mpleas aie: | Bez frelguvoc pane apeis te o Sheba AUT 
Hehe ot tector wl tse ean Gauraey Nate Wwuibats) | "qotagiva Poisn Ape aise iran eels siteet hy a atecoual Pail Weiges RMHURERARY, No.9 praiomat 
orn neatiek eaecite as | TYRE PRANSBEI ANA" Acktilammey | usion thar Nae roar maria aaa— | tyne be ursin | teeta Be Nel pions tbe 
neu eanas te ick nod cle abs | "D Woks ee thitconoany tll te Sned OR SAUEEATS: | P)EVIDEND TR GIDERD SETICETERGaR, | TEMmeSt CH be ode (n curr ia eaalvndsans On WAVANA DIRROT, portant 

hn Aa fuads ure received fue the pitty 

nines OM | or dap tholah day of June Instanng: ptpaentry's | DDR inizisy icencdecinen fs mn oee RCC | ge 

they morbieg of Apriist walll the morolog of Slay 2 puecesiee pres overnment tax. payable on the lat day of May next to FEES rea int heer ery ei OREVLE. 
AE SENS, ih, | enbeeee meting 0 HORLEN rsch” | Guent etar apse aL Aae ata ata | npc tS “a ul snes et reed EL srnnees POR TRMER CERO - 
nether Dan of tee ela ge SAVINGS BANKS, BLP CEASE HE TLENERES EVALRORR, vo. peetear._| TERS 
te 8 8fe tOqucsted to vod. them la, wits Lo'eloeke AL | ~~~ = paren Sepa An Oleegs SD 
eee ere eet us DIALICET SAVINGS DANK, — Ths Now-York and Virciala Slearadhtp Company will 
osblaine wih (be ator rene = ec eerste Noy #2 Nanawat, Now-Yorn, man gumtca'tber ehevaor evar ap ROG Cok cet 
in mek backs alven fo axe or SEWN SER MAAS AR eR uur vor THE ARMY AND NAVY. fynllctipoad, Waites soon aa nenela are pePuitied to 
Srtneae gauge ron Phenom at 1 een fog Dicey aad ren Jermestrt a ta: | sonay habetied eh GF Whe HAT MeO eats | GAVALAY ASD AWPIEERIG HORSES Wert G, HEINEKEN & PALUORE, MDs RDTROR OF 
Sree a a Hepa amar ata neat Rts sie tee ge | earache ee ee Waxten. maT Ie Ue ware bree aise ade enatastyo ce 
The transfer books wil bactosed from tth te i Mla fe wae Fe NEAL, Preeldent rast ODANTERMASTER's Orn ASSAGETO AND FROM GREAT DieaT | #19 24 the wore obscure alemecs of the plein 
ee Hid WATERERS | Hove co wo gu Sane reenter] | DARA ae ARR Om manne: | fia ere Wane tee 
fr Pontic Petrotsuu Srose Extn EW YORIC BAY. q will purch: HORSES thot peCOrrea io aad 70 30r 
wan le tend Finis PRouaT Stone Eatin agra sa MRED RTM | brit Parents nO HES TAME CA UURSESUME | tans er RARE CSTE rveRvooL paar: | fe SU anit ap 
niapany-eMl bo best atta wee Fancy rea nes any TPM. SI pet Stables to Stel, near Wd-ay,, until further | HTS, eallley every week. Parttes =Ishlag ty ated be DiegGGQRack Guen craton 
ho sth tov ot May oat | PILE DARE ANT TARDSOI EE AeerC Dopantie maadg | Eottee, a4 follurs theif (reads. und remit micoay to the old sountry,can da | DT GRAD IAG Hae ee (ideale 
2 Woche nash eoulzoceck | Tie w Newari yeni Ole Ws OL ELOE. Tata Aegk irom hatte: | CATALIN HORSES from B10 10 scars alJ, nod fam | to ou lbement tare rm by rer Pull espe blacraclee in disraten of sR lineroved, Hg 
ere lh de Rea ee cleze from the 2th | 19 Jet, Fhe oflce fh well Waisted, und aeeclaliy alanted to 4 se Hiresident Biota Tats Nig ie ts j Parsages, at his oiiea, No. 12 CHfutai josauE- 
iil taths Gih day Gf stay ext, both aayy Incia: | the Sodio Mul rol aE Mecano SHULL UEIY RORSES fromm 3 10,19 scare olf = THOUSANDS ARE nUINED fEronp | Att 
nieatdig tata te Mater aictasen Blast aes ts ime Iga es and teste te oh pee AE | ae ene panaROWe TEARGENGS LAGE RUINED pEvOND | lg.all 
BUIG'N sey OUR, Treasurer. | Perhieier gautealse ae ARRIAGES, | SRN tor onratty Ror : Be Ue rar UNTER seouer of iaer. "He cau care ake yea fisny lad 
Tr ae 195. Conn We : HOES ED ibe Ratiledy Horeca eek learele, BENONES! Nolan Ges Of scat dhowsa An's abe deg tee aS te, 23H 
a yradeayy } iS AND ESEEX BALLIEOAD Con. OARRIAGES, eqkagable to auch {oudans tay batiratehed by the Gav FRPOOL  DIRKOT —ouNaRD | Physica. cr Go ycakens, Skepllcs, a 
hi HOW otiiros | sea bens, Hatters Company, darted neat AUC! | aoe vy ay urgT PE MESSE STOCK uae IDO WRE/AOORE) Catala ar tC ‘ai Be pence 35) "eld or abel 

ipioeana ttapeetore Oe mentee Yue covorlng am area of 

fa ranane $e) "eid or | Shevtye ase nia io tit ier neta ait 

horeleas cases. What toil hod the boo at 

J deh wilt Ua said on thar date on pe 

entation atthe | tucod suara ical Sten of dozens of 


eudee ect 
iF ie opsmiraa Castle | areuibuetyadiee fojtbe elie ot "Rew-Cark, obhelter | Mayytaaars feeb gatrane 3 Nol 85 irdadgag” aul Nowt Boutiag Oreea, | Bertenloent pbysiclany and surgeon. Dee Moel-c ts 
liste bas wil be cos | eevetalin na Ruttaze pels ava Xe RS | teat creradctel ta Nome tonl™ wit atte an hey mucin" | RTE STATES, PAsronT orctea: | Hater umsiaaseetse yi eomig tag | Seer 
sluts exo ginesion on | hut day peli 38, nad chevks fo nays | Tei eve oderel le or witae RUN EG. Silty bad \aral No At Chanveieat— Pasir (ois the Valartzaci | etgvelac ite Charges Weaeeste wep ati see rome LE SAE: 
J. a TOWNSEND, Secretary, REE 5 Nos tei Drouvty. Bapkats aad. Collectors, Nowa Park-place. | of Site need Ree ETRE SERED oe ipa Siete ran thal teenatecd ac eo Sah fas ices 
Se = NE Note Conpanr, STABLE TO KANT—ON WEST ry ——— eee PR imelL Mia wonderful melleal dheoveryy feat nee 
Jo Pacnie RM Co. BeaN 3 pA YQMELA pil 2, 3. ih corper staple, 1b MP mat alae’ ES Toeahars turchued by WOLNAING &WATEER, | ry a NT ee | OR. HUNTERS” neg WORM wed AL alice je 
Teen ol (Sos Nora tnitatteeat of ave | Bermeea tho ues of 42g eis Ans Re aaa ot IMF SEaOU ConPonation Notice—auL peasona itoaircuilogasdaickrsiag ultram 
af ens is the" alternspatne The: trasetsr Uook te ahead eet Yee SOUND Reereemenet MANHATTAN args cv.. | O8itigstlasusnostten Cpraioout ie sone fore, ia ug cai iniesg fe SAL 
chias. Me aio ay ae NE uct ¥ re NON) AEGEC=9 sewarnitt J mar Cote Sete Gary Nonjvard-grortog outgt the fasceal otuspuies vas Cipreceumnaageeet ps Rooss ta 
SNH We iean183, seertry, soy Sea say pra aanreneaem Hoatlorcctang eather 
FAN HURIN & i.eney, naNicuns, LE Be ice fenarig ned eer Petpet eae | 
cenava hein Baectomcht Mes we ind ae | CRIME RLO NE p Re NEWARBSEY | FONE DORT FOU GALE —IUAVEREDUOED | Goan ofS eaten me es, hyeer tinal eat: | fame with cig Bal. pole hierewely Is 5 
Legeescheentayeenromeet sce bie and wor: | Cantather tates “No.8 Beekman iy Rosa Neh Me tes tba ust tt rion. telog soz. lahtgr than any Tistclusing Goyeroiucnt cai = poe Glpervial. Bosecg Seat noottes 
rbaaenn ceri cars Fengry Jody utluwesssatgh Soar over Pack Ban = ¢ Syn My NOv3H Kays Oodeat, | brides, jeW-Yona, April 25, 1665 Ho ervoud debut couse lpg Re ETC 
~ | 


aa WANTED-LAN. "~~ | Ty<ucowons save or mux voanne | ‘po Len wer on winKOOe ovum | WTF TONE Toe | SaN UO AMERICAN mossuge | 
serllera Fopreeeny Witrable place on the Hoon, ong suite from News Hy UT STEAD WALLAOWS. DARNUODS A oF 7 TCT AR CA A a 
TOLERATES be moutans | aoe! tte ft bev bute ia waleensa: | Power Tha latzo ow Gw-vory arenes ad | Protser and loner Me LESTER WATLAOR, Sar eaiaaiall entareanbane OUEMCUSY. 
NOLISH CATIA Pronrinntl extensive view of thyiver, ouibulltiags | auo-eallsr brick buililog Nos. 32and 21 Framenetet. | og niente or meeAtuRbA te VAST DAY or THE BERNARD GROVER .:.-.- Dipector 
Tope iovesseD iN EcSps J AUP Bth avtandortomastutecn errsion te | Seo otballog eeniizcbou, WH bates mics | 0% aEBEOL etait AR lerae comely of BESO AGMA waar tae? eR : 
PENNSYLVANIA. IARYEAND Grae es ul Rees SOR ARIE MOMEI MOLE | or pare 2 : Which sasio entarnily wsosa/ai xe this thealro tvs | POULTRY; PIGLON AND RAuRIT SHOW, SATURDAY arent 
LAWAHE: VIRGINTA a yung, | Neweerybs, nat tds mill be Tet fr tbe ete furs] or partteulers apply Yo aa atc r 1 he POULMIUY & Onty tinea Von Hog bate ee 
Pastics desltonsct elton wil GAN SUSEOURL | Blehed's horses exerfares, Bee Apply ek No, Chatters: ieee lace lth bssatiial scenery by Luberveod, aw | THE NATIONAL POULTRY SOCIETY, iy Mead Vou Flolore Opera. 
Tania deglennce ppleasa coud full denerlp: York ROIWN Othe eoae ete geo deers aeM An 2opolntments | AN CNIQUE AND EXTHEAONDINARY DISPLAY Poarth aztres se 
ORO. 8. TOWNSEND & CO., A, CONNTRY Teter TOR SADE ‘i tribution. ap oF ig itt a casio unparalisied Strength 
Anercan L near Newhurah, one of tha mast desirable vilta tes RARE OAS INDAY STILL WATERS RUN DEBP and HIGH PURE BRED FOWLS ARL PORMES sag + PLONKELT 
No. #ldcnecs on the Hodson, commanding viewsot uncisaled | To tet, In the village of Ravenswood. on the East River, | LIFE DRLOW STAIRS, | s WON AT 3. EVENING AT 7%, PRiayz {he,Rilcoriatoniiy compsesd fortes 
} eae Faioseiptla | pean, tphowe lets theraral Rowdishatre recently | ave anda quatue miles fram tee Yoheeecharib tie | RUBSOAY, Ihokttone'e excellent eomoly, SINGLE TENSELY LOGIE STING DUAL, Moin gon nae HO TRE eT 
NAVUAULE PEQUERTY RGM SALE. | aitthemoteracontesicnece: “opsande:tites acre ell | Secrucl cote seat ate le. SAMLAGK bas tach pleasure ‘a snnoasctox that SONU me rf 
agaleiy! USaibr ifouse ed eenoaitip ee griee gy | Midguband vlated wilt siolet opatentaltres, good | slantien or nteaiian ag svehtancaiescizaeane | Wegey panei ouaelinn, ie HOLSTON, tneseacot ananp wy (oteperiOee Gime 
ys Neaibe Hoa:c eed zrconde jately cect orden, well sto: fealt, euatle, ke Terms eaay- iequeied 19 tes eset) ‘ Sint appearcaca, MPRESSIVE IX LANGUAGE, 
Loinict-ned canialu ge tillowa® |. Arnly to CHAUNGEY HANW altOs Not lea beoauase” | CSUR TCR eee ye ork ata THUELIMG Te Rerece. 


Finches; auth by Chereyoste a9 fect and weal | FOI SADE-IN A ITIRED PLEASANT LOOA: 


fils -e90 Ata, Wa foot. Winches. These prensiece are. tla. fa Bircokiyn, an elegant orown-sioue Fallt}j suena fton Races MOKSING AT Ii), 
ir ly adaptel for a pals Ibatitation, oF for mapa- Ine. four-story, with nll the lern r 7 7 TUE De . . i 
5 adnite} 043 pats Hoatltatiaa, OF dies losrators wit ai he odere mproreaannta with 0 LED WITH STEAM POWER= MONDAY EVENING, XA¥ 1, 1565 enug 200 FAMILY OO NBINATIO: 1 eethareh's leumortat opera, 
Joh". Snosoy, No.2svieeat | Heads ccc slain te the eae aitgendeeat | 4 2 gee Tab and ai tony The antl ote HE conent THAMES" pe sprvas. cure soxes, pusta, | Mit aca ot emaredbiitila, 
AO oe moet deslrable resktonces iy Hireoklyo. Price $t60), 3 ties, pee Ge, in DIALOGUES, ETO.,IN CHARACTER. ve VESVAY, May 3 1% 
SALA OH, COUNERL HAT. | Novivto HOMMH MORSE, Res Nees equip at SPRINGMETER HROR, hat. and 3H | wi anay Her eee EE MEMLIS to tee Oat states Doerirrd ot whe Hvala aterm TEP eas 
eee acereng. trom les Zest clevation. Gina vied pat ew-Xork, WIDELY-FAMED ANU EXQUISITE ESRSONATION | pit toratve tho visio of all desisnos oy ceclne eee hore 
ai Sct Uy Sel eat lee TS RHED Gar nae a ET ae PRU SUE hor ait ieSar ot ata Cai 
Bato! the Petomag hhivir aod the eoantey bayood, The) | pleasantly situated, ESTPORT, CONS.—The eommodions sad amply- FANCHON THE OnOKET, THIS REVOLUTIONARY MELO. BHC ST REPAEaeN: 

des dep cellars tires loriess rach with (aur | tealos wanys 



haraitox play o€tbat ttl, which WI be 

Tinticlistelp opposite the manson and eran AND, 
imcliately oppos nao and cevands aN 

pre PUAY OF THe ratnies ‘ 

ac thind bavine alsa small | wished humres ely Wiaslows keg. Thieis a wasteligibia | Maxoiticeatl 
i ‘Nearmneiuteg-agm ign | dress. ERAT HOR eT a epee tr el | HE 

W ned cpa I si Bly'a block, near the deput. Fruitence il is, ceached fa tro bours from thacity by | ENTIRELY 
na crer Ml a tath-root wleliaa well asthe | Nounmy) PROPERTY TOR CALE On | on eo Ralfroxl.. Waathort te. proverbial 
aeraraie haltatan) Jal upoliod MID a Couns RO Eee yee SALE QR | haatthy, tree from-mesquitosy and feret and agus. ft 

r = let forona Fear or ths season. For partl Box book now aren 3 
Bers Gaueeer toa wiih ob fee house, under Tt | 6 fat In kent Oper, with gags one sere arosod, od | inquire of SaMts ACHITILLUTS: Noval Brasteade nt | SEATS SUCUNED SIX DAYS.IN ADYANOR. ede giyenUSTASiC ON noUREDAT, 
sapsiied with water terouah, soi able. ‘Situated on bigh gronod, noar ths pillage of O RENT, TURNS EDAN ELEGANT | BROADWAY TITZATRE. BEGINS AT 1X. | CAdmaton d) cools. Childrea under teo, 15 eens. ACADEMY OF Dato, 
vacant Sears sed tace'ueds art ste | ams om Moyet, to YHOMAG BENE” ST |g IT CPUS Fae AS ENE TOMLIN | "Ea nauuesn oF WR AND. URS. REA, r Bes MONDAY AFTERNOON, May 1at3o'donk Poa 
danni TOSTAVELE DUT Ok VERO GANS, WINTER GARDEN. Becared seals may by oblaloal at Ibe dice afte 

poutit | FrOie SADESPAIOE avers u dearabls paldease | itt lciten, teetioures "grspery, cgrescinans ke 
Wiehe | ITOH SAMES PRICE Sho eaairatlsralanye | | eratety oe, 

It Ia'ubundance. One 

rein, New 

ait th y eat ork pas Acadsay, aad ct Cu j 
tow mel situated I a-véry: eapactable celeb: | City, thrtvaud's Rall lies Goa Fieautee Ta iewad dee Fount TASE  Casecl! & Mack's, ander the Find-ar. 
ai and ihe cemainder fu werdisod Wig | Pobects geod ockerseith al medars Pant een fot Absiy to HOMER MORUAN, Novd Plucets Ss otal 
Reoiiiuife Mee bali Pictcafos imbsedistely.toalrs of Wil, FLY TRLET-ON STATED BLAND: OUBES TUR: | aye caSiSed na ig ep giy oot agtd for IDLO GARDEN HERING AT TC 
Pur iiulher wotcratlen finely to Conway Robloron, | 2tFeaetst,___"_"_ |B atau. atsaca, eich tou) aod suo eerapnum? | PDQ cE us. e400 Manasor aes 
BA rahe ernie eehaeve ela | Aq HANDSOME FAURE STORE AND | Si, fiicam utter meatier exsmanile ota: | Syst eHSOMEUED AT; EVENING RRR. 
Perl ot he asdetighod NCAA Sea AN BRUNI. | Goh ee eee oF (le Hates, Dall: 1m peciect or- vaeatign tmamedlaeelys Inquire ot A. DOUie | MARTI Pe POsittVeLy Te Last Ti 
Bio SSIS AGCRAEMMUIMUE” | SESatocatal cadet acharaee, | MEAN Ta Fate uOUte Sn a auger a Aa MCUE worry | MOET my lac Ea the 
FPO SAP N—N CoN HY SEAT ON THE TTUD- | D4, May besecn by applylag at No, 170 Bast 10th-3t., FINE COUR-STORY DASEMENT DROWN: cincsday—KING JON. e Fitter Za teats As ORANDE Renee GOSSICAN BROTHERS 
Posiivee tetmcon ye Varcach moebee etoat | £26108 santa neuret aba lea eatiisos tt Uy alent BD | Ear AEUUR EDD ADVANQEASORANEINIONAA WN yrs taney aniemcnamet ae soe tence a! Seaalsbetet, yea) bar erealen 

ChowoEn aNn pron, Ni 

oP others 

Bure of stone nad 

ios Wels ‘nodkaieaptsin alee the | Asuiuvated Yaod, tessitr tocstion, goat wattage, | Ghats Rese ftmeas» Ceaiate ext 

varicrivont of M00 tech catraciorivo | A SATA TARMSUPERIOR WiGrby | frssle very lie. Ales, Drat-ciaas, bisicetoop 
loge aMavted fer Wioter apt | jn. desieabi 4. We BSEY. 

irsterato order. pear uohools. churches and depot; | Je Oe TONIGHT. Wa. WHATLEY, 
Skuoiecr. having farhsce nn double esshea : supply of | plenty of fruits tof aaleon very laverable terme, 10 LET—FURNISI UNFURSIS! ‘OL VANDE: " Mr, Chas Pore... as, “.Ghatesa 
Seeeeruetrrags wen eeei nrc SoHWER EM Oaoicnn, | TRE RSE, AND, ONRUESTSIED ea OPPs ui ena aah 

rely ko otucdane=ot largeantsmall teu | Rech ara. sew four-story, higbstosn, brown-ioue, 

ome Weide tot Lov Geateclacy, with ail 

Whe" suck, Tawa acd abede trees ussurpaeea; 3M | front houes : howe 



lekard Voublodics, tne Foor Soldier, 
Reolfation . Sberidaa’s Riders, Vaudenba, 


Bilis iron a stations where ail te tales and ears: | moprovemen: ball by the day tn ihe set mascen Ap | FTO TLRTSFORNISHED HOUSES IN WE : tsestcbeattl premise dase a 
i Tyo Btnaty of ite place fice seate ut psigge | pip to JB STYLES, on prem Pay linen sah, Ean fal ond Masten, ate. hoe PMlary Oreauner eentermata. Vauserna eee oattig. AN MST GALLLaiT: 
Tae ence euonMenecespiecins | oS AT Bae Fin =F Hore Cit Avo Aioblaat Beg Ugreic tare rwak FET eee ek OBIE. cary he rennmned nett 
: MORGAN, No2Dlocse | [OU.dy eat bighatsen four stor oO bast pir to MEAN, NOMINEE "THE BX ANIMOUS AND UXOUALIETED ‘Tho Veluotsers T achat vinge-strs. Vaouenbort MARTISETE FAMILY 
= =O wok {otto a suitable teoant, located om | veolence of water urraigemeuls, ke, “Apply to AM. fara Yoel, toa small frally. withoat | WITNESSED BY THOUSANDS. BLEBIOS SALLE DIABOLIQUES NO. | enc ctinn ster dee 
2a, ltety al Sthtsburah tea elles worth ef | TAXON, No Walst Shueres opty evasion, No. a1 Weashlcaton ac | a themort sarees and haat s CEO RY. ALL. | HdusbiuaDWay, oo es ne drama 1 
eke alah wa Wall wld fal teed Romie satan cele strat euees Toetncks fades soem ee peated te Lo te a a Winn NEW ATHCSoTIONS, soa intend 
STO Wika forest snd evergrcen treesin sban- ney Mane Frents Baden iit bette aay & GRE, ANTOMAJ neludio, ‘2 ben 
4 i mos. carilare bouse, gata. ¢ Elthall modern Uprovem:ate; ballt by’ 5 peice 10 LE ‘UHNISITED. RK SIX MONTHS OR | w] repeded At every patfarmance ly RLLRR'S NEW VEL. they shiney. 
Seis USE cas oot ey Arnau | hal Ratu obian Ma Weaeadee | PO RET AOUMISTED, COR GX MOMTISOR | witueneatnicturt cae Me Raton tener enn tes Fae uta tage eo aca ah By 
Vass gowree=ntiy boilty (will be-all wie iy at No wletely furpleLed, aod all wodera lemproxetmzate, | enlerrainarrnts. ty chichibe, EVENING PERFORMANCE AT 4, apa E id Corals. 
i rilagea tow ey terra = HDS ifat No. 9 Unlodets Hrsaklso: WATCH LESS SEAR COMMANY APPEAR. ra apsa sit FM Gilfe mabacer {au aldey pteaiare 1a sieounclor that 
aoe er Whe MALEORE SS ob and cold 10 GEASE—OPFICES CORNER OP JOHN AND oxvoflen open from tl tilsoied comealeane | Semeet SH the ebsrming and 
Q ot Tht ae {anole ou ther prewlscs, of JOUN tS. W. DAMBRS: ST. ALUAN'S BAZAAR AND MISS MAGGIE MITCHELL, 
ib Sti wsk amen a y: DRY GOODs. PaTHALUANS R feta min mane her grft aaa EOE 9 wy pvEN. 
N MANSION AND PARM = ORY BRICK DWELLING | eee eee ONENADE CONCERTS. ING fo ber singalarly chaste aod wloniug periona- 
qe heat tserent tverguarcs lle tea, Port rata aes at aaa, AOE ta Oy PEACE!!! PEACE OPEN DAY AND EVENING, FANCHON. 1Hf CRICKET. 
a Pe tae aes Se ee 5. THOMESON, TROON AGADENY Ov DustaNccor. | Setsouetels dni 
worry or bealth od braotiful: "Sand Leonerys. DWELEING- HOUSE - fer of Duet wed Mth-ay,—The Fortirth Anpoal Ex- | PATLITARMONLC 
as braguiularires and kceathys = = Prot ates de WaHAMEISLEY, Ne, NO. 472 DROADIFAY, Mo:tion of origioa wurea by Tivlag,ardits.ts wow ores Yot 
Teas! za all about feo yeach ing. eyatcy al tee TO LET. v9 to A. Mond Oto 8PM) HAS yp tha etre Aendsery ealGog toni # AALS AOE. Hin] a ast oancerh.of thavotseer gil Ula pleas al Us 
mveDlene=s Wolet, Met MEO ColUsEDROGUROGE | macnn rns Ancien acl MPOWET AND ROOMS TO LET, + Admisit p aecents. Sevsou Wdkcts, 31. coneast of She petice, wil taka pleco al the 
syratlias ot Ws par tano moacy cau ce: | ‘vO LETSSTEAM POWER STORES AND LOFTS Marthe Works, Ne tot ‘ REDUCED THE PRICES T_ADDISON, RICHAROS, Cor, Sce'y, N. A AeA Tae eetee 
‘Fateh termes Til Beige | A eless Co, (he ercat business centae of Broabeay abd OF FINS CLOANS AND MANTILEAS Phe laragatset mils tetera 
vera Rometecccupsat. Ap ly W PENTZ Copal sts ons lo tnenly-hona of the edit Mol | HOUSES & ROOMS WANTED INSTRUCTION. RUNBRAL MARCH, fron HEETHUVHN'S SEMPHO- 
oo Sa iy rattoeaaeeiecarsah USES & ROOMS WANTED AND. WILL SELL TREX en aracnerncenemnnrensntncnonee. | a commemoration éf uae Mt our late tamealed 
NTED— TOR eon NINTH av upHONY Vine sare aly) BEF a 
A DEADrIEGE countity seqriro rpm | VV vbowtt ame buneca: tent Bier alte ortte NOS.2m7 AND 2 FOURTH-AVE, SUETT EERRON NG, Macaee coln DERTAOVEN. 
ita Hototen teres, up hovseear ealesd creer gnc | banicess way kearets purchonens cad tees ete er OEOROE ®. BACON, 3. DLL D.. Pri ahiasse Peoploy seer color foams 
Tnlua'as: reacted afehstes)gurdea lacs plese of Mee : AS Chon. Nec cuitat Bicisen. 5. Dilton Me DoiLE: B ViowPetacival, wih, ho rat ae” ofthe Goilnishedo pera ot Lone 

ra oe S f trolts, Usrrles and wropss. med. rater, Dino assistant fustrcctors. ‘Three Weparimenta, classical, 


Reueeling | asm —pERE AGO 
Filth totem lapcodesasnti, Wad al Bees ieany WANTED DESH ROOM IN AN OF} LAGE CURTAINS, commercial aod preparsicry, All ite advaptace of tbe 
j fon Neds inze to inp ines Ene ge i witb eatelt Rntsouisaanes tosthutloninstodlog mosera laganges, eymnssiom | S0PP909Solo—Nad. Penlttachs under the virection of 
seatlen witht Hn al: fe er thres hours once ur twico aweck, Address Wa Dox : ‘and military drill are o| rere pucll, wi x F eels 
Hpac ret aire ee PIANO AND TAMDE COVES fencing ee ET PROD URL | ria aaah eh Tee EE 
Nas AINWDURGIL INSTITUTE CNET ETE | Dine announced. i gigs ofa) 
ee ws B. L. BOLOMON & SONS, NiWa0RGn WerrroTE.—NawsunGn, | TREE uevets, £14) enon, can be had at 
Re ca Pea ob aoa opt palgbbornead, nd aot fartier uptown than Usb 4:5 N.Y.—A dratelass tosrdiogsstool for boys, Eng: | Seharl-aterg tab, No. Twas, of Beer & 
‘ ealvea drat tN ey ark Ga tbe aC acral UNTENG Bi i ey FIS ‘OIN Za prenccans clasaioaig Sulaselties sill plete apply for extra tickets before 6 
Hay iS rderer.” Sal baslnen as teen era te MUNER OR | <aOLE OW LOWER PRES GE B. L, SOLOMON & SONS, PP SL know of no fastitation of learotox Io thia esction | o'clock P.M inlay. 
ft nore than Wily years. aod taro tua hla, Apr. HOMER KOK: | WTMOLE OW LOWER PART OF ne SO Loe s (hat can com ‘J.T. Healey : 1 Ng: (Swill Lake place en SATURDAY, 
a ea nna een eee MPCAREY a watrae | WOES 0 © Oran aep No.8 Broadway, i ae oe Ca a Su tae Be 
storia Neon. “stook Sanat of neceersl | Ano LET—aME PREMISES. CONNER TAY avo | balls Adirend FERD, caro Box No. See ai dca ak te nad cae ass MA ee UIITION O 
ol ery ro7de, krceerlen. hardware, ere Viycouth ea, Broouiya, formerly eceupled by HOW: Now offer thelr atoek ol ayo."—Momner Ramate 
2 eat aE SphG nsite ert ta esantey | gq hhOpaih Uy Brooklyn. termery ecu hy = ; ieee Y ar 
Mot ahiioSal oats OP enGr | hale ie ales lec acuratercumratice | BOARDING AND LODGING. New oops Cress 28 eee ERAT Bac Tiguepapeay ardese 
Miers ager eee Sale Fes SGOT PORE OFLU | feck dinate.) =) alliliocnct Brewer's troug im Serre aitianenn 3 EI ae merty the Church of the Meviah. ‘No. c= Broads: 
HES shane ol ef ct thers Japa nae | fel Slammer Salcy cr prewar (ovat aa athe SHALL, PaanLy, wren Piw AT GREATLY REDUCED rntoes, AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTEROTIC, — | SiPety tee Chaska swine eg paar, 
fees SE SE ERISCORENOUMES | FULLER, hicte tide ana Wimeuth su, Wrokia | Avowriciate ute can crcamlatoa fly ctr THE NEWEST AND DEST. fognded IK. {a a reliable Fduesttoral Bareaa GeANDENUTBITION ery interesdog 
Tibays io sae eakt pibure iglapey | setuid ae lecanecodarb ctitt Wetseliieg | tHe nos.tox vaTEN rLexinue senivo | fersmbcreenimeticniaary,. | [aie Te Me 
gunion sain natty at eeaeg koseg Sth alma a tly Gouipenaatlon tye ges hoa lecatlos SKIRT. ‘ For elite fateaty crcularsot 4 Fost schools: to tho South, mich were psto-tophicd on the erst by 
ect renir en (fe Le resa paler bs 1. — a! a as ‘or negotlatiog sales and rentals of echicol propert ote of the proprictors. who baa spent ths lait two scare 
3, Bybbaaag ct dhe ee ( fears) reianieie calearYTmppclrauaance—eampuuage. | THR WIRE USED 1 Wave FROM THE DEST | AUIS ihc satG MEMES ETE | Sie mene sees, Basan 
‘ald daily. 204 coly 29 aminates’ froma Walle LYN TQ RENTORO. york Address Uy My C., Dox No, 2891 Postotless | Tayty of bars GAVE UI YALESEEA ved nw the PE | toeapceimen of American Bil 1 Vorough uecauatedferlilets berq ablcto sale and 
seitalue visatty Eftiecty. apply fOLYOS | alan toc ait Fasloesty Ital east-ot Mansiogtomanr, | Serer Foraatela allalicy Wy 7. STRIWART & 00., aqua onMmU nian! See ae eee SIT Ee Neat tone ee 
Bio ricits, Now Calonatae vies Stuton > | reat gle Agent will Lea Chotoosat trum tia eed | PROARD AT SUMMIT, Ne t—Goon Fal frodvar end ion, | MRS, JOHN LORD QUSS TL Armang be ereg ws fe oor tie mt = =I 
Joe EERO ON EDRMOEETEDY | Nevers eam Kor vmnaaeie.'* N77 EMSAs | on Crhtenarvand hat Vento cas, feseeo HO ce | aE NON PATENT ‘iifbent profeseatron New Verges he Reak ame arid ARI OTE ous UBS TED 
i gudec! uch alin eo oe thas atte’ laude Nota! | (pu caer EURNTETT D, FORTHE STARTER, oR [TOY WEE mNTS Sie oNSL i ebuontow SPRING Renaneser TRE SHO: CORN. ontop a A ee 
' Dri f  rext tor. toa realienes, snrrocnded FOR SATs valuable conniry seat on the weit | [Sra nN, JSONE TOUR PROM NEW: of Connecticut: Rev, Waller Mitebell mafard. Conn, y, ¥ jo the marsh, rr 
it lin ihSthand oeaniev ticked with(reitpieamat | tank oftha tiudsan a miler oath of Newtursh vca- | A TSU MMT, NF DONE HOUR Fito NET area eee een mamta | BATTERY Ja the arahy betel 
. HEGRE Venema a ae | SRG UND STOUR a ea eect ot | ta ar saute cases doe devcn eal out Sept se. aE on sonrge ai Har dnaK, 6 
a Te OS a a api Sr Ast] evince Loge arm Faerie au gbo7e4 OF | Feom for tallica wishien permeazeot board in the Sta EEN ae QUALTFIED | siieuiid uaNoscare viEwy of ‘ 
Goipocs dea presen | MMIC HAYS WS Cl 10 | error CHOMEM MORGAN, Ho. F Ving ae" | malt Mowse, Ade lguitaly Tocsted tall colts (0 Wek mii aaatbriard ruiuboll ke | A CENauraANeoat ia taatag darapae | Sass FORM IO ALISLANDS:cet at OCA 
f 2 a 7 = = = ¥ HOARDERS ©, ; i re esting oF the | too as privata tutor Io ataunlis. He vould bs willing ce Reo Ron 
: Pus SALE=At COURDRERPSIE, COUNTRY | (po. PEA, FUANISHED, COTRAOR FLEAS. HORI DENS ON Wisely, onatay = Bey reoterigie As wont | (Ot? Bae cats dadoe tte Samer mouse | tS AUGUSTINE, which ftw aes 
ah oBtilnlpe Uwelee acres of choles xreand, ‘antly situated, at Cragdony er, with gare Lemtow yet dlecavege ec Isuble to each tbe auclent apd modern lacposges, tied Ameri 
; 1 mils (auth cf wig eliy, oce wile trem the des | dao, stablive, leo beusa, ‘well lied, ca. high’ and coni- Forraloin allatzes by pret he Isublefoesch the ancient aod madera Wopoarch, CASTLE ST. MARCUS. exietlor and soterior. 
cane Gea Siding etoied, psy gee 1 Bioeteaye treat Aen orpWaRTe Coa | EDS to MME Maine’ sh | SuATMTC SC Non Aida Shela, 
se tege aed ERE ort 920 BA hats Nate bites GEVEHETH eyo Nov OTT rostayandetboat, | Heat 5 dehcelaed reference LAN ned his Ie Od aE 
Atco debe Mat CLINTON. | ‘Po LORY COLLATE, OL ei euany EGU | dan wiceeeiniee ies lneuioe Nowe” Spe READE! DRAOS!! PET Le SOUS Cah (Pee OD ea 
— saa pet Bodh euGe igri tn ntstlad | Meta Ny 1th. 7 Hea dedhutate tat eothe BtSepardoray teak aos 
Ssadayeatont etait uate drive trou Saderny dere TARTED=Ox NOHTITNVAT Wi aoc ran ur eaten tte 
TERE RPA Reh As SHARAD! NO: | Biofnupareriby cli be geatiemany witenure, | ae UFAMES'SEDGW LOK M1. Au Prloctpate 
5 Wo Wattestes Ne ¥en Or Now 16 Romsen-sty Drooklye-__| and infants private tamiy preferred. Avicess Box No, ELGHIVSs CHEAP BTOKE—NEW | FOANDING ROMOOL Ti ROYS, NAAT 
"Po RENT—ON STATEN ISLAND, FoR THE | 4, “6the8y ‘York. divler dress (itacdogsrieee abrotditi. | JRCARDING POLO OE von BOS aE at 
Finest | Eerdagotacket | pletscup duasted wi vise ering | Abtoar. with boxed, cau Ne ebtainedat No. iLuniartiae- | fross, Uustooe, bicdiogs, mall’ wares, eoabs aod | Te TS ey yan cuss (oealtafanedy of Ieation a: eh touste: SES BAH PALE ALY: 
Ss THREESTORY | Fay aad Long igus Welt aut tor toatb. Apply to | Hse Teferences eelred, _____| Britis atures groundrouet, cn tsdley boa ae, | toreancedy AvdMtation aay bo mete at So, #9 liyerwog || Ride cot wowure papain: 
a schowcainalltegeernte | RSAUCES, Nein Nees or | LANGE CURSESM UT ACOpAT aN OLOTET | isoiel Aare hth re ean nee ee De BE MSOM anion ur Been 
| Fey ae gannesesyentarat ne | DOME MILI OR 2A UGARLED ONN Eats | wttel nu ti Sot” Aen’ Se. RUE ae ae sili Et He, | CRORRIE NIST AAU Rien uns Meee | gate ncten mere ees Se et 
Wes ed sbrabhery  Utle ‘posorasion lume: Five ber briet eutlages, coatalelng & rooras ac ot a BRORT ID oa 680 BROAD. | giostring, Sill be coatioied whl after tl 
hates pactitavielt He 21 Spvble wantsie. watcrans eon F AED=AT A SHORT DISTASTE re BOARS | emt, y 
See te i) pein | Lae eitlean dont: | CONS ESY taht SHON doe Sr tayte Gack | Mente , Be ah MUSICAL. 
f Moy goat sg "sie “ibrar a al ty | Tar bic hon So eat ia EAN Re or TOSTSTNTETOUNT $30 i Beg | stamraornasay er Gis Geuaas, tio: Craane 
. oproremeots Paton flat Veltecy 24 and | centalning Nyc rooms with waler- gay and wats EVERAL DESIRABLE APART- S i - reo, abot | praso-Fortss. No. 2 Beosowar.—The eurectorltsst 
- STFA ra ri eh be eee [oe ee ce pore cee ea BERGE ARSE | oennne a encninenn | aE raxo Fours No. l-Daossmat-—Tis exert 
N;-=VINLAS, VILA Sims AND | JRROOKLYN MoCsER FOI SALE Ol — 7 OR STOLEN on or uboat ths 24 Apet, iva, | Secrest ACTOR: SASUY Core ar | yttevalintary restinoayat the forenoitarisa ghia 
| atoriciy, wautivaiy diated ese tout | Dexchscned, vite: tracuse, bromeeitone, diated uae HOTELS. six perexatboods, ofthechy gfst | PRYING NSRERUTR: ESRY TON NX | or ona chalmior them exealeacies of tons end. woth 
WD Basle oan ales, rune eeataeed | om soutbestt arte at Onion tis ave lunsooepiace BS Sesto lh rh scnin will eotcesse on HOWD AL, Ms te Forerear | pasch phinctto cacbiaaed by aay elber mavere 
qupD of year. by HENBY 8. | houses aol lecatlon unsazeasied : Immedistopouenton. | GanD BOTA DELA PLACE DU PA Teu bon Is of $1.0C0 each. G per eeot, Issued 1651, Se Tae DS ROWESM: A. Me Gobteeacataltacacat eager ar aise Teens 


ciliate eee verbed to (Sai op presiees 

duo lati; Interest payable at Phat Mink, N. —— 
Bu PE. MOUNT | cuoeenixa Grano Praso-Foates hay eever-ly testet 

LAI ROYAL, Yip ebroars and Asgust, bombers Vs 

i oats ; NT AY I8 FINE, SUITE CORO IDE DRM VOLTSTARIS SAE ea er MQUNS VERNON INSET UTE, Moun tse Fortes, hay wiry tad 

yately If desired. “Tho house wlll be pub in cod a 1a,of tne Avsericwn tra¥ellon oo oltbe very Gatlering esthcosdioa Jo whlch toay aca 
- rater Tord private tamty” Wstcrenes exchapnede dngulte |  Thoatesotion of the Asser 
Ran eal re rhe ele ta HC et Ci dey 

tog in water and ‘PO LET Ol FOR SALB=AT ORANFOND, | Hivctl onesies 

Five baba for sto) each, @ per’ eat iosued Wincipal JOHN OAKLb" 
yest dus Toit; Interest payable nt no-cd Bane, 

N. cApril aad. etober, uuibees. 13 t 4a 
clasiva, saith past due coupoary (elace uly, 

$3 aro Bola Accents fie 
‘or the alls 

‘ fiitegod,oue bur from | Uhe prodigal theatres, the ojera, onibus, tiner nud | ied vsopexeds nnn : 5,609 : 
Cuan it epeteera cou tuna entrana bell rape Obs nae o nt Jost eltble for (hes> vialting Parts. Fifteen boods, $70 each, Hi pee coat, beaed a ST) WAY & x 
| , spelt teat an ia geaias Zale ceancur ies | ab Rust eager ues sgl Cie viene i E “Ato SoHRRE Pianos 
TOR BAL Rect subs MARAT thie Weciat | Reinieuokier aloud hs" Gereuuhe tte | yaulige el vanes poretenaatae ia NERARE ACAD Tam TOWS, | conn upper MAND SOAR 1409 ay 
Vine rnultpiy bri thet ore kad | Breet | eda anit sand ete Pera a A Race ech Meier eet breegret ta, cleny bayonet ere ea Pe Mell atin ee 
vedic ronssies uate aah ess Cease | CQEELCESAND HASUMENT STOIHN TO | (ei incasion nioolnae day ith vocharsee irextm | sigtesuigr} Siangexed MeLSOMPOBE sony | Felots aad tha Nasal Sehoat, hor ta Larabee: 

‘The privelyal rexcoa vy tba SteToway Panga aro sue 
Gaur | parler taal ctvere 1s, hat the tiem Wocompred of Gyo 
a ans turte makers. (fuber acd four sens.) who 

ET.—Newsligut, aud weil ventilated. worth $7510 | ey untversat io fa a and eo eap=clatly ax 
£2.20) per anplim,ip No.2) Hroadmay baszmeat | hosing to me Ac or, APraogenients may 

NICHOLS, No. UPide-ai., News fe 
find several oficea fa No, 17 Mreadway Paimulninadyance by teller orctherwiee For further 

faererat Ang Ciacaical Fumiy Boardiog Schaal tor | prectient 

ENA FINST CLASS FARM, FROM FN. BHOPFORD, No.2 Droadway._ | piciloulacs adlresn J.P TOW. Ully DMrostory Olce, Hina, ‘Tera porquariee” Adatiion at ait toes, | Apveot all thelr ceo improvements vod Ubier wos 
ietocrea,on tie liudson, within ceventy-Ava | 7 ao = = | Rover deccorety New-York. wlictoa view of thyhiotel oo | Sead ra, to fer. JAMES GILMOU ign every (art of the Ipkraveat ts 
“yeh avs elthiatwe miler ofa depois ie | (PY) SR R—BOGO—ATINVINGTON, UPLON TAR. | iis oasen Gite Coupons’ aabexedosss 10000 Waker Nou ital ESC 
i diessreatiag ieteas Gees Key Box Noe i onaas | NEW. YORK HOTEL, All persons ate berchy poflded god aroeds oct, to i 
water eae ‘The prorrletor, belleviog Hat the coufort and canve- | pukchhasor nezollatethe svme,or any ofthe past due | be lotel Wensllct Dros, No wT) Brady: _HAZERT x q 
; = Fo nON IVER FARA pleoosal ble wucata will bs yreatly Iocecascd Uy change | Eatpans tierent es the paymeat of tee eatne hau beea | Co b OVERSTRUNG, GRAND AND. 8QU4 
Prot SATESMUDSON RIVER FATAL AT TAV- fnetrem the Ot table hots to the restaurant system, | Morel and Wie tranaer cl ihe wus b beredy po | Sas a ag rast FOUR | Foktk WANUFACTURERS, ee 
ftilt4ze 17 neree wool land, goed. Urick. hense_and Nau deeseriocd to adog: the Iattee'on ths It of Muy | hihites Tanners shine | ASAI istnd Gratact Mattia facture | N02 Planet alow doors went of Ureadwar, 8, 
fe Sh eith ao orctverd of choles, trait al) 2 c; | smiies trom Modisoa-square je atovo renard will be rald_for tho recovery of the ened z syareccited the Gat A 

wherever they hare bec 
{ee for Hive yeare accompanies each pian. 


i ext. H i i. ip roadway sj 20ransnip. took-kesg 9) 
ec irate ey DCE ABE, A Sate | Rule SM AGRE Sear WUBLEL Net sees | “BE ching revaurat cual inveerreccio | sate sued Susie SUtahtea fthe SrsDe eRe | a eStdeay treet ta cee 

iu! adal 

Sue ior Ueno aeraRonay Maren age Free fal. OL 
Suerto mune lt compare vorntly witb tee wet ley New: Vorse Apri ees fol 

EPSTHESTORE AND DASEMENT NO. ive | Erca' aus peewee tecdonoeee ihe Mee Pore is: SEORGE DOovoLAS, Auoraeyattae, | VES Cs Qte eae? oy | (Tae HORACE warns CAND SQUane 

a 80 fect Joop would be let for thostor- | tej will continue to hold. its woll-kuown reputation as & SAVANNA comopetent terehera. Fer elecalars apply tothe Prinel- bb a 

Apply 1050 RO EDRAROS, Nori | Blawrmuat atone ie Suitheie Lis Batbarys coun Pat oan 


TaeeAgithtaht ccest of yregedc balling 
‘edie peed onder oe garde, fru ant 
srubiehys ken Au wala 

122, Le 

LET—A TIREE-STORY BROWN-StONg | _New-Voxn, Saturday, A 

SURO TN! SSS io. Engle. muslo and modero languages Ap- eek Mu 
Fou clit uP THE NE NE PAVONIA NOUSE. GREENPORT, | Ltrs | ye katie, RugtWeh, mualgsag matern. Woz uaEet AD”. Praolatia slignansce to. try bey, use. 
HH SAPEGEOTE GEAOEE SRAEEAT ANG | suerte mat as etunige | Tinh, FANGS BOUMLGREESLer | sgcveiye cousutname om aieUR: | Riser setae FRU peters oe sere 
i uaaty ORR fea Moet OF is | $90. Aon a Spyciata toed sace 1 Facute diecen | TO SNGURENS ORM TEE QUARINEEA | eee Latcat aed hes : 
Eh Sharia aitga | CRONERY MAE ets adobe HMEN MSMR Sea AE Se | a eras tl Maa UAMR ENE ULC, | Lo enensivaat nats. thee we alee ft (ATRD=A RAUROREAND TENOR EEA 
eat Br | ee teas f Sige eraege eee AEE Giaeda’ | gee Slr ron Patan tom Bettas o-efate | WW Aagieian claw ta Gisitron mest 
HD MOST COMPUTE | Ui fiat THOM Se REWER TICE iene HMC 5g tia, terme deat SH REE Rhy SeBESEolfo NSPE Uow'No! 
! de ds ston aed eg: | cuit, RHOMAS ate LEGAL NOTICES. biases] Seca SSIOAL ANUP CODEINE | Eee RlecAiy Wait sity toast si avys: 

se Fy = | MSR RESDNAS HCMC thiud Counte News | sition revuiteds 
annie a stneguemser fectsataratas: | SUR AG ot fEnGe W Beanie oes ig the atv ot ary cope | Yee. "CC AAMERV ORD. AC Pues | TTX yeerp eLaNO FORTE NAREIS 
IR OTE LLNS RE oe oe Sar ae) Soar sr, | cuter tthe odes of Mernee | C&uMUOLG Ne a Abas | ChOcCANTHUS. | “Oar compaby ‘beine compseed eallfely of superior 
fei aaa a ne er aa eae nse e SE Ee Bey eee teat seanlett aes sera ees 
2 at ee A et oti Bi tadegtinae : oP ele cg 
SUSU EAC iy. TEACHER Neay festramat quargateed for Ove years 
: oH fee gta cerccccaens | Ty GECOND-MAND GIUAND PLAOMOTIU: 
Bonrberly hide of Thitty-elgbtb-atrect. Botween the Se MATRIMONIAL. 0. PEACHES, — WANTED. A LA PRGQNO HAND GRAND PIANO: 

yrnirgaties: view of’ Ue ocean eplendid: | tO LE: 
a EM vooLow key, | PRLEN 

za barebin.” Ayply to 

Ssperienes fer w responslile roiltia fo tbe | Delos, An old plano will bataxea In exchanie’ Pato) 
Sud and Third avenues, bounded ned” eontatelog.afole | etn thorough oxperienes ors responsible pouition te the m1 KE 
fows' Cotamenclew at a potnt en tnsestd side ct Thlety~ SIALICAN ANURIGAN GENTLE: | Bpelhdscarcuent of agealaery wear tte citys toler: | E> tee Ta. ukany, 
ghiratrect disot obs Mondtel and eriy-tercareet | V[ATHEMONIAL AS AW URICAN CRATE: | rrr Satunlay morning. als» Fanicl @ Gea; | No, $59 Broadway, between Prince and ito! 

Sitisas ahvatd hava the American Sch 

AND, Pat 

‘eaaterly from the catterly aldo of theThirdaveauatbenes | sir 

faoning eeutheriy aod parallel wiih tbe nioreestd olds 319 cor 

med Stand pealitoe 10 thls city, E 

‘ith a solat 

vis | A Bs PSONS OMAP: 

ALE-AT SOviH OR. HK ORGANS—Voloed with srecial 

4 To let, and two wofaent 

! 1S aatrprealcuea vomited alias | gag Seu afte apaaranaterauanad a gna tne aM J SPaune reatnery tod eaten be sored sag fe ciate A Haat OOK AS iced wh recat secs fo 
ver at Ee: eile arte et fanweil Iai | Fah Yorsale, JAMES FOUMANS, Auent, Wonkers. | paral with Thirty clahthat noe feet, then ae ye ae Weechapel aud parlor, Preaounesd the bast ht 
gutec. ° oaemaeale from tepeuspelce, with forDitare, Eortuseiy ant paraffei with theeuteriy sideet the Thirds Sage Gee 

id southerly ole of 
aoe tne aforsuld ener! 

$4500. “oply to HOMEI MORGAN, No.2 Pac: To, PEASE GROM 4 TEAC OF YEAHS. PIER | Svinus corcary tua 

2 North Bl 

AapcE about ioe. address Fe Place tore far aetes isis Overie's enaut 

‘Thietyelgnihestrect. th ar 


So.c0 Wattats_ | sidestep eit the potat - FOND 
wo-story ana attte cots | ———__ SAUNT RNOX, No. 60 | ‘5 areal ote once millin youux lady uf about ly. Address Re 3, | wer troatho., Bi 
‘arian end trees 9 RENTON THE HANKS OF TILE WODAON, | Opleensk beagles. Vl he dppattensace, 7, Siition D, Now York. BY Sails forgs splendid tape, dataned wack: 
Mt nwiagina: aa alorsnt elaceprincraly faretehe Arde ec Ly, anediti 2 = ah eT SeNor it West isa 
Foe | apn ts uBR Mi Gonnenies B. Dison: Attorney, MARDLE MANTELS. Wiatrnianbee. quite te taglih beuecken | A. Ml GALE S CO —FIANOL ONTES, 
bevotaap homie, ou Murray: Ill, No. 8 Weal 3ath- | (VO LET-LOFTS Ax GEN — ————— Slesys on haed ae seoell drawing aud) Frese etter ia g fly or vem: Mabe acd eae ace 
Msi vita the pretases team A toe Ps iis Ndr ein artis droits | ear ov ain) anogBne AND, OFRER RGAE rs ies, Mies Abner tt bboy Paseotles ee ete ET New 
Fe: TAERGHO RAST SMS A FE: | GAME CaAngE on mie uNtvinste | ER oatattenaa ici ats im bot oh eee tienen a tha ea WMPEDTAN, AN ACCOMPLISHED YOUNG | PIANOS, OAGANS AND MELOULONS J 
Toei? ‘othe preatesas if tiejaattor (MSE PER hres | H a yds & JANNTS 

Times, Saturday, April 29, 1865 

‘ 8 

EUROPEAN. NEWS. |sterzenssicentiurts suesanate mgaren ne | chitnge a o.bemngantmene ol lon ToT Foe apinomanney, aug aon 

cal feollogs ia not consistent with the judicial exp 
fon of tho law, aa Judao Suinit Mirae 
In tho early pi 

reply Capiain Waportt handed back to tro Wohold it inexcosabto In any persoo, mals or female, | S- #. Taylor, Vort Royale 

er, wlth the eleple answer that it bad boiter Government Cortox Bave—Jonn Ht Daavs wheo they subject wsto an apnoyance ¥ very lt+ 

 polotea out | Tr! 
N of ble Jutcment, acd te cherre | mee 



wile ewan hy eehbi of Mere echnawon | be takes Bic nl Mt comune pctgh ane: | Soreotieat emetic ead Ave Grieent cavon eu | Wetrocle on ile past woold obvi nscnly s| Agaburiotia gfe ne Oe toand &. 00 date, 
= ‘ eee aes ete C an rauiednr, | Rerererege soncan Raw Orlaant cota a Ponte nach 
THE PIRATH SHEN ANDOAH. fort the) Wilapaiomn Pace, Eoare an Tautcind |b eramiM asoauit ot ae fellow tag lant This othe aae|whare (ht ecferlunne nessenor of tad | 01g, Sole ori ae: 3. Ey Apel 28, Int 9502) 
‘Tho London Tiues on the Reloaso of | ronrnen ransiconans—connxsroxpesee wins | Aso wine agaicat therovaud twas remaracd | a0 balog wlcdling Now Oceana srseeseeee ME | tres i pert fn tattorbotog ead istedlos bs | tisha, fom Landen, tra. 8 Apel fat t 
TIE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT, Patan eseeeeegninat cach. pitioner ove aller |B | sera apen us to dur manitat meatal aod phyalest alt SHERRY, egm Shlctd for Aden. 25 de cat, Apall 
tho Sts albans Raiders. Wo Hava harthontpiitleulers’ireapceing thay] eg.018es RiDMAUL ST RING Cee oyck 3 | comort 1 tse good onto wold ws tay eotoent ion Se 
proceedings of the Geverntient of Victorialn ino | sturr'teatimany,, ‘The (enor of thelr exldence/ as 2 | 1 would ot oly render them scestableazgualalaaee Forelzs Part 

bad been locked up in the forecastie of the jow ordinary and Lolertor ra, April MMe trtag Donte) Trowtride of 

fof the Confedesate craluer Stenandoad, whteb | Ua 

| es we andy ele 4 | van would at oaco greatly tmprox 1b At Demeen 7 
Severe Condemnation of Judge | anes tn Hoteone Hay on the 231% of January. | RA"Sat hen mes enip wee cleat: ar Soa eat ps oslesg aw O: SAREE 6 reat, iy Ammprove thelr teeth end | ponce, Pe Reeneat day Missiaslpyly for Baltiacrs ta 
ae ie When soo came to avcher, Cepl.Waprau, ber Cons. | of the eflcere nad whomsrives told, * Charla a eee ahd Maree = _— = 
Smith’s Decision. Maen ae aaa ven lo Teal od lake ta | ear move Coafederate nlterm, 10 bago ou GC | 13 Galea quod ardinaly Moma SAME | Bold hy alt droustits HENRY A. NHISHR'S SONS, 
coals, anil what followed {a thus staied by the Mel- | any way, Ore, belo ap American cltizen, was A Ae ea ate a TEN YS Ae HEIRESS 
bourne Argus of the 234 of February. ane ayes andine over inies commlited to Wis | $70 bates erdicaty Aemolie.--« + Mag | Means or smn Cuanor.—Swedenbors, Melanclton, See INE ST, Je W-TORE. 

Tie pub elo acne wvtess moles | EE lato aay seemohi 
‘Tho punlle feeling 19 Beloonees eo ete mectiog | $4 S4a4 terbsica eeoenis = 
nde Add Custome-—rbo, instead o ustones of | Catied together fo the midale of tbo day. alromgly te~ ee ee ee . Archblsbop Hughes, Dr. Storis, Lyman Beecher, and 
inde ao Cantus —tbtgtad ofl Passicr | Staheeuttite govervmeat for dpelp sige tig | eu Aon 2 | drechanstog tes ron Hosoimss=by re ©. 
are ae fiinedenione in Capt Way | IGY*aSteeninegt aie cennrahiy eieheted | —Acoioexra Daowsisa.—At abeut 6 o'lock | 83!» Victor hag Aalren Cxmlaal Laney 
Capt, Waddel Suvibs the Victoria Officials | persicenn son would te apsolotcd to #u-| Sinem io tezon of Nry Fausciainaletior were use | CT ee Reutatoca Durasturst.-Uhestlan Obeerfatoess 88 9 
pereivelterepaie, eal anything #be0ld be done 10 | Tagen and ot Sco ae a a a een ee er ierimhera hemos | Mewlaes Borrowlog Tronbio Hessons for Ghtefa 

ieanin'apeedy or ald tg hes arinataent. | C004 May aonurtaion tae et day te vals | yea. fl os ioe Niotteees ple, wheseto 293 | nay, 4 cat Pees Rey. Pancuetoan—conleleg 

and Threatens to Report Them oiale cane Wanosis asronicd ane, par toneice, | coreutondenea eigen Can, Waporu 204, | Bleriog, and wa Gone, to ct plac. mere ho ma | ness, A capital Trize Essay. Psxctotoay.—Conilellog 
lay, ming tothe sidiculy of ue favediaction, nas | government was gublliand 10 ihe, Argus, fogeibar | Cody wiasecovesed and taken to ine dmelliog of bls Pailovophy; Metaphysics; Modo of Creation, Ovum 

THE REBEL PIRATE SHENANDOAH, | _totue very earty part of the correrpondence the 

overnmont lallmated through the Conmissiones of 

524 | Wealey, Peesidant Gawards. De. Coatmere, Dr. Tyna. 

5 ‘casings of the propeller abaft were entirely gong with the declarations from a, puinder of the, a parenie, at No. 330 Batt Nia BoctaL Lisciuirr,—Sermon on Aealth by r. Dr. O3- 
at Richmond. casio gzof the propeller analt wong eniteg fora: | eta circole conirasicling, the leulimany of Ite 3G SATS Sy aeRO oT 
. Placed onthe patent mip. About unis tlie, aod In | fOUN Geacriers, on oe ‘theta co estonia ae Tho Snoltary Commission: : 
Se ee alecedag at | fou thar ibn ae ceaerce was the oriy B02 | ayo ptlowing coreeponience exis Isl: Pasetonne Saxoola—His Poataar, Wisi CoaMEATS 
e % EE Pa Ue NL OR a ur To Wp ta tbe forecesiia while. the anol wes in f Sc wienco explains Hself: | nis Lire an Drand. Also, ov cuasacrase” | . DENT, Cont 
Fresh Ontbreak of the War fn | peed ofan enrly depstiute, Copt Mazon ngorvies | port, and nat for drumnannedy and, Yonulla to ule | a Reo, Hones, NW, Mellons Pruaent of jhe United | aubrating Causlttr, Cectneneas Obecraunens tase OF ORS 7 ERE CBNE Soo aay 

SE a earn tani auprestiva of | eitrs sentry Cmmliaton, News Ye i = 
rng | fore, Ap eddrene io Cent, Wapoast, exptestivg of | siatea Sanitary C ion, New: Vork Agency, Nos | trated; Chinwancy ; Cilaate ; Color. with partraitaof | =—BION ALLOWED TO ALL and 


Feared ol the aercrarcnt obitising bie undaunted |. Deas’ tin “For the prpste of answartog tho | Résbent.Panl Delaroche, Madame de Stal aed Bene 4 

atin, of rervance of the nealcallly, | grant numde: of oqulrtés mudy dni Cour atice, | Jamia West; Nosea of Idiots, Musteated. Vonrxasss oF WTELD 
tio ids ypaullfed Tepotation a an officer sd ker | Ayto tho modus eperand/ of oblalniog Patcoleum, wo | tus Prorte.—Hoce George Droxa, Cartier and Galt, of 

tadil Fappeal to le, Excelloney the, Governor Cr | Ucman, had bean orepared and wan very oumeiously | Bare tnoughtit morih nblie to causs totvconatiuel- | Casa Pt =F 
esohed (bLAeIIy.yerterday: Our BUropeks Ble ae eee teat aoe a eet a a eee ae eee ce cae ee eee eee taated all Ine ace Gans 7 Baal, nod Xeanadr, teeebel Soles sare 

Fe a tea date (he Bare of the fellog|| aetna oleae ee RELL. Ct eee ene aaa cae see ae are fiiek, Wank drill end Indeed. ail the ac. | Relden: wlth Character and Dlographin, far Bie ro) 
obra to;apdooetmpatent to bo about hie country's nd day to net oar and on Suture | SOgtBe, MeL CN: Complete, fa coumerpart of whieh | RAs; Teorox.—A graphs oxete ra, Ketcbaon j 
te ain eit et boom recelved in Eoglaad, Wo | mun, aod onetmpatent Yo Yo about hie county's | Hey voroing at uoyoreak. whe felored anchor, snd | Way\contrioaied: by our (a "counterpart of mblce ‘A eropbls exeten by Mf a | 

y [remery anxious to wet the Shenandoah {0 4a 
News Zeplond: Hroctattioation by tne partics employed under Mle 
Eicellenoy the Govoraor's permnieuion for the necet- 
- é e sory repolreto this shin tems fo mo unnecessary 

‘The waite by the North American and Africa | end It {appeal to His Excellency the Governor (of 


taave the folowing extras Saat MEne eareroaea ty i aconeosea. | GUL Cy Sya teas Motu creo txe | Rano March} op eablen a No | Act, Woe Neyo bapion, Hever fee 
| 7 N8 RAIDERS. ed'o adialt ine necessty of tne Galare, and not | fnga southern course. It le notdeoled that daring | erat Timeniy-accond-aticet, near Tenh-ayana ieee ereeavoal s The Nero Haptlsiag + A DIORAA SSI RECT 2 
THE ST. ALBANS RAIDERS. iweive.cays ater the anin tad been tn pout ase? | Yriaay night numberof men avcertained tobe rot | (reco ibe bouree! Land AT, st. Tue Mroeday and porated ; Ancexatlon; Goatbward Mo Sarrendered.—In Cashed in G id, 
. oror eximi’s mnoisiox nevueixo aso cox: | Wiesmann reid tales delay met, cars ine at op Shofauad fale wey outoard (ee | Tcetyanicat cet tcnee pad fhe Wenimavenge | te ILLUSTRATED IMRENOLOOICAL 9OUN A, ‘OL 
. DEMNED. by the aime ity ot Etec of, acne severe. Bi ‘The Shensndook wan lsat ecco off Cape Scnanok, | ture for atedious Journey of one thousend mllesto amd | pgs 20 a fee Bae ON LINBRAL TERMS, 
Brom the Leadon Timex, Apritld itch coco caused the Stenandoah to gel adrlt and waswselioved to'be malting of (be coast to loter- | fram thoollcouatry. a tuo mojonty of Gea the aude | fet years FOWLER & W Newsman Anas Ie 
Tho elaborate dectoion of four Canadian Judges | pearly occasloned very arrlous damage. These r Eent Awerican enipe, eererap of which, iron Now | jeette of saticlant fatarast to reader a viet with thele | Sreia Messe. FOWLER & WELL: Brouwer ATWwoop's 

Sp tbe “Lake Erle Garo” bas been foliomed by one | gons were apparently admiited to bo ond ; aod | York and Boston, were inen tac. aiites (0 the © Oli Well” profiable, Wo ‘hare ts- | New-Yerks v 
‘Of an opporite tenor Io that of tho “St Albans aa ee arate at Pabraarrs Cape Wapoeit |’ 2ne Argue Rives the, fejlowing account of 180,|/anad lickals.of xémluslon a Vscuis ease Canta each, ——s PATENT DRILLING MACHINB 
Taisen.” Tho extradition of these persone 02 | announcec'to Str. Faancis that be expecied lo get to crultoot the Skmandoak, (roi the time of Ber de- | obtstaadte at our office, aad beg your seceptanre of Tater PILE DRIVER 
HALSEIA Toe earn nltOe ot refuted br Judge | tan vy the Sunday ‘ollomiog.. Meanwblie, ny tino | Pesiure ftom Madeira he procecdr for the peneat of the Secitary Commie: | «0 a 4 
Bucru, but they bare been remanded, on the #p- | went on, it was genecalty understood that the Aroect~ Hee plan was, when she cromed 9 veace), (0 ehor | gon, ao association {hat by lls noble care of our sick ipehardpansa dugecanse anise lealiiee aignny, aED 
| Ree ee ee ee ee een ee eer ater cen aunaicag cue | Wueueer ate feet eas ons Ge eres | ad ceoteg soley iby Hlenovie care of our sick | uot eaneot ke othermlsa dercribsl. Lanuor, weak HYDRAULTe SAND PUMP. 
Monnens ip seemer” anoint | cua Cone areca mote nave Auer et | dn'oMecgrned cts vaskst teat cared | erert'Unieg aan tinceaiy erecting you | Rak cucvallon, Inse-e sess, Goto | ot ottnsmabig over seer or ho ea 
jean bardly be determined by ie | the auinotitie to leférlare wilh toe, a uimostto ge | etroyed, ond Her caBlale Bi cree aad recta der | upon our Tecent glorious victorias, we remain, Str, | want of appatit Ke., compose sclexs of ailments arealee superiority of this macbiog over mi others for (ho ear} 
Se pooge of principles differest trom tbore 1914 | afew of tho thlb’s crew had dczorted, thelr testlqooy id By the Stenadeah Very rerpectiully,” WED. W. CLARKE & CO. | thyn all olneta combined, It Us exactly for bese In- | pres ct sinking Oll Wells, the undersigned s cow pre 

dowo io the Judgment already delivered, and unl was cold tobe uted to Influence tho government, 9, bark, STAPLES. master. from Aryan to Ruenss, No. 10 Ploc-at.. New-York, 

ier esinede asl cebeed of ao oft | Ee a ee cea ee ee eee eee | weeny ov oh | deertateeomplints mat masatin Dene it | Mrulsmuaiony evapo ererioog rai riba 

Se ee a a oe caper ieillee cite: | Sota tere snrerate mun sumed Cannon | «Chitty, Qokacheiner, Grunman, maxter (Gee Te ie ee Cae ea Se ee ae a ae ant a eyeeesocne [ete ENGINES 

oat8 We eat no scruple in openly depreeating | eald to ben Bi "| for Sag Franchico; asvosied cargo, Burned Nov, & lat Usrran Stares Samrany Commute. - ine eo mae oneal WMS )ARSE hesanrs | paee a sLexeepting the {BIE b 3 
reaper, We Jeatinesacrapls openly epreect | ed oben er at eet eanecas nics meal 7 Be geypem watt ¥ NancVons Aoraer, No, 623 Urouprar, } senetnels veel by cleraymen, mercbants, tedier, | AND CABTARON DRIVING-PIPE, (bat wlll to fare 

Ned cargo. Burnt Nov. 1, Ia 6° SF | Wed. W. Clan ah Co: thetaate aa they aro benelicfat tothe stomach, The ex- | With the ase of the derriet-rom ball-wheel ard other 

eee PF adagrabl vioialion of Ur Beuuaiily. | away. acd the oflicer io ofarge renu Mosc ate 
x fib New Yone to Bier | yo EEAE att SUNS & tally, In bedslt of | Kent of tuele sale {5 almzat ineredibl combrous spd expensive Oxtarer now in mss. atd ised 

Hoviog'soaget om naylum In Canada, they crossed | vevaei to bo cearched. Noxt day, Mr. Usararand Mr. | | Susan, bei 

the freotlor o Vermont to malt parties, pillsged | Superintendent Lrrretton (bis superiot er) oben Halte, “Ecurtled how. 10, Jot. &© 27 Ne lon. 5° 5S tho Untied States Santiary Comalasior, your hu- peas - teach f 

| Br gut (Be aibapa, sed the puuiteeuitings, | on'oard sein, ein the “bieaoperior efee) eum | Tigi ried Non HOt EF avpor coals) Bilp | Rane end palilotic oder rg over (acu treaty ——— arranged, belog censirected om wheela and evtables 
the Bank of ee Menegataetall who cesletca Wem: | qreydostred 10 eXbonte, "Capt: Wappant fecelved | banded hv, t tha proceed of he exnibliton of your madel of a oll thet itean te en'ly removed for the porrees of #losleg 
A eee ee ee cancers Tie | Henccnartccatigs eux daclinrd to. anion wher to | <,tilteide Datk,ofDalluzers to River Pattey venteal | MAY MCT tviracg Ue" in © good, cat Mapa op ron Cuasoy.—Cortealls of ten leediag | wells a AlZorent localiticn 

co Meee accor terns good wavy places | cle-eymengirea Inthe MAY NO. PHRENOLOGICAL | THE DETIITOS Lx removed from the well hy cur 

Sbipboadel fir 

Soi undsvis order laaued by Gen, Dix, and efier= | gearen the ship, Jolloatlog Wat 1 wa eed fy $2.00 



pojunastucrawo, may. bare diveried the pudilo | hig commlesion was worth to allow his (ag to to 30 enrol ie Fert borlog” the public over euch. ‘Tee do | JOURNAL: aleo those of other noted med, Inclollog | Potent Mydraaita prosess, and dosa not roqalre ther 
i BEd uISLTe oar these” faci, bol tt cannot | gisgrnocd,- le alsa pore Me word of homer, on ube af eetidiet Ree it PUPS | am alo it as fem the mal | he ie frenicon Tous veady staring. Nowra | wot fn com Te peri Tui rea nl Gal 


miled for o time (ome semend for extraction was | futher ay olfcer and ceutieman, tbat botad sol: ped | \“Aivagrd. whalleg vetzel. ‘Durat, Dec, Jot 

| alicy thelr Date, Tne ee mercoingascere, promptiy | fen nor eotived acy person for serrice, since | ton 11 mae Pea 

Ge to dus coarser celondanta pleased for time | bisarrivul aed Upai, sn feel, ne such person waa” oF 

Boe ae ea eaaue Tala requent | Ceaeibera bontde” Tue kext event inet occurred 

fo onttla orders diseoring paricaned fora tmoaih. | {sok place that very afueroocn, tue 

| Tan STACAeG, ae acy wera discharges by JUcH6 | en tborif.. About Ally eraed potlcemen en 

atthe ced of mblch {Rey Tene Copnected witb. 180 | treellg-yord, excluded all the workineD, 

wiilhave it. Twenty cms, Addreas Messrs. FOWL! 
& WELLS, No. 52 Brosdvay, 

removes all the detritus 1a from 8 to 10 mfcates bat 

Ukewisn esfectually clears cnt on opeos call 102 roall 

oll veins toat ato zo often entircly cloved up by tLe old 

‘oye prescasof aacd paolo} 

oy iiveonty pare clesa | WITH THIS MACHINE an practical enyine=rs a @ 
2 foots witbla a peracl of 

Toll, acd ‘our macainery hes been comparalvely 
mcd slinple, et tbe Melis have thrown, If 
oct in height a0 ta facie 
igh as the wounds aod edrrome of ie} 
Sic; | Curstslekem voldiere, aod cometites at tbe rato of | A Msice rw a Mar—s. 
fed toother | siateen hundred becvs, (4 rucd mora catoniening | Tharelay moretog laut 
The rewaantwere | feat) pormoatd. ‘They throw lo coe week tong of | wiou sof ENS 

Sine bark, from London for Akyat. Burnt, Deo, } ene 
iOS ton. 07 E ms ee | pot a hued 
‘se targce portion of tho eailora taon pritoners vot- | barrels dally,’ 
aatccecd jain hg herandeny, Abd ito as 

Uheremalnder all botafesr, wero tran 
4 practt- | Vosecig met with on the high cas, 

\tetore, No. 212 Bruadeay, by | well con be sunk from (2 to 

Govesot, on a tecbofeal Polat orate guetta well | HusGcpnad ine works abd prevented tho tuck, | Yeni ten weatdee Cons Nisha rete 
Tavtsats er betraporenenton: Theseguele well | gall wopped ne Torey wee tite mall Ge bene: | L'a acetiaden, whewery sreupoctiiace,"Uos | MIN eA deratyeura nur mechs, and Iyegnna tes rath hneber,ewsibe he | Rem arto dape ater tov ss burbec Ce. 
noeuiton, aud the Judgment reported to our Amer- | acribed in tho followieg telegram aayisted, bat unitopedeh, they mi x Intaof stores toto Getty:butqh. ta four mechs, and | SC CPF cS cc's Lat with & brick already | Arrangements ato bel (og 9 conarr 4 
prorecllon tea Me sesrcar count, om lfereal | miceran jm fe F. Cu Stendihy CH Ci "| fisieh Wine sch oy ab slay cal ohfs | aMeCueat arsed toa army ana mney ms | Sag wicuas qontiy Tatu rreaiasta, | gaarst tbe necator a: Now'Yer Nore, ea 
froudan the view taken by Judge Covasct. vezram rom Me. G,Siandil Ol Coortuien: | Ucn asta eran ihe geriia ioed iva, | shew len elena at eL ant Ai vc™ Cy | fetta Seas lout question Yo tte guazied wisha: | getlveryof thas machines at Now-Yerk, Norm, Ne 
gUcOr oe wr auenulon la Receetary In orderto | Scaffoned af Williarnstoun . inspector, | HOSED Ty, ere ne er ee ureanean, | ‘Ther ate tbroming thle calaate toto Rebmord, CHY | precors an cleanot Bat of the leleat style, wast call open | Borah ‘acd Pittsburgh, Pena. 
aemntoets tae ulsrlal retiszen decidentt In. tbls Could be adored Paint, Nembern, Wilutoglon, Golarbore, the Shear | Nox Yor farther feformation, pics. term, Re. odes 
: sieentanh rou tie wany lrcelerant passogee which aa rere ion of the sallore taken prisoner | anced, Naaueille, Krozvile, New Orleans, and pais a 
Jorement 0m Ueage, Sutra fo eleutis of opiaion Moonen rey eauseeamieedy aad fits otter stalooe, wbaterer Ine Roowledge abd hu cagenbeestty N LELAND, 
} Fee ea SS ary wltble (be State of Vermont, or what Sepied ; tho remalnder, all but franity of our twedical corps atk from u3, and There .a°s Patent Chusiplon Fire proof: Metropolitan Holst, 
] Uinta robbery wile the SNe Sneiy Heol sented ihe ree Fee ee err seis weil glee Seales hen nesta eee Newyork 
Tie chesda, wae brought Boise Lo Yooxo end Femnant were oul. rono'e Patect Urstialiied Irormthy ool — 
Md te Crome "the ‘cefeoce, andthe only de- | lopiectair : Se er eatin slawa Nig havo got ecealy foond Mngcessy 19 bul ahich froze be aihiednat Se Bibse OFFICIAL DRAWINGS. 
veathat thie roobery wes’ diveated of erimt- | ofthe rol Hee rN Jet. koe | gar ttoex or force It upon the market, Sober pure ar eta ate Sia tecd 
; Gomme unser, he be sal Rr ae ea tee ieadaa vere sbergy | cbtgery gem (o uncerstand Ie value, aod lavest > ASR Ses a er cs 
arernmeck Tht, of wade te neretaarval io ticteone Hay, wud telore { *{thoat Bole, 4 . Vassenzers Arrived. 7, 62, 69, 48, 32, 3, 2 67, BL, 2h, 17, 

pict the reHeee Mrsod them for wrblctapplipation | | Meanwhile we rejoteo that petroleum, wanes fo | 2a be ere orttiaa-H. Hamiiion |. KEATUCKY™Ctass No, 92, Apri 

made {¢ overnment, could be atforded. aaocitfy Itself by pourtag some percent of ts ow | and wife. Miss Olivia Bepiamin, Miss Teresa Bepjaciny si 6, 5, 75, 10, 30 

Ree eee ae ee {nto the moucdo ot our novleariny of wasty Cee eee ere Batteds Toate. O65 SG, 2S Gre tke ade Ta Seay Oy TE 20) 
Mio hsce Portgces. Heated cottages and. clte 

sed In the. 
cating upon ademand for extra. 

; B mooglnieate, a0) 

re TTR A dyer tue Tocpaat | ee a pes oma Se nue wan ti wowznatann, | ened ta di fSbudea a Sl ceraereisseie Up Gen aoe 
atthe ideas Sete at inis ersity Gave. FAEDELL fecelve: =< ae = seo Nfatan, contended wiih miplog iocks, cotfoaand | gun riers... 8 « Bay Lobe ae! J Peon : 
wrsleea idee MUUOSNSAOAU as | Ga ues Gach stcanomage | Paez oumianacor ome nenmion: oleae santa eae te son er SS TNR ea SE Beka vets an t |” “Gupkay cuss We 22 Ai 

Li, charging blm with havlog rofured permlselon to exe- Exobaoge. It now offers Ivelf axa medicine for al Euedy Hoow.10 691 Gov, isand,.1143| Hell Gate,. 119 21, 52, . 13, 69, 27, 6, 63, 18, 69, 

tusumption. {le ergced tbat the production of 
Commission (rom (he goverament of n State recog: 
Bisel by Great Drala ox a belligerent cavere 

may wounds and hospital gangrene, Weshallbe glad 

fotty te Atay your Oll weil go Into tmmediate aod 
LOU Weputey Dperauon, ali wao bave tovested | MARINE 

cute tbe warrant, ond culling upoo bim to reccostaer 
His determination, pendlog which the permlesion 
granted to repalr and take supple 

Js. No, (Ty April 2 12 

INTELLIGENCE. _| 13,75, 93. 21, 22. 69, 72, 8 AG 2%) (8 


fucryiog dove under, aed taal whereas ansct | Beuged, Caph Wapnut wt, once ‘tepfed tea ae ear ee ePrepect to leura fortunes {9 (Dele rayne Fe Wy 80, GL, 
i: piece oud a eayfonal wroeg, Re, fall potegne | al ooly parmlsalon to Petia nea alos ibeeal terenard Sra 
be spicing neg, mito Snag | et eet eure expectoonnand's0 mic eve Tet | samo guemare esa tee stg 
ee ERIE Sere meot out tee | lust HO, 20% Wita geatoral | lexandrie, James 
patel i port, and. that he bad ordered two commissioned for or i | waly, ME iene Co : 
bo, Ebaracter of the com" | Citcers to search the ahip, but they pad found uo " = Fae ROE: | ONAL HAVANA, 

cee von, Weare not toe advantage of having wll 

cuangere. The Doath of Valectine Mott, M. De DL-Dy yard tor doubloops cot a 

diarpeturit & Coz Goethe, (Vort 

pe tects ona. dot Of blegoversment, nls . 
Te ous arid ruction (hat would ¢ ‘Ata spoclal meeting of the New-York Acade~ meyer & Urngoe ctl ea 
Mructiog tat would rE iia? Aeaacilur, Brieto}, — 3 Bea- 

bets coy tosh a my of Medicine, held on Fricuy oventog, April 23, 

The osyts proceediogs were closod by the Captala 

pleiog orders for the launch of ble solo early neat Wy Vitara. (Be. 

for tbe purpose of taklog action conocening tte | Neltie Jehnion, (8 

commission directly aus ‘Dowaa, Malanzate J. b. Ward & Co 

elie sihoamen at 

a (0 ta) DAES tparan, produced fa. coure oUt rs fora na vena of Bie rhapceie Cieaivessn sed Frve 

7 Mesias te ea piee aiat fhe imay. te teforted | Smog: AUN me's cre aiationed ti Tound Seu lien dent, Natesne lor tbe | Ga: bane, Aras acest Uy Edessa 

. > LST re ane re Than Pay A meee ot See ase ere lint: Lrage Wood and J; | fideesr, Sal aches Eater: Villece Boney 
a exited, would curcly have boon fortbeomiog 18 ) four men come down tho gangway Inlo a boat Datedields Orie ene Pee ne tation log. resolaciODy Tinmliton, Vera Grot, #- Aleasndeo & Sone. 

; the fert inotsnce, e¢ nt feast alter communtenton | sige, ‘The water police cioso by followed tl ak, of the “Elgbteeaths p yecDrankramne ceparted..te Gllonioe » | Atcnooners D, C. porter, Tawaeead, Washiagtoo, Van 
i the Hihenmocd, hed been allowed for thls very | UOT wap romed awilily away, Du the end was thai SRR ay ICP irre RTT IhaL VOL ca High ree ee er HC ET Ee Pe Oa bee pea 
porcose, Toe judge, indeed, rates thal Yous, | the four men welo arrested retand rabies | panied by Taoursoy. Tole redoubtable chletialn, It y Pus, Deladold, Ravens. fe Woods tant | Brant R Slagits Jone (Br a Sabot Mela 

IRUsiSing oes nan ta Reon tod | Realy" destac "oy some Gener an wen | von vey Moe, WAN oetecaaMicy Stn thane igen Ginsamed Eh | UStyoa Rasa Aiea Hades, See 

gore to [ilcninond acd “received m Companion eee ee thad, aren concealed on bostd, ono | movement Mo {k maz who concelted tho Iden oF wilt, wer i iv ied: Hoots Hartows tration, Ferner, Pbiisdelps 

Woke aas, th al carne sal Tide tbo tdenitesl. * Caaria." Next day trey | unillo the tribes under » monoren, that they amish | | Resived, That ts, Aco, 10 gesembliog, 9 00 Merchant f Go inte, Flatener, Brees, oltecalpb. 

liecedent tn polnt, for Beater, | yore, brougnt before m megisirate, ahd remanded. | Bey PU et rt I Jon panedewoy Ion ripo old oe, nica th t rt; Aon Bilzabeth, —, Nori: T. B. Chace & Lon 

ett Raha, Nev-Haveo, Hotchkis ‘K =tson) 
‘Gthern Grou. (Ira) Gesrse, Rarratoro, D. It De 

3 pcre, Drovant Dele dheedey mornings, Cupiain, | mans and he bax carried out the scheme wil 

aay Bria rallety ae SL tears eaing that tue Taunch of biawnio, whica | equal 2:0! nnd ebillty, It hes lone been kone 

the ono (om Mr.sfatroar the | WAPEECH ely tantou tbe. patentalip, wesprevented | bowerer, that dels conrince’ of ihe lalate oF lhe 

oinot watch nero tel | Pint crycr of ine government, wrote at once (o Mr, | movement, for a fatharalt Ir ae éhomn by ite fa 

Fe ee ie nae erie a cog gabiog | that te rrac was entered opap the Kinga wishes aod | "OR ahat gee catayin county pas, iene Arrived. 

wo TERE TeasOn ee Povo Blsenver: | FAA%ct2 GeclOrine Die ove Cy abies “AL Ici ocloek | cormmunds, and that of late {be monarch bes sunk | chee tus wenere, 01; ict. but an ou a S.atvam trapsrort Cooatitution, Gresnemn. AIX: 
se ere re ot mars bat indicated | We Fortes" PE Ovcrnor. by orocla@allon, re: | into a vocentts. How Jar Tuoxrsos ix acting Ia | co SUS 8 SESE Eh toa et of Walaa one sho Gears to U8. Attntant Coartern Ck 

og | buvtatcn rapt rith toa Ort of thi hanes, Trosily. Fortress Mone 

that fires tts Hest orgaplestiony mo toembcr 
Taira froot arog (hem whe bed Gilet a larrer s0oes fa 
HN catlation, a3 a mhgaictan cod rurceon. hoa 
| Ueie daccewd wesoc}ato abd Lote bonored Preaileats 


rt mlin (uo (rides whlch once ackaowle 

That be ws i seed che prapieition oftoe launch, and wictter (rom | oo 

rive mac ouutvety ested ta mean kom SFY | Foyed ee promeition of pa auneh, ana mln Gon | Gieiofucace, wa tare 2el clean, “Hnereene of | Gtk? ot Ca reg'3y hoarse. Ge Auatogt Guar raNte 

Noo” was n BO era ea | He PEARIB, to CDN ADEE ry was cnonas | tetion a pow anitted from tho Waikato t2 the mest- | Mon ass tpeycstra i fica G, ss steaed iranport Sea Gall, Fs, Wasblogten 1s 

i Hoo Was mode aa eT hice ie psn | TAziePove! Walten'an tte ali (besurpentton of | ern coast. A diuingulibing fentare te the war policy |" Heo-icegs Rhat this Resa my ane decely seoyile ot vate tiichmond, Baker, Fortnets Meorce 39 hours, 
dey supposition, but we aro really without proof | tye*pormtsslon to Ditthb sudjects to avsist io the | of the Weld Mictetry 18 tbe construction of roada oe eect de our yeotsoloo omcata our Tainas- | to U.S. \ra‘atant Gantlermadter, : 

} Gia he bad oy. written 2aino ty, the pormlssloe deans to cootequeace, inenip | throuen the disturbed districts, along the weal coast fof" Braids oO Weert omar great iaproree uk Quitermndtacs eat eps dail 
Dehsd, anviber nod more ceriour au A ae aera corrode atcight Cone, [ to Welllogion ard tue adjaceriectitewents; Tulsa | ineuth ia surgical ecltace wid orks tpn vertecys Uy ra ts oaeier 
the queitlon whotber a qeutal State Fee ee aaa et Line very aiog ice nave Tave always forbidden | wif! we ara unm ceaulel 4 tave nian YON a Ly Litervoot) Warllle Yokobane, 
Yue feraid to Ms own honor, take cognt . Boropeaas todo, nnd thellocal reboteawptn vuclr Wale i a oat art wiht Si ‘nnd cutton te Nariee & Wale 
gue tera ekich cannot be eatculed without a grea Cearoustoose, Matrongar, Feb, 15, 16:3. | ato alles, are nom erecllnys oabs (0 sioA the pronress ea es Ro eee eer rae tae arse 

Vemilrcted by is. Pxeclicory th tetoopts performed byway of 1s tien" ef Suior ty tho'Atrantia Morey 3.10 T 

seeigiel’., Letowaxsume (nat Preaideat Davia 

fovergor | of the Mtaors, of wbom (hero are upmardy of 3.00) 

Sylow tnatiae | ds 

Hign ‘ilk uolatal Me Weetuge end it te |-fenasceet entsally Op Rec Majeapa eave 
Ft meh €d cal ‘Schr. Billow, Bary 

Hifitn te eridenee yrorlously In. posveesion 

fy. tonwuite with nia 
Yo tue memory of our h 

inal | Arstatuat AdjnaorGeneral Fi 

feepumen, | city una fe vieh 
or | oy odicer who hos served with disiinetfa 

tribute of reave 

for juslits to conlder wbothe! 

} : ful Pouaa woe te lnwielpe your cowmuniestionsof te ith : Sean ere te not pooiatarhiveianare to du the'avk wit S-'W, waleaaud 
see Gy aunhorized Litut. Youse 10 calieet wma. fe Four cou ME a ee re ra rontes Binge: [ade f ; ‘ 
| Haeerae party In Caoaga, to make that cology the basis inne towhlen, clieipg teat ewbeel Under | Gen, Want, to the ‘mcentloe, the loval nati-és | ctiicn es wall 3a Coen oaehit uppatnt oe of our ei Pottbare ror Windsor, N. 8.) Lockbart. 
auapane | Sear eminand tad baa tteeh you ik, wesbar the | fade gavetes about Wengonalaceaerieg cv | Mania?" gtosencesesaoey a. ton dcrson | Opmnd ath Flite TM ae lg 
| als | Jnuure ts tpomate, Hh Eacoledey Be oysrser avd | 22in fu ee losonee, m Chivi named Riv getior | unt eisto a zane hiioe na etdureg wemwrat at | GHaek NRO ha tcgat We Geotge & Seatens 
i PSL DA AT IR Re athe | With tian me nemesand chien, neveauspilied | Bi chovest aed yeti ety ME ER iiigottha | guy ide, with seaar ett George 8 Scpvencon 
Ser abd “2c ae rota scat one il | SSRN aT the Sicnandock.- doe Watuclioepto the | and biutaliy murdered, on account of tbelncalaeal i | Arsisay yeld(or the porneee cleans sreeraly V9 Ue | Ego ; oF 
| Miirdte reaporsloitiy ceetes 2 Soul. | MEG We ina concer Mer usiey"ssjecia in | Join thereter caute. Talnecibar, Ste J.D. Wewerr, | vie tent Ke eq. Rowland, Morrioh. Mewlaa Usteh | EAST INDIA AND DITTER CALE ALES. 
Frits reanocaibty crate Ney acicovot | ilscatey ecodere, any ald apicnrs 2, cr ra | wmoember at tbo Pigisanal Couocht pas ehat 1B | That wa tone ot the de=vara | poe cfmtag cabernet aero. | Thera alate of ipprocet ally brigelan e 
f feteanging cota malen ata nat | Ray Salis Saas arti We te iguionnl Counsi nay Mt | cdaatacs psa siamese | Ae i etaRttdi eens w in | RMR Ed Serge TS 
Ui fahaiec ot omen, Sony axing eu | uanlsteestrang ating elie | Ameeegetndtvar a Wasnt atemty | Ruaterneta fii bk | ORE ACERS coon. Ro orale de tntal | FSI MOnida ey ease gate tic 
e orders, miyat be hang as a male tere vomat | your tomy Jetler, ol Rerday's aats, | Sad crectede pate on the Wallotary piocks tee fram Wera. be bas filled u v0 31 a tsetal W. Lewis & Go. eat Ttbol., between ith and sth evs, 
Bin onde moh oe.aune Sy Sytorcioaton iat [deur tay toa? datit, Shaisel Bing Stas | purchseca by Ine poveroment tat ine aie ot wilch | sada BAS fut hat olall tue coovolaton posite Tae ities, Fortects Mearco 3 hoora, te | Wet Blbot te epuh = 
protected by toe Pete tals piiiiene, aman ourbt | !qqJTHnte vanth, aod Haviox enleroa. tbo sortica of | {he rebels dlsputo. Gon. Cancxox ordered Helsadler | iu thelr ailicton, alin ie meet | GENUINE 
oem more cntay (ay pyivanez amet Coed, | end gag gate hota MN fauet eM Hstiah | Wanprglorm an aavenced can cle ole place, | Civ fis weet atend Ma tuseral ota | costTWictiie Uae yw a, Beaufort da, to be | 
welioat > be enzeked 27 uit iucteions, An ex | tinue koowg ay ite orzo Polltarnt Act. aed | Onine2ith a asiiatuhleok piace, in wenfon scraxa | ant hat ‘is araizand aney | Const Wrecking Uo. aha 
doe aoe eee tue ieoapin acdin he | ffs lntractinns outa by Whe enero foeabe ates | Qo negret ibe tout o€ Lou Jensizosy, eputy | a8x tee eect tte wih asi spon Mae is digtgiIntor, NS) Forte, Curaes 9 | 

‘dockland, with lathe for Wash- 

Judge Suira 

f.eas been reported by the palica that mboat 19 

ter denn weseriog Greadly that "*ibno eenga can sas ee 4 nat as Roe ee ae reel panrrnaned | Legace ae fogtens 5, FS a ; RAIS 
} at Z Hat eight foot men sho bad wean conceslmeet | 04 PRO a sincerely reyrotie Lee iced, That a copy of these rcestallant a, come "Oe Paton; Weater, Sullivan, with cranite for Staten | For moihs. faciured coly by HATING & CUS o 
Sloletion of ceureailty:deetroy the pellicerent chat; Tea ipyefoar aa shobad-ea in conceniarot | Aire men were med tod seven aevercly wavndcd: | quuiat eo iuily of tht esa wi'sad that they | else! ' Porton, fevoid fa New-Yore by Megemar & Cow Occias 
ner Cetietoly one at he arrumsenie employes ite Hz | Nest uay tne, Slaotis attacked ihe cama To force, | tmyuritayed lochewaliy papers Sif Bepjowin Strong, Drown, Elizatethporh for | Pot : : ew ileeen 
by tee learned Judge does not x20 to the welgot of They opsned Oro upon eo outlying picket of tha | “fsicned) JAMES ANDELSON, M. Du Presidents + | Prosideers - Darnaa& Co. Lazill, Mand & Gardloce, We I, schlefy 
By toe letisione. Becouso, Gen, Dix ordered Bix 40 moe Hal hey wery | ep arove (tin iio, aovere fovesaed, wille tbe | Wei. CuasDantatsy SeztelSry faye Amaerleap. Dioxon, Newburyport filo & Co., Teasbaw, Fauthoer & Con, apd crzey re 
aera 0 neo! own te Piste (Ko eye ef te les rer waddcaea ty | fguilne ton pcetotog heer, they burt Ta on hs | Nu —Tue Academy of Meiloleo, the, aargcons jek amen Syacin Rosiaads Wilms, | Spcute drone. 
ie De a ete ere stibete SaaS | SRUUME Teas tas camp Iavuch forceand wiih euch | of Re ee a eee ion nenerslly ap. Michell. rovienee | 
Gen, Diz’a Impressto a Ber. Selorive ine troops bofore thea In atand-io- | Siimeat for tne puryoue af eiecdtag the funeral mt Been ene nocktend y LATE FOR Cl vTIUN 
futyasta drive The agp booze them Inabandio; | wiltmeo! for Ihe purpos? Ot Ane I dara ot | Sctl Giihae Roach tglnig: Ne Landon. T00 LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION, 
Loumbanki win deadly edect. ‘Too Britian aidiera | reny cecondeatrect, at 1 ovelock precliely. {eTbanieln sulin, New-Wediond. Sain a (ee 
thew, " Nereaoon, rallied by Yoelt officerr, » delachtsent of Mt Bpeine. DIssOLUTIO 
Ti wiould bs well lt the Judamont bad stopped nav mounted attiltery charged (ho osilves ta (notear, |, Tho copartcorshly berstofore,gxlaling godee the name 
for heconsicuction of exisudition ceattes Lo 1988 | son to the corr charged, with Ropnted suchuviog eciusily penetraved tne camp, | We are glad to learn that the subscrlpilone act ROO NW Ecce ustsie © arTuSUN. 1 thie 
tone ana eanleh haa perplexed the moat em | Warrant toearey itibto edect, Natorring to that p The tfaors wore driven back {9 Ibe hush. Ouriors | the volume on the, death of Presizent, bisoa any dluntved by mutual copvent,, AW debio dus oh Tua 
ot te a rie” Mevafand. ang. America, nad | o(yoar vinusiatien (ve ih aginat ip wnieh yeu | wnely alieg end 33 wourdod, the tat of ube falter | coml0e 1000 FPF, hy ts as 1 anoutd be: eve Ballods Nias fo bs pala en JOA WILSON aod JUsEE 
Bool Juin both Me rtognce Nenaoler Utore | incre istclcncy he Goyeraor "ina taaczecujon | Includieg Lieut, Wines aed Beslan Gaane of the | fer Inne Suny, eat ohiliren tt Bat teamora Loulta Meera, Ualied State; D, Webster] ROSTER: whe are alone authorized ua wre hs oa) ol 
a Son wolca many erlang we Mowed blatelt | ersia warraok sat pot fered, neovch pinnae the | Fidel. Twenivlbice, Muon bodica mato ra: | pook to Doul down, te, el eta binh HESRY We HOW EL 
Tapately, Mone into tapiea poo the iolroduatton | “uotherclo spccidie wes on board.” a4 am ioe fostion, | covered, and tha total toss of tho enesoy ts extimatel, | brave Dutta fine styia by the publlibers, Sloan Bark Perobroke- Jose sds 
toNTaueey aut into, Tens OH2r, Geioloues What | (oueua, regione che our man pyerleasy allies 2 | Geafaty or aaventy hilea. Tate murdeed men of | Thea 6 Ce. NO, tna eo sireel, mb RIN aes B Wecranmiagrll th Wc eee aed 
a3 Selb more gratullous, sod tuerelore what ined tot the ponon named ia ths wasrant Lan | the eigaieenio Megliaeni and five hundred reo of ea | subaciiption Books may be fodnor—Psy/on Adverts rule Grande, Fonnct. 8.8, Do s 5 
could BO, TOTS Be Gensuuce the polley of eur tierra tbat, wailaat tne tomcat of the dlupatea | Ireicdeth were eogaged, and the Sigorls ats baileved a ai bowers Gels Maver, Viguriny 2amer TIME: | aye bustaes will te enntinael by SOB B, WILSON 
more Imoronet Nem, pedeyay ween the pilvoners | (oeed the Stewon-ceh, Tks beyeod queitian’ that | to Nave been CO) signs.” Its sald that 2.009 MebileE }ivepiog | IDS TES aS and JOSEPIL EOSTEN av the old stand: No, 19 attoRe 
seesertariisgned for any golliioal offonc tiertecreaa toned at the tai JE was oalted, yvar | teu aroin arms pt Weng MATA OO OAR ae aot eae Sven Ied Sani ole the oxme abd Arm of WILSON & f is 
Gplecuarge ot rosbery t What could Ie" itplog teen dnratchel at 66 elutes airs | Held lagi year inthe Wathate, The couotiy in oon | $ poo Am. Gold. Me z Domestto Fort JUN AL welts, 
tingualcals oto #3y uejudlla hn fe 30 fleck UAE tha aprare iain, a4 a matice | Glaicull (operate io, foritera ix no river to facil Palen sik Ace bile BE. Rae Tore /Aprites iM noe e 
SEUELoa tat the South had rinen ta of ct that Aiea at inecures | taro transpert. and whero. the land IW got. covered peta) i, pinygzouss Yulee 
Fee a a ae ene etter muah | Pl Used, Stated, Narertntcn, a8 tap gol scien | wiibantmnenetcalo forest this necraronn wily the “Noe " 71 7 
’ sites ea Cauca maton nee cis | Eitan fea gynatieat: | eatie hon ent mpieh, nore a def corr 1c : Salers REY ea ECOTE WIE LEE AC 
Fee distinction beimcen a rebellion abd @ cist we Ar cf shar sav. | ‘the Wanganul nottves hava abandoned themclvoi 6 feahinmton si (theta. AlereDarie tween Th an) blu avacca SUNDAY, at ah f3.03 
e eae ee nsee gait jiog to the face of tho Qucea's f yoar cov: | Pine delatteogol whe mad. prophel who vat been APD EA ond Gon lease ochre adie | SSE LU ASR Sex Wesscort will preceh at 
aa or orutevting Beale HN palin! purpases of ibe eee SO ee ne atone OL evade eastnel (he Burapesety Hi badens ges Aestodsiyz Avon Bakers Alexandria | 35547 AUR RUSE 
cas Feet ee cigs oat. reat Urknta That as | gen ae aero tho ance Cabrel Uae ect Te, Ha es Qatcoey, Washlgtens | eee opis i 
24 Ror” Se Required to pay for all the da ve nateterato G to encoater faratics aa well patter the tyarky Allanae Tenaing: | A TEOBNEY-ST, DLE THODIST, DOT 
Ra Jor bythe Aladima kod Mer ‘con Mia Fxcallancy, rents of the Pal Sinirre supar- Taultaqcunleanus Pvomotteus, Boekuit, New-¥ or ANT CHURCH Hoy. flee Cevcsixas will | 
3 lis Bt not ewate that The vaildity of a Rea tape eerie ila termea, were vromlied invulneraclie ton, New-urteane: | Pramotbeee Moutsuk, Urteomzo, | atlors A. 2. ales at $F. Mi cod Col, Gages, of Gems 
Federale buiayutesloa (oF voy purpese tual would ub: | tye itty aiid, Ioduced them to mage 100 fork Pant erste: Maly cere VeerVores Sea Gail) | SucRiAx"s army, vill prescu et TH in the Croalog 
CUE EASORT coromteatoe bos ever been Peid'ead open attack on the Nukumaru camp. 1 le Flity Wostiogtdn ; Yazoo, New Vonks, eal ee 3 
tS fou hae doubled, because bo one hoped that tuey bre now uncecelted. Ledoare. teaméra Meteor, Allea; Nenbern :, Teel, : a “nae 
Moe ee eee pound OF the pyiscesoyiuudnealrcday narter Thee tones Morehead Cee? | PREV. SEDNEY 4. CONEY WILL PR 
Sooo ener tne COnledoracy mst Bellin: raised a Feetruemus Cratehaw, Haltaora: Escort, Pera, fae Moray Ut Toplist Chess, carder ¢¢ : 
Reena ie acta. DL wat perloyroed In ite Sootat Revons—Rov. C. L. Unaor, of thls roti onic Asis fincne Mare Sha Baars: re ai Egctogiguen oo, USOAY 
sabe cl eslu@edideel eto! har | la cpt anes aed neat uy ty inks | ly anes for Landen to-cnyi te tam He Hee ai mee th bre Weta ner Sen is ers 
sie yeiee teioue to the | snp tbe Govevoor foro obervance of the vhleof | City ef Baltimore, 10 a\teod an loferaational coi Too" {13 figures schte dames Fant, Grants ~eynie ws 
et ae eine eee aaene | i eeseneaerap ital the mea arrested formed | vec vena an eera onal \ Ueoce! Hntledeipbia 2 White Scab Tis FOSS WILE PT 
CU Cn UCU era ed formed | yeniton of reformatorier, ond toexainine theInatiu~ | ja) de belo" Fanny alloy: Freeman. 3 
(1 Sy! cor erento cove | delete alter etrihercarehandat once ordered | loca of otarly and methods of refcim of Great 429 te aly eR. Pate SW era 
|) uaver excenilon.. The | over the side, and decloricg tat Inno way could he | Britain, and all thelr movements affec necon: | 12 ° dah dee Ji beverts, Gurrany. 6 sot clts90, Cal a 
SE eC eae ae aaa aT pe es aalga el timent | aca aC ia job neseeoHITEBETGIN see ta Geth. des J.D. Devert Gagramy, doy Jecob lecn, TD-TWO ORY GOODS Babee nicn 
Bo es en ee a ee ane tfecals tera [elton o€ the Jower ola, ; Nr, xacu’s long and very (ikea? Panyanery Wasies dag Jouer2, Wernor, Doe bs excelent wradow dreeiers. te fret clas 
st wareh iy eanatders | Paawouts “tn canciavon. alt, allow me to Inform | enc sosstul labors In (bis clty 10 conncetion with the Meee a TT ee cighin cr miai frelnsdcrdat: Wess | Speer aca ese ae i eeaniae ak ROO LE 
SI ee area Nanitee dotiberugrartesnatit | ose ee rent uteree oahee sella ble tioea waa Melis Portlabay Ay aa corte Mevigs | ROsrnee, Notasthray, OM SNES SOT 
rir SwcH a sentiment fe Bly Glreapgcutl and UE, 10 ee Sea waneay | Bete and elsewbere, ‘They eattla Bio to a rank fiake,dos ary Biedan, Lean S. | @URNISUED ROOTS —1Woo ALY 
i pounded ly Lielteoe a waa pray | Mare Usportupity of forwarding It to tbe Ikinhmond | among the foremost pracitoal socal rotormars of the pir, Swad@am: Portland:, Nevice Leman, | Wrumtbed roast le. to" one or two viagls gvtthe- 
< pe i vies eittaarta | Stments Tua led, te enceponcgce te | gar. Ou A afenedaiy ae clet | 1h 1 ‘Fork Wea" Dally, Hall, Bistoas ititen: | meas" tequicest Ne #1 2d-ae : 
wate guneral I (te mate us rere | goeecnmenly oeucand the qovernoeat. “A lee | New-York, vare now come to faraubavorveztes. | 1) for 8 ew Yer 2 ae 3 aa 
en " pL, WareELt to tbe Attorr mre nom come to {arolah a vory exten: | Mi very much excited and strong, Sales of Gold, | goat Westinnion Phaumaaksr Hunter Neweeto Mn saciy at Nor ikg ‘iheeckeornt; aullaile 10 

“Aa, Washinuton { Falrbauks,, unter, Newco elt tanriy at No itd Wleecker-at sual 
8 | ace eal ab HB Dy Myunt, Grey, do: Twiligbly Washington; sebre: | Garried or vinale geatlecsen. PS 

SS Fa arene | lag magtmayegfoed 07 te Come 

Byikiea ‘ond {ke Lalelllgeot logy